Dumb Newb Things

katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
Four years ago. My first time on the range, I thought I was being smart. I wore a tank top with a thin long sleeve shirt over it thinking that would keep my arms from getting burned by casings.

What I didn't think of was if the casings went flying upward and went DOWN the front of my low cut top. Burned boobs for me. Some landed directly center and basically got stuck. :laugh:

And of course, the idiot pinch. That was nice and bloody.

Anyone else have a funny story?


  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Back when I was a youngster of sorts, I was sighting in my deer rifle with a scope. I didn't hold it quite properly, having never shot a rifle with a scope before. I took some skin off my nose.... so now I can't use the term 'no skin off my nose' :)

    I saw stars in the middle of the day I did.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Four years ago. My first time on the range, I thought I was being smart. I wore a tank top with a thin long sleeve shirt over it thinking that would keep my arms from getting burned by casings.

    What I didn't think of was if the casings went flying upward and went DOWN the front of my low cut top. Burned boobs for me. Some landed directly center and basically got stuck. :laugh:

    And of course, the idiot pinch. That was nice and bloody.

    Anyone else have a funny story?

    I was young... maybe 13 when I shot my dad's .9mm ... I didn't think at all. I wore a spaghetti strap top and had pretty much the same thing happen... Except it went down the back of my shirt. It SUCKED. Somehow I haven't managed to get pinched by the slide though.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    I took the wife to the range yesterday and warned her about the slide. Then I proceeded to get hit by it myself!!
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I took the wife to the range yesterday and warned her about the slide. Then I proceeded to get hit by it myself!!

    Lol! At least you were nice enough to warn her. I didn't get a warning. I guess that's my "initiation."
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    One of my officers holds his semi-auto like a revolver (with his thumbs crossed). I keep correcting him and am waiting for the day when the slide takes some meat off the top of his thumb. I don't see how it hasn't happened yet.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    We had some guys firing the .50 on the top of a Hummer. My friend was firing facing the drivers side and I was kneeling on the hood. He finished firing and I watched him clear the weapon. As soon as he cleared it, I reached up and grabbed the barrel to swing it out of the way.
    You can probably guess how that felt.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Four years ago. My first time on the range, I thought I was being smart. I wore a tank top with a thin long sleeve shirt over it thinking that would keep my arms from getting burned by casings.

    What I didn't think of was if the casings went flying upward and went DOWN the front of my low cut top. Burned boobs for me. Some landed directly center and basically got stuck. :laugh:

    And of course, the idiot pinch. That was nice and bloody.

    Anyone else have a funny story?

    Ahh... the hot brass boobie dance... always entertaining so long as they are not also dancing around with weapon in hand!
  • glonigan
    I was so excited when I bought my last rifle (It was a smoking deal with a Leupold Scope already mounted) that I went straight from the gun store to the range. Proceeded to send two boxes of 30-06 through it but could not hit the target at 100 yards. Of course the range was empty except for the 3 old timers that run the place so they were getting a great chuckle out of my lack of progress in sighting in the scope. After I was thoroughly bruised and beaten by my new pride and joy, I realized the sales men had not put the scope on remotely in line with the barrel. It was so far tweaked to one side that it was obvious from any distance except from mine. With no tools to adjust the mounting screws, I figured it was just time to leave in humiliation.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Four years ago. My first time on the range, I thought I was being smart. I wore a tank top with a thin long sleeve shirt over it thinking that would keep my arms from getting burned by casings.

    What I didn't think of was if the casings went flying upward and went DOWN the front of my low cut top. Burned boobs for me. Some landed directly center and basically got stuck. :laugh:

    And of course, the idiot pinch. That was nice and bloody.

    Anyone else have a funny story?

    Ahh... the hot brass boobie dance... always entertaining so long as they are not also dancing around with weapon in hand!

    I remember being at the range one time with a hat on and everything and still a little 22 shell bounced off the divider and got stuck between my necklace and me. I put the gun down and backed up to shake it out and the old timer next to me asked if I was okay. Not wanting to be "that" girl I pointed to the gun on the counter and said "my gun's over there" - he smiled and asked again if I was okay. Nice guy - think he appreciated that I was more concerned about safety than the burn. I had a nice scar from that one.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    We bought a Benelli Nova pump one night at Bass Pro (damn that bar in store, makes you buy all sorts of interesting things) and so I was dying to try it at trap. I wasn't used to the size of it and had my hand in the wrong place. Had a fun day, but I kept hitting my cheek with my thumb while I was trying to figure out the placement. The next day I had a bruise on my cheek and had to go into the office - lovely. The guys got a kick out of it, of course after they made jokes wondering what DH looked like after my weekend.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Four years ago. My first time on the range, I thought I was being smart. I wore a tank top with a thin long sleeve shirt over it thinking that would keep my arms from getting burned by casings.

    What I didn't think of was if the casings went flying upward and went DOWN the front of my low cut top. Burned boobs for me. Some landed directly center and basically got stuck. :laugh:

    And of course, the idiot pinch. That was nice and bloody.

    Anyone else have a funny story?

    Eek! I took a ladies-only class (taught by women) for my first time, so they warned us of that. The class came with a free t-shirt, so their advice was to put the t-shirt on over your shirt if you wanted to be sure not to have a casing fly down and burn the girls.

    This newbie story is not so much mine as my husband's, but we were sharing a lane and trying various semi-automatics. The empty clip would not release on this one particular pistol, so I suggested that we ask for help from one of the staff. He was about to leave the range with the clip still in it, and I grabbed him right before he walked out and told him I would get someone, that leaving the range with a gun that appeared to still be loaded was a very bad idea. That could have been very embarrassing!
  • jlt1968
    jlt1968 Posts: 77 Member
    I wasn't the Dummy but I may have saved the life of two dummys. My brother and his buddy both bought an SKS this was when you could get the cheap built Chinese versions for like less then $80 bucks (miss those days). Well neither of them know anything about guns! First thing they did when they walked out of the store was go out shooting. They did no cleaning or prepping what so ever both were lucky the rifels didn't blow up in their face. I told them how stupid they wer and then told them to bring me the rifels and I would clean them and make sure they were safe to shoot. Really I do not know how the rifles evan functioned they were so packed with cosmoline and grease. Well I did get a nice scope and mount from his buddy as a thank you for cleaning his rife and showing him how to break it down.