As is says, this is the thread to introduce yourself. Fitness goals, holiday planning, etc. I'm Kate. Lost 31 lbs of pure bodyfat (no muscle loss) before turning up pregnant. :smile: Expecting #2 in May, so I'll be in Gain mode for a few months. I'm an eclectic pagan, mostly Celtic based.
Prayers or rituals for health/weight loss
If you're like me (probably not, I'm way more casual about my prayer than most recons), then you pray for just about everything. "Dear Lug, I swear to ****ing You if you don't stop giving me ideas for new knitting projects to start while I still have six to finish . . ." Have you incorporated any specific prayers or…
What holidays/sabbats do u celebrate? How?
So I figured with lughnasad coming up, this would be great for getting some discussion again flowing in this group. Even tho I'm not Wiccan I celebrate more or less the same/similar wheel of the year, with the lunar esbats and the solar sabbats. You know the cross quarter days (Mabon/Yule/Ostara/Litha…
Why isn't this group active?
Hello I am new to MFP, I just wanted to say hello and I was wondering for a group that has 200 members you aren't a very active group. It is kind of sad, I would love to be able to talk to fellow pagans on here. So if you would like to, please add me. As my name says I am Vegan and Pagan. I am an eclectic pagan and a…
Just for fun
OK just for fun. I'm gonna post a pagan related word. The next person will post a pagan related word that starts with the last letter of my word. Then the next person will post about the previous persons word. One word. Hopefully u get it! My word: MOON
Anyone from New England?
I'm from Massachusetts, just wondering if anyone is near by. Also, trying to get some discussion going in this forum lol.
So, where are we all from / what kind of Pagan community do
I am from Sudbury, ON. I know there are a few other Pagans in my area, but we have no Pagan community to speak of, there are no moots, festivals, open circles, no metaphysical / witchy shops. Sucks, I tell ya.
Waite-ing for Tarot
What can the cards tell us about our efforts to achieve then healthy body we want? Today I drew Death, reversed. I need to get rid of what is no longer useful to me, and overcome my tendency to hold on to things. Old habits, hungers, attitudes, papers, books, clothes, weight, all must go.
to all...
Wishing you all a blessed Samhain! And to any of you south of the equator, wishes for a blessed Beltane!
Happy Ostara guys :)
Hope you have a great day :)
dragon magic
Does anyone follow/ study/ know more about dragon magic and have any other reference other then dj conways work?