1 week down - how are we doing?

So, we're over a week in --- how's everyone doing?? Week 1 was pretty good for me, I think. I got really tired at 3:00 every day until yesterday. Had some pretty nice "week-1" weight loss, and now I expect my body's adjusted and I won't be seeing those crazy numbers anymore. Surprised to find that I don't really miss my old staple, greek yogurt with honey and granola!

Excited to see what the next week will bring...


  • Sounds like you have made great progress! Congrats!

    Week 1 made me more tired than I expected. I have eaten paleo for about 18 months, so I challenged myself to do a 21 day sugar detox for this paleo challenge. That means no sugar of any kind, including fruit (except green apples which I haven't had yet). I balanced out my low energy by incorporating more sweet potatoes than I probably should have. This week, I am working on finding the balance between sweet potato and exhaustion! The good news is that my energy feels like it is returning bit by bit every day.

    As far as weight loss - I don't own (and refuse to touch) an evil scale. I judge my progress on how my clothes fit. So far, no new results. But, it typically takes my body a couple weeks to see progress, so I'm just waiting. I am sure payoff will be coming in week 3!
  • Yeah - I have actually contemplated getting rid of my scale, as well. But I've held onto it just because for me it's been an accountability thing. But maybe that should be my next challenge -- letting go of the "numbers"....

    Haha, good luck on your sweet potato/exhaustion ratio!
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    I have successfully been to a bar 3 times in the last week and only drank water. This is HUGE for me!

    The eating has actually been a little easier than I thought it would be. Once I got past the not eating organic only (I try but sometimes I just can't cough up the cash for some items) it made it easier. I was really worried about what to eat on the nights I go straight to class from work. Dinner has been creative but not so bad.
  • JennyDeMegs
    JennyDeMegs Posts: 1 Member
    I have been feeling good! I hope I've been doing everything properly! Today I had a really rough morning though and broke down and had a Diet Coke. Yikes! I feel pretty good though! I struggle with being super tired in the morning due to lack of 5 Hour Energy and Diet Coke!
  • I am feeling stronger and happier already. I am not hungry 24/7 anymore and dont have to eat as much anymore. ;) I haven't weighed myself so I cannot measure progress based on that. I feel great though. :)
  • Its been rough. I've been about 80/20 for a while, but I've never really limited my dairy consumption before. Even though I eat pretty clean normally, I'm having a hard time not having paleo chocolate chip cookies around and saying no to butter. My hope was that my asthma would improve, but no signs of that yet. Gotta say, I broke down and had a paleo cookie this weekend; it was totally worth it.
  • That's awesome, chichicorrea! (ha, sorry, I don't know your actual name!) I still get hungry at regular 4 hour intervals, but I find I don't need to eat as much at those meals, either. Thinking this might become a permanent (or near-permanent; 90-10) lifestyle after the challenge. keep on keepin' on, everyone!
  • Hi Everyone,
    I was HIT last week with a horrible stomach virus and am trying to get back to just being able to eat.So I'm going to have to drop out of the challenge for now. I'm excited to be able to work out this week at least. I promise to wipe down all of the equipment and keep my germs to myself!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • davidbchu
    davidbchu Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys, I doing well energy-wise. I feel much better this week than last. Not as hungry and don't feel like I'm overeating to make up for the lack of carbs. Tried the Steve's Original jerky packs, which are good mid-day snacks. Cooking all my meals was an adjustment the first week too but I've gotten into it. I don't crave sweets as much as I miss going to restaurants. But all in all, I can't complain.
  • Hi Paleo challengers!

    I have really started getting to know the veggie aisle at the store and how to make chicken taste good when we're eating it frequently. I have so much more energy and have been handling worrk stress much better! It's also a bonus to save money on dining out as we were doing that multiple times per week prior to this month.

    For those times when you want to get out, I've found that Brasa, Foxy Falafel and 112 eatery can make a pretty great Paleo friendly meal. Any others that you have found?

    I'm also craving more Crossfit...I just upped to 3x per week and find myself being less sore and ready to got to a couple more wod's. May need to go unlimited!

    As for straying, I did have a Saturday that I will not log the details of....beer festival, falafel and burrito bar...I felt the worst sugar cravings of my life the following Monday. It was surprisingly painful to remind my body of that stuff.

    Hope everyone is getting what they aimed for so far!
  • Glad to see everyone doing so well. Hopefully things are starting to click at this point after 3 weeks, anyone having any trouble or issues?