So, where are we all from / what kind of Pagan community do



  • emfilomena
    Hey, I'm Emily! I'm from Cambridge, MA, but I live in Nashua, NH. Not too far from Salem, actually! I'd like to say my beliefs are generally eclectic, but are definitely colored with Celtic beliefs.
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I'm Julie...I am in Amarillo Texas. Me and the hubby have been solitary practitioners for more years than I care to count..but we are now looking to meet up with others, an open circle perhaps...our 14 year old daughter is expressing an interest and so we would like to socializing with others, so not sure how many are in our is rather a heavy christian area and I have gotten some mean comments from the Goddess Bless America bumper sticker on my jeep and the my daughter was told NOT to wear her pentacle to wear a crucifix instead (yes I was offended) so it makes me a little leery of being very more open about being pagan than we already are.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I really don't participate in local pagan/wiccan events, but I try to go to Salem, MA once a year for a reading and just to feel the energy of the Witch Village. Hey, it is a National Park. It is awesome to go there. Think I might have been there in a past life. I won't go to the reenactment of the Witch Trials. Just could not deal with that drama.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I really don't participate in local pagan/wiccan events, but I try to go to Salem, MA once a year for a reading and just to feel the energy of the Witch Village. Hey, it is a National Park. It is awesome to go there. Think I might have been there in a past life. I won't go to the reenactment of the Witch Trials. Just could not deal with that drama.

    My mama used to do tours at the Witch Village. In all honesty, it's not what it used to be. Salem is a huge money-maker now, and they're much less focused on the history and the energy that's already there. However, the ritual room in the back of the Witch Village is where I grew up doing a lot of my rituals and classes. It was my group's space :)

    I go to school at the college in Salem, perhaps we'll bump into each other sometime! Even though I try my darndest to avoid downtown during the Halloween season.
  • virgomuse
    virgomuse Posts: 33 Member
    I'm out and proud as a witch/pagan. I was once part of a very large public group, however living near a militiary base, peeps are very transit. So there are LOTS of small private groups and I have many friends that walk the path, but for the most part i'm solitary :O) I do travel all over Eastern NC to attend PPD, festivals and open rituals.
  • MamaJasmine
    I am from a small corn town in Iowa. We have about 4 pagans total in our town. However we do have quite the community here. We have a city a little over an hour away and then Des Moines is 2 hours away. Both places have events and traveling is not that bad. In fact I helped start the local community and was a council member for a while. Now I am a free agent and I host workshops for all the different groups events. I am really excited about festival season this year! I may fit into a sarong finally!
  • AlysonBug
    AlysonBug Posts: 67 Member
    I am from a small corn town in Iowa. We have about 4 pagans total in our town. However we do have quite the community here. We have a city a little over an hour away and then Des Moines is 2 hours away. Both places have events and traveling is not that bad. In fact I helped start the local community and was a council member for a while. Now I am a free agent and I host workshops for all the different groups events. I am really excited about festival season this year! I may fit into a sarong finally!

    What do you mean by Council member? What does the council do? How many people are on it? Sorry just curious, we have a large pagan community in the Saginaw area (Michigan) and we don't have a council then there is an even bigger one in the Detroit area and they also don't have a council to my knowledge. There's covens, high priestesses, and crones that are respected and looked up to but no council. Is it beneficial to have one? I only ask questions because it seems like it would make a lot of things easier and more organized lol.

    (I can't wait to fit into a sarong as well!!!)
  • AlysonBug
    AlysonBug Posts: 67 Member
    My mama used to do tours at the Witch Village. In all honesty, it's not what it used to be. Salem is a huge money-maker now, and they're much less focused on the history and the energy that's already there. However, the ritual room in the back of the Witch Village is where I grew up doing a lot of my rituals and classes. It was my group's space :)

    I go to school at the college in Salem, perhaps we'll bump into each other sometime! Even though I try my darndest to avoid downtown during the Halloween season.

    Yeah I hear all the time that Salem is too busy to even attempt a trip then I also heard even if you did go it isn't what you would expect. Just tourism place now. Kinda sad.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    New on here - I'm a shamanic Druid from Kent (UK). Involved in a monthly drum circle and a study group and also belong to a pagan based Morris side as a musician and story teller.
  • eye4art
    eye4art Posts: 29 Member
    I live in rural WI near the Green Bay area and I'm a solitary witch and eclectic pagan. Paganism in general speaks to me, but I haven't found a specific path that calls me. There is a general pagan group that does meet ups in Green Bay, but I haven't yet attended any of their events.

    We do have herbal/tea shops. And other things can be found if you look. There is a blown glass/pipe small business near me that also carries crystals. I get my books online, my candles from crafts stores, ect.

    To date, I don't have any in person friends who follow the same path. But I hope that will change one day.

    I'm new to the group and MFP but live in the Appleton area which is just south of you. I am also an eclectic pagan and will send you a friend request. I would love to chat with you about local shops and events or whatever.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'm a naturalistic pantheist, in the seacoast area of NH. I don't belong to any Pagan community, but I have several friends who are Pagan or Pagan-ish so there's always someone to get together with on the Equinoces and Solstices, etc, if we want. Our UU church also has an "Earth-based Religions" group, although the leader of that moved away and it's not been very active since then. Nothing very organized, but then again, I haven't sought that out either. There's an ADF Grove here (I was an ADF member for a while, but never got together with the group) and I believe a Wiccan coven not too far away... I haven't seen too many pagan bookstores, there are maybe two within a half hour drive? The local B&N has a great Pagan section, though. :)
  • MarisaLWood
    MarisaLWood Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a naturalistic pantheist, in the seacoast area of NH. I don't belong to any Pagan community, but I have several friends who are Pagan or Pagan-ish so there's always someone to get together with on the Equinoces and Solstices, etc, if we want. Our UU church also has an "Earth-based Religions" group, although the leader of that moved away and it's not been very active since then. Nothing very organized, but then again, I haven't sought that out either. There's an ADF Grove here (I was an ADF member for a while, but never got together with the group) and I believe a Wiccan coven not too far away... I haven't seen too many pagan bookstores, there are maybe two within a half hour drive? The local B&N has a great Pagan section, though. :)

    Seattle, where I live, has a very visible Pagan community with several Meetup groups, an ADF Grove, several metaphysical bookstores (including one specifically Pagan one) and (until 2008) it also had a CUUPS--Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans--group. I served for 7 years on the Seattle CUUPS Board.

    I've been solitary for the past four years, partly because I got tired of all the witch wars, drama, and general group dynamics s**t involved with groups, and partly because there are so few here who worship the Egyptian Gods as I do. I can count them on one hand; for some reason most of the groups here are Celtic.
  • JeriOwl
    I'm near St. Louis. If anyone will be visiting the area, every June there is an amazing weekend long Pagan Picnic!
  • DevoteeofIset
    DevoteeofIset Posts: 77 Member
    I am from Philadelphia, PA. I belong to the Iseum of the Sacred Lotus which is international but is currently holding a physical space in Bethlehem, PA. I am a devotee of Isis.

    I go to some open circles in Bethlehem, PA and Delaware/NJ. I currently have a group of friends and we all belong to something different but we get together and celebrate as many occasions as possible. The more I delve into communities, the more diversity I see around my area. I have practiced since I was a teenager but it is nice to get together with larger communities, groups to share, learn, talk. I try to visit and learn as many communities/events as I can travel to.
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    I am originally from Iowa but military life has lead us to Hawaii, currently :) I go by eclectic pagan but recently I have been spending a lot of time with the Norse/Heathen Path. My family and I are blessed with a Kindred and a couple circles that we frequent here.
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    I live in Longmont, Colorado. There are a few closed groups in the area, but not a very strong community. There is one metaphysical shop in Broomfield, small but has some of the essentials. Currently I'm practicing and learning on my own.

    I live in Greeley, Colorado. I can't speak for Longmomt specifically, but noorthern CO has a huge pagan community; small and large groups, festivals, and merchants. If you need help finding people to connect with I can certainly point you in the right direction.
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    Currently living on Oahu. Eclectic pagan for years but lately I have been focusing on Heathen. My children are being raised eclectic pagan, also. My daughter does her own Fairie Magick and my son is very comfortable with the Norse Gods and Goddesses.
  • jjmetzger
    jjmetzger Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a type of eclectic polytheist. Mostly Sumerian deities. I was raised in Indiana, and attended a religious discussion group for 4 years. I now live in South Dakota, with no intentions of staying here for much longer.
  • Sachiel_777
    Sachiel_777 Posts: 12 Member

    I am Sadwyrn Emrys, a Druid, living between Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am a member of my local ADF grove, and I follow my own path with an Iberian Pantheon. I also like attending the open circles of a local group here.

    In NM most "pagan" people follow the path of new age spirituality/buddhism/hinduism , but there is a goodly sized group of pagans and wiccans who get together for the funner high days.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I'm a naturalistic pantheist, in the seacoast area of NH. I don't belong to any Pagan community, but I have several friends who are Pagan or Pagan-ish so there's always someone to get together with on the Equinoces and Solstices, etc, if we want. Our UU church also has an "Earth-based Religions" group, although the leader of that moved away and it's not been very active since then. Nothing very organized, but then again, I haven't sought that out either. There's an ADF Grove here (I was an ADF member for a while, but never got together with the group) and I believe a Wiccan coven not too far away... I haven't seen too many pagan bookstores, there are maybe two within a half hour drive? The local B&N has a great Pagan section, though. :)

    I live just a few minutes from Salem, but not interested on what goes on there. Very commercial, very " *itchy " and not very welcoming. I'm also a Naturalistic Pantheist and do have other like minded folks that I can socialize with locally. We have two very welcoming UU churches, but honestly I'd rather sit on the rocks at the ocean with my husband and look at all the universe has blessed us with.