Paleo and Dairy: What's your take?



  • PaleoRDH
    I have been doing paleo roughly 2 to 3 months and i did it last year. last year, no dairy. This year my hubby and i ate greek yogurt for bfast but that was the only dairy. we gave it up this week because we started the 21-day sugar detox program and the greek yogurt (fruit flavored ones) have a ton of sugar, and i don't care to eat the plain kind without honey or fruit, defeating the sugar detox. Anyhow, I've lost 3 pounds in 4 days so far :-) after the sugar detox i don't know if we'll eat it again or not....... we use almond or coconut milk in place of cream in coffee, i don't miss it.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I eat a little bit of full fat dairy, but I'm more Primal than Paleo. I usually have a small Gouda Babybel cheese every other day or so. I also sneak in a little bit of milk if I'm feeling like it. I don't have digestive issues with milk, and digestive problems are the main reason why they want you to avoid it.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    paleo for almost a year and try to avoid dairy. My skin is sooo much better without it! Although like another poster if there is cheese on a salad I dont 'not eat' it...I just count it and move on. I do miss yoghurt tho.
    I use tonnes of coconut milk ....especially in my coffee and tea.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Who seriously cares about Paleo/Pimal designations? It can't be just dairy... Is it what book everyone follows, or what? Most people I have found here follow Blueprint, but I'm a Robb Wolf acolyte,so that would make me Paleo+dairy? Though we aren't attacking each other, we sound a little like the vegetarians fighting over who's the "real" vegetarian because somebody eats fish or eggs or something. Can't we just call ourselves archevores and move away from designations?

    To answer the question, I eat dairy. Mostly because it doesn't bother me, then because it;s the easiest way for me to get easy fat and protein, and also because I love cheese. I despise the taste of milk (grew up on a dairy farm), so don't use that, and I don't use anything grass-fed because I can't afford it, and it is difficult to get. We must do the best we can with the resources at our disposal.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    I'm Primal, but I would never just sit down and drink a glass of milk. If I have dairy it's usually grass-fed butter, full fat greek yogurt, or some nice artisan cheese. I have noticed since going Primal I can't stand cheap cheese. Basically any "american" cheese at a restaurant just tastes salty and fake to me. Don't even get me started with nacho cheese. Yuck!
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    As I mentioned earlier, I consider myself primal. But this week I made a mistake and bought (3) no fat greek yogurt from Costco. Was so focused on no sugar/sweeteners that I missed the no-fat marking. Didn't want to waste it, so I bought some MCT oil to add. The can said start with 1 tsp and work your way up, so I added 1 tsp MCT and 1 tsp pure almond butter. I didn't want to just do almond butter as I thought it would overpower my raspberries. So in the end I had a yogurt with more fat than 2%, more protein and less carbs than full fat or 2%. I can work my way up and add more MCT to get the fat content up higher. Right now I'm almost thinking about continuing with mixture rather than full fat yogurt cause MCT is supposed to have so many health benefits (esp brain health). Plus on days when I don't want berries I can up the almond butter - it tasted sinful.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I didn't care much for dairy products even before I became a Paleo/Primal eater. Other than heavy cream in my coffee and the occasional a shot of kefir for the pre/probiotics....dairy just makes me gassy :blushing:
  • treatgirl
    treatgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Surely one of the points of having the full fat stuff is that low/zero fat yoghurt is going to be full of thickeners, sweeteners and starches
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I am doing a Primal version. I found that fermented dairy, home made quark/kefir induce weight gain, so I stick with butter & double cream for cooking certain dishes (but prefer coconut oil to butter) and I have about an oz of raw organic hard cheese almost daily as a substitute for all things sweet.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Surely one of the points of having the full fat stuff is that low/zero fat yoghurt is going to be full of thickeners, sweeteners and starches
    nope, the one I bought is just skim milk and cultures, none of the other stuff.