Important stuff will go here one day.
Day 30 - THE END!
Well ladies - I am done! :) And very happy! :) Feelings after: Lessons learned: - Not to do it everyday as it really got to me with all the crazy running I do! - Get some proper weights - Get a mat :) Good things: - I feel so much STRONGER than I did in the beginning – both in physical and psychological sense. Physically –…
Day 28/29
Anyone out there still sticking through? I had to skip yesterday - but did the workout twice today - Level 3 as usual and then took Level 2 to compensate for skipping yesterday! :) You know - level 2 does not seem so difficult any more! :D As to finishing - I will count still tomorrow as my last day - as I have done the…
Day 27
Tired but done. Enough said! :D
Day 26
Can't believe how close we are! And level 2 is still so hard! It's getting better though... Not easy, but more doable I guess? It's been so encouraging to not have to do it alone! :)
Day 25
A tired sigh... Glad its done. I guess the fact that there are only 5 days left is pushing me through! And also I like how my stomach looks now compared to beginning! :) Had my run today so did loads of stuff modified. Scissors and the whole Circuit 3 is still giving me HELL!!!! :D
Back to Day 12!
Due to unforseen circumstances (being kidnapped and dragged by my hair kicking and screaming to the pub), I didn't do 30 ds for several days. (Was also force fed several crusty rolls and an all you can eat buffet at a Chinese Restaurant). So, Monday I did Level 1 and yesterday I started Level 2 (was on day 13 when I…
Day 24
Done. Hit a milestone for myself for Level 3 - did only the mountain climbers modified! Woohoo! Got through push ups even! Man the whole Circuit 3 is HELL!
Day 22
Done. Definitely think this is the hardest level. I do some stuff modified - like mountain climbers and 2nd set of traveling push ups. And the last cardio is a killer!!!
Day 23
Man.. the last cardio is a killer! I am most definitely not a rock star, cause I cant do those rock star kicks all the way through! :D
Day 21 - Level 3
Sundays are my long run days - did 13,5 km run. And then the workout - barely had any energy for it! :D Dont know yet what I think of Level 3! :D Kind of dont like all the plank and push up stuff still! :D What about you guys?