Trying to get calorie count up there!

Im REALLY REALLY trying to get the calorie count up there.
And some days I can, (like yesterday, but that's because I drank an "Angry Pumpkin" and it put me just over.

Then there are days like today- where its VERY difficult to make the calories up.

Thursdays are my hardest days because not only do I run for 20-30 mins, but i have minimally two hours of dance class, possibly another 30 mins of dance if we run over because we're prepping for a showcase.

So even with all Ive eaten today, I still have 1637 to make up.
I feel bloated.
I feel full

i need some ideas to sneak food into my day.


  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    There's nothing cheese can't be added to without improving it.

    Milk is another one I used to use to bump the figures up too. Plenty of protein and doesn't fill you like solids will.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I find that nuts and nut butters always help get my calories up there. I've also been adding a TBS of ground flaxseed to my greek yogurt, which helps.

    Also, cook your food in some type of healthy fat, like EVOO, grapeseed oil or coconut oil.

    Eat bigger protein portions than normal. Like instead of eating a 4-oz piece of chicken breast, eat a 6-8 oz piece. Same with fish and shellfish.

    Other ideas....hard-boiled eggs, cheese, milk, protein shakes, homemade granola, greek yogurt!!
  • My protein shake bumps up my calories easily for me. I add all knids of things to it. Nuts, egg whites, nut butters, banana, protein milk. Its yummy and I dont feel like Im stuffing myself eating 2400+ a day.
  • well, your breakfast could be heartier. Cook eggs in oil or butter to add ~100-120 calories, add 1 oz cheese for another 100 calories. That's 220.

    Snack on nuts, cheese, hummus with ww pita, or a protein shake.

    Great HIGH CALORIE protein shake:

    2 tbsp flax - 60
    12 oz 2% milk - 180
    1 scoop protein-140 (or 1.5 scoops if 100 cals per scoop)
    2 tbsp pb (190)
    1 banana or packet of hot cocoa (100)

    TOTAL: 670 calories

    Healthy, Tasty, Calorie Dense Oatmeal
    1 cup 2% milk: 120
    1 serving oatmeal (150)
    1 oz nuts (160)
    1 tbsp brown sugar or maple syrup (50)
    TOTAL: 480 calories
  • thanks guys!!!

    Im happy to say that I walked over to our cafe at work and just found out that they have new bento style snack boxes (I work for a very well known athletic wear company so we have a cafe on site)

    and I got one that has :rolled up turkey slices, three little wedges of sharp cheese, one hard boiled egg, and a third compartment with grape tomatos, sliced peppers and baby carrots.

    I do have hemp protein powder at home, that I can make shakes with. I'll have to remember to add that in to the mix
    as well as both flax and chia seeds

    hahaha- ok bento snack box was only good for about 275 calories.
    Im still gonna need quite a bit more. hopefully Mr Pirate makes something yummy for dinner.
    And then i can finish off with a protein smoothie
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Definitely eat more at breakfast than you want to. And then more at lunch! You'll get used to it.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    2 tablespoons of peanut butter

    also try liquid calories
  • thanks for the other ideas!