Primal and Sleep

I was wondering if anyone else noticed changes in their sleep quality or sleep patterns when they first started Primal. A little background: I've been having progressively more and more difficulty sleeping (both falling asleep and staying asleep) as the years have gone on on the SAD. It is to the point now where I have to take two melatonin tablets and an allergy tablet (diphenylhydramine) in order to get a good nights sleep. It seems that once I get going on a good stretch of primal the melatonin and allergy tabs stop working, so it takes me at least an hour to drop off and I spend from 2am to 6am waking up repeatedly and never getting back to a good sleep. On the bright side I have more energy on Primal so what would normally be a debilitating lack of good sleep isn't a show stopper anymore. I guess I'm just wondering what, if any, differences the rest of you have noticed. I have a lot of stress and free floating anxiety (my job has been like a pressure cooker since July) so I'm not sure exactly what I should attribute these changes to.

Thanks for any/all input!


  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    it could be that your body has gotten used to the melatonin

    We had our daughters using melatonin and after a while we realized that their bodies just got used to it so it wasn't working - per thier Dr. melatonin is best when used sparringly so not every night
  • Yeah, I knew when I was taking them that this wasn't the best idea... but I get so run down when I can't get enough sleep that every time I tried a night without it I'd be right back on the next night to make up for the sleep I lost. And since I'm waking up anyways with panic twinges because my mind remembered yet another thing at work that I need to get done I figured I needed all the help I could get.

    I think I'm just going to go off both and see if this evens out. I'd really love to get back to a point where I wake up actually feeling rested without any added chemicals. Once you stopped the melatonin was there anything the Dr recommended for your daughters to help them get to sleep or stay asleep?
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I had prescription sleeping pills and I went off them when I started being primal........sleeping like a baby without them give it a bit of time and don't sweat over it, I used to toss and turn and be up all night......listen to Mark Sisson about sleep, I am now doing Whole 30 and I am on day 4 and I sleep like a rock at the moment. So yes, your food has everything to do with how we feel.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    My sleep got better. I could fall asleep, but would wake up often in the night. Now, I have a good solid comfortable sleep. I do try to guarantee 8 hours though and often have the luxury of not using an alarm clock - so I don't - I just let the sun wake me up.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Yeah, I knew when I was taking them that this wasn't the best idea... but I get so run down when I can't get enough sleep that every time I tried a night without it I'd be right back on the next night to make up for the sleep I lost. And since I'm waking up anyways with panic twinges because my mind remembered yet another thing at work that I need to get done I figured I needed all the help I could get.

    I think I'm just going to go off both and see if this evens out. I'd really love to get back to a point where I wake up actually feeling rested without any added chemicals. Once you stopped the melatonin was there anything the Dr recommended for your daughters to help them get to sleep or stay asleep?

    Just to try and get them to relax on thier not be stimulated by electronics and such - so we have them go to bed and they get 1/2 hour to read and wind down.

    On occassion we do use melatonin - usually for my one who attempts to get to sleep and simply can't - then we have her take one - happens maybe once a week.
  • Thanks for the input everyone. :)

    One thing I did find while searching through was a link to the f.lux program. I downloaded it to my laptop last night and I think it actually made a difference. I'm on my laptop a lot in the evenings and f.lux helps filter out the blue light after the sun sets. This was a lot easier on my eyes/brain, and with the addition of a little bit of carbs before bed I finally managed to get a moderately decent night sleep.

    Just thought I would pass this along in case anyone else has the same problem. I'm going to keep testing out different changes I can make to improve my quality of sleep.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I love f.lux. Great program. I usually go to my bed about 30-40 minutes before I want to turn the light off, and just read. It's a nice ritual to help me unwind.
  • I wish reading was an option... but I'm a voracious reader. :ohwell: I get so into the story that I've been known to read until 3am without even realizing it. When the final book comes out in a story I've been following since high school I'm taking a four day weekend to devour it in one fell swoop.
  • My sleep got WAY better. Prior to giving up gluten I would wake up a lot during the night w/ digestive discomfort and then I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep.

    If you are under a lot of stress though, I'm sure that is a factor. I have a horrible time sleeping when I'm stressed. I can't shut my mind off.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    kitty, try reading the physicians desk reference (pdr). I doubt that would keep you up. :)