Weight Watchers

2stews Posts: 5 Member
Well I just canceled my subscription, I cant believe this site is sooooo cool and FREE, Thanks for the information leading me here. I hope that some of our other friends will follow us.


  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    We're getting some takers for sure. Linda just joined too. Can you see my friends?
  • 2stews
    2stews Posts: 5 Member
    yes i can see your friends
  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't want to rail on WW too much here, but I have to say I love the features on this site MUCH better. It runs like a community site should. You should be able to see a response from one of your friends if they post from their side. I was not fond of running all over the WW site to see if there was a response to something I said on one of your pages. They will probably fix this down the road.
  • 2stews
    2stews Posts: 5 Member
    I sooo agree with you I do believe that this site is way better than WW and it offers everything and more the only difference I can find is your counting calories and not points less calculating in my opion. The food and exercise data base are huge..
  • I like this site too. Am staying on WW too though. It has worked for me . Being on this site helps me think about food measurement in another way and I figure it cant hurt.
    Have a good night friends!
  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    Counting points, always made me a little nervous when I first started WW. But I do see how it creates a new way to look at what your consuming. I've been a calories counter for years so am glad to be back in familiar territory.