Twilighty Fabulous Fall Frolic-Week 1

surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
Autumnal Equinox, aka the first day of Fall is just around the corner.
When I think of the word 'Fall' not only do I think of Halloween, crunching leaves, and wind howling through the trees, I also think of Bella, the fragile human, the accident prone klutz, as she trips, stumbles, slips, slides, and 'falls' her way into Edward's heart. (lucky and smart girl)

Our challenge for this week is:

:explode: Take a stand, and say no to that nagging trigger food. You know what yours is, sugar, chocolate, salty stuff. Report back with your NSV - how did you manage? Was there a trigger? How did it feel to deny eating it? Did you eat less of it, none at all? How can you control cravings in the future? Please share.

:bigsmile: Cardio  112 minutes to practice running from monsters.
'Normal humans run away from monsters, Bella. And I never claimed to be normal. Just human. Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.112'

:drinker: H2O. Let's drink our 64 oz per day. (decaf beverage can be substituted for 16 oz.)

:heart: Strive For Five. Let's work on getting those 5 healthy servings a day, your combo choice of fruit and veggies.

:smile: Last week, 77tes's (aka Kathy) clever quote about Death Cab for Cutie's lyrics to Meet Me On the Equinox -got me thinking - lets list a song or two from the soundtrack or score that we love and share why it's special.

Hope everyone has a great week, let's rock this challenge! Let's be successful! Go Team Twilight!


  • Nursiemj2
    Nursiemj2 Posts: 11 Member
    Favorite Twilight song: Flightless Bird and love how they incorporated it into Breaking Dawn when it was originally playing at prom in number 1. "have i found you? Flightless bird...
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Fabulous Fall Frolic Day 1

    Cardio 24/112

    Strive for five and H2O. Accomplished- I need this challenge, I don't do well on the fruits and veggies or water unless we have it as a goal. (sad I know!). Corn, peppers, peaches, cranberries, tomatoes.

    I made chocolate protein bars on Monday. Recipe called for applesauce, but I used Greek yogurt instead. Not too bad! .I put the batter in cupcake liners and they are about 80 calories each, one gram fat and one gram sugar each. I need something for my sweet tooth that won't blow my calories off the chart and have been trying different things. Plus the cooler weather has seemed to have brought out the Suzy Homemaker in me! :laugh:

    One of my favorite song's is Bellas's Lullaby. I enjoy listening to it on my walks, or when I am stressed at work and need to find my happy place. . In Twilight, I love seeing Edward play the song as Bella looks on. One of my favorite scenes!
  • Nursiemj2
    Nursiemj2 Posts: 11 Member
    i am trying to figure out what "nsv" is. i bet i should know what it means. but i don't. sorry.
  • Nursiemj2
    Nursiemj2 Posts: 11 Member
    Happy to report that I drank 1 gallon of water yesterday. I didn't consume 5 fruits and veggies (only snap peas) this is a total revelation to be because i am usually so much better at this. no wonder my weight has crept back up.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    i am trying to figure out what "nsv" is. i bet i should know what it means. but i don't. sorry.

    Everybody asks, don't worry!!! NSV means Non Scale Victory.
    It is basically defined as anything that you see as a positive - that doesn't involve the number on the scale moving.
    Some examples might be: your clothes fit better, you feel better, someone mentions that you look like you have lost weight, you can touch your toes--or you can now see your toes:wink: , you can walk further than before, etc. It is super important to recognize the NSVs and celebrate them. A lot of our accomplishments show in places other than on the scale. :bigsmile:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    NSV= NonScale Victory
  • Nursiemj2
    Nursiemj2 Posts: 11 Member
    Non scale victory...i never heard it put like that. I luv it! Number on scale is not only indicator of success, i need to re emphasize that to myself.
    Drank gallon of water
    Ate 6 fruits and veggie
    I like this group
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 2 of our Frolicking Fabulous Fall Challenge!

    Cardio is at 65/112
    Strive for 5. Check
    H20. Check

    I have had a tough time feeling like my weight is creeping back up. When I first got my HRM back in January it blew me away how many calories I burned compared to what MFP told me. Even though I continued to lose weight, I think it was in the back of my mind that the HRM was over calculating, but I continued to use the numbers it gave me. After having done some reading, I have decided that I will eat back 75% of the exercise calories instead of 100% and see if that helps me get back on track. One thing for sure about this journey, we have to try new things once in a while to get out of a rut or to see continued progress.

    Song for the day: La Traviata from Twilight....the song that the Cullen family is listening to while they are following the instructions of chef Nick Stilleno to learn how to make italiano for Bella. I enjoy putting on music when I cook or bake, which isn't very often, and I, like the Cullen's, need some tips on doing it correctly!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 3 of our Freaking Fanatical Fall Frolic Challenge....:laugh:

    125/112 cardio. (running from monsters for an hour tonight)
    Strive for 5. Pineapple, apple, onions, corn, carrots
    H20. 6 plus 2 decaf beverages

    NSV. I have been able to incorporate jogging into my walks, and I am not completely winded when I stop. I actually kind of enjoy it too! (Again, I have to ask, who is this person in Yvonne's body?) The jogging really affects my leg muscles and I have been able to see positive results quickly. It certainly gives me incentive to keep going.

    Song of the day....Slow Life from the New Moon Soundtrack. After cliff jumping, Bella is unconscientious in the ocean and she is floating peacefully with Edwards image. Jacob pulls her from the water and Edwards image fades out. My new cell phone has a water rippling effect on it and I put an image of Edward on the screen saver so I can replicate that scene of the movie! :heart:

    Have a good night my friends!
  • Nursiemj2
    Nursiemj2 Posts: 11 Member
    "take anything you want its fine....." Lyrics from that song
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 4 challenge

    170/112 cardio minutes
    Banana, onion, peppers, corn, tomato, apple, carrots
    H20. Not so good today. Drank more coffee than anything!

    Song for the day: With you in my head, by UNKLE , from the Eclipse soundtrack. This song plays in the scene where the Cullens And the wolf pack are training for the upcoming battle with the newborn vampires. One of my favorites!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 4,013 Member
    I love all the twilighty music (well, most of it). But speaking of themes that surface again, Jacob's theme from Eclipse comes to mind, and, am I right in thinking that it surfaces when Jacob first sees Renesmee in BD? Oh, better watch again to find out.

    So far, I'm good on cardio and water (helps that its sweltering here in SoCal). But fruits and veggies I've been getting lazy about. I didn't prep my carrots and celery from the farmer's market so I haven't been making those my go-to snacks. Instead I ate a bag of chips instead. I am really craving the salty snacks.

    I need a cool breath of Northwest air, or a stone-cold vampire to chillax with. How I envy you your trip to Forks, Yvonne!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Week 1 - Day 1

    Cardio - 3/112
    Water - 8/8
    Veggies - 5/5

    Week 1 - Day 2

    Cardio 58/112
    Water 8/8
    Veggies 4/5

    Week 1 - Day 3

    Cardio 143/112
    Water - 5/8
    Veggies - 1/5

    Week 1 Day 4

    Cardio - 143/112
    Water 7/8
    Veggies - 3/5

    Song - Never Think
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,361 Member
    What a great challenge! Sorry I missed it. My favorite song of the soundtracks is "White Demon Love Song," but then I'll hear something else and think that is my favorite. "Flightless Bird" is also great.

    NSV -- The bathroom in my hotel had a glass shower enclosure and mirrors all around the room. All I've got to say is -- I'm sure glad I lost 64 pounds BEFORE I had to shower in that bathroom. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I missed eating fruit and veggies on my trip, but I drank tons of water. I'd have a liter of sparkling water with dinner every night. I also got lots of cardio walking all over London and climbing to the top of St. Pauls, and the first week I did my daily dozens each day, too. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold, so I will have to miss my workouts for a few days.

    I'll wait a few days to access the damages on the scale. Honestly, logging my diary got a bit embarrassing, not to say difficult. But I had a great time and wasn't too aweful.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    We missed you. Sorry you caught a cold. :flowerforyou: Hope you are feeling yourself again very soon. I'm glad you had such a great time. All that walking and climbing must have been so much fun you probably didn't even think of it as exercise. It's always challenging to eat right on Vacation, and being in another country would just increase that challenge by about 10 times!

    Day 5
    Water (the positive thing about eating out, is they continue to fill that water glass up!)
    Cardio...I took the day off, it had been a week, so I needed the rest day. 170/112

    Twilight Songs.....I have been thinking about this, and I am very curious as to what will be on the new soundtrack....wonder what new artists we will hear from and if we will be revisited by some from the previous soundtracks....Muse? It is exciting to think we can buy our movie tickets in less than 2 weeks.

    Happy Saturday everyone.

    P.S. if anyone has a suggestion for week 2 of our challenge, let me know please. I want to keep it enjoyable.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Week 1 Day 5

    Cardio - 143/112
    Water 7/8
    Veggies - 2/5

    Song - Let Me Sign
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Week 1 Day 6

    Cardio - 173/112
    Water 8/8
    Veggies - 5 different, but probably combined equaled 4 servings. Pumpkin in my oatmeal, corn, tomatoes, green peppers & onions in my chipolte bowl, then tomatoes & onions on my gyro
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I didn't even get a chance to check in this week because of the craziness at work, but I actually had a good week overall with food. I didn't get my 5 fruits/veggies in every day though so I need to work on that. I more than managed the cardio thanks to dancing the night away last night, though I also had some calorie damage thanks to the amount of wine I consumed. Water is never a problem for me since all I drink these days is water and coffee.

    My favorite Twilight music right now is "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. I love her latest album ("Jar of Hearts" is a fabulous song too!) and since she is a Twilight fan and was thrilled to be asked to write a song for Breaking Dawn, that makes it even better.:happy:

    NSV: I got checked out at work this week by a couple of cute workmen who were installing the cubicle/desk stations in our office. As the days passed, they got braver and started talking to me instead of just giving me the eye. My fave moment came when the one walked pass me while we were in a room alone so I could show him where something was. His line? "You smell REALLY good".:laugh: It was awesome to walk around and not feel self conscious about my weight...and it never hurts to be admired a bit. :wink:

    Hope you all had a great week!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Week 1 Day 7

    Cardio - 218/112
    Water 8/8
    Veggies - 5/5 pumpkin, watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, onions
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    NSV: I got checked out at work this week by a couple of cute workmen who were installing the cubicle/desk stations in our office. As the days passed, they got braver and started talking to me instead of just giving me the eye. My fave moment came when the one walked pass me while we were in a room alone so I could show him where something was. His line? "You smell REALLY good".:laugh: It was awesome to walk around and not feel self conscious about my weight...and it never hurts to be admired a bit. :wink:

    :You smell REALLY good". Hmmm, he must have been a vampire! Watch out human!