How much do you want to lose?



  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
    I want to lose as much as is necessary to get into a healhier range. Ideal is 68 lbs but 40/50 lbs would be fine too, it's so far away and has been so long ago since I was there, it is still an unknown concept. I want to lose the bits that drag me down and hold me hostage, peel off this suit of armor.

    SW 235
    CW 218
    GW 150
  • suchan7
    I started at 265, and lost down to 207 about six years ago. then I gained back to 235-240 and stayed there until I was in the hospital for a month in April. I lost 20 lbs then and when people saw me again, their reactions were so nice to hear, I'm motivated to keep going. I thought I could just do it by "feel" but the pounds started inching up again So, I'm doing this and I bought a new fancy digital scale and a bike and a gym membership so here I go!

    Hope you all have a great day! Let's eat a lot of fruit today and get outside in the fall weather for at least half an hour.
  • nisha_a_hussain
    I started my weightloss jorney at the end of june this year so i stepped on the scale and weighed 272lbs (19stones and 6lbs). A couple of days later my generous husband bought me a digital scale i'd been asking for so i could measure my weight more accurately. Can you believe I weighed 282lbs (20st and 2lbs) on the new scale. I was so ashamed!

    Anyway no crying over spilt milk so i continued on my journey regardless of the new weight the scale had shown me.

    2.5 months on I have lost just over 28lbs (2 stones) and still so motivated to carry on.

    I currently weigh 253 lbs (18st 1 lbs)
    I still have approx 103lbs (7st 5lbs) to lose in order to be at a reasonable weight.

    I havent put a time limit it on it because for the first time in my life i am portion controlling, trying to change my eating habbits and lifestyle opposed to dieting (the quick fix i usually seek)

    Good luck to everyone. I hope to see a dramatic change in myself in the next 6 months!
  • kyes31
    Hi my name is Kylie I joined approx 30 odd days ago I have 37.5kgs (although weigh in is tomorrow morning so probably less now) This is approx 83 pounds. My BMI says I am obese & I need to be between 46-61 kgs to be considered healthy so having a goal at 60kgs I think is reasonable. Pre-pregnancy 10 years ago I use to go up & down between 57-62 & I use to think I was fat then boy was I wrong lol

    But luckily enough I have finally found a gym that works for me & this fantastic app to guide me with nutrition. I go to gym upto 12 times a week so as long as I am eating healthy I am hopeful this will take me a year to lose this weight as I am fighting for my life protecting my asthma & give the kids full quality of care with the new me, the new energy & the new lease on life

    Good luck to everyone I wish you all the very best & crave this challenge to find the hidden us that is dying to shine xoxox
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    Hi I am Deb
    SW- 235
  • snappsgirl89
    snappsgirl89 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I would like to lose about 150 lbs total. Signed up for MFP 2010 and gave up with keeping up with it and trying hard to lose weight. So I just came back to it yesterday.

    SW (2010) 320
    CW 289
    GW 170
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    Hello, I just started to day

    my current weight is 228
    goal weight 140
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Want to lose 28 pounds by New Year, on the way to 110 pounds (maybe a few more, but I'll have time to think about that) Been at this for a while. already lost 25 pounds this year, so it is possible.
  • crazygurl456
    crazygurl456 Posts: 10 Member
    I just wanted to give some encouragement! We can accomplish anything we want! I believe in all of you and I KNOW we CAN do it! Just believe in yourselves and don't ever give up!

  • mluanne33
    mluanne33 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for the support Crazygirl....It's a journey. but there is liught at the end of the tunnel.....I know I can do this !!! Thanks again for the encouragement
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Hi: I am Sue. I lost about 75 pounds eight years ago because I wanted to be an active grandma and not just one who could only sit around and read stories etc. I am now 64 and the weight has creeped back up, not to where I started in 2004 but very close. My dietitian gave me this web site and I have been using it and the Optitrim program for a little over six weeks now. Good luck to all. You all seem really motivated. Hope reading your stories will keep me that way too! Thanks.

    SW 227
    CW 219
    GW 200 before my birthday in January.
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    Just reading the posts here give me inspiration.....thank you to every one!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I need to lose another 60 lbs. I have already lost 9.5 lbs since starting MFP. This is a great sight and the support is great, too. Everyone's posts is inspiring to me. Keep up the great work in your journeys. I am encouraged. Thanks.

    SW: 200
    CW: 190.5
    GW: 130
  • orionuer
    orionuer Posts: 37 Member
    Hi y'all. I joined MFP last year around June and was 200lbs, I fell off the bandwagon and since then shot up to about 225lbs by June this year. I rejoined MFP in July and I have kept at it started working out seriously 2 months ago and it really is working out for me. I hope to get to my goal weight by same time next year :)

    CW 200 lbs
    SW 225 lbs
    GW 130 lbs