Anyone in group with over 100lbs to lose?

kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
Just asking because I have about 100 to get down to a decent weight but my main goal right now is just to be under 200 lbs! The 30 Day Shred is HARD but not impossible. My plan is to just do what I can. :)


  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Nope. Only a maximum of 25 -30 lbs, but I'm sure we'll face the same struggles in losing weight
    Mainly because I'm finally taking it seriously, and yet I'm still a little lazy when it comes to exercise because I find it both dull and difficult. And i have a lot of bad habits to break
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Well I am willing to bet we all have bad habits to break. Those habits are probably what landed most of us here. I have been doing okay, not always my best but trying to break that. I originally started at 341 lbs and when I joined MFP I was 309.. still fighting the same temptations and I guess I always will. All we can do is try and try our best most of the time. We will have bad days and just got to learn to take them with the good ones :)
  • dontmesswithtx
    Yep, I have around 100lbs to lose. Ideally I would love to lose more than that but I will be happy with 100. Add me, we can help each other along the way. I just started my journey last week and lost about 9lbs.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose also. I'm at 313 right now. I would be happy weighing 200 lbs. I think at that weight I would look pretty good.
  • jaguirre8898
    I have close to 100lbs I don't have a specific weight goal to get to but would like to be under 200lbs and be healthy. would love the support and to help others with their goal.
  • MagpieKat
    I have between 70-90lbs to lose. I'm looking to tone up and lose inches as much as shed pounds so my top priority is strength and fitness for the healthiest ME. I am over 40 and have young kids so this is a top priority to me.
  • dontmesswithtx
    I'm going to add you girlies to my friends list, we have to stick together :) It's going to be tough for all of us but we can do it with a good support system!
  • vipena786
    vipena786 Posts: 22 Member
    I, too have about 100 lbs to lose! We can do this ladies!
  • toughlovexx3
    yes we can. but i want to lose 170 lb by next year.... we got this ;)
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Awww it's so great to see us who share similar goals! It makes this challenge much easier to face :)
  • smittenkitten4
    I started out at 308, I'm at 288 right now and my highest acceptable weight is 160. I have a long way to go, but getting below 300 was a big motivator for me and I can't wait to get below 200!
  • MagpieKat
    How are you gals doing??

    Today was a roadblock - mostly because I started my period and feel terrible and unmotivated. The first three days went well-- the bicycle kicks are hard and I'm dripping when I'm done but I feel good with the endorphins.
  • mamaboutch
    hey everyone. I'm not doing the 30 day shred but I noticed a bunch of you needing to lose 100lbs or more and I'm also in that boat. I was hoping we could all encourage eachother. I've gone back and forth on losing weight and really want these good habits to stick this time! hope you are all doing well and feeling good about your progress! I'm currently doing the P90X workouts, which are awesome and working on controlling my food intake. If you dont mind we asking, what are you're daily calorie goals?
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry for such a sluggish reply-- I currently have about 75 lbs to lose!