Starting 9/24!

I'm starting the Insanity program on Monday 9/24. Anyone that is beginning, feel free to post here. I'm super excited about this journey. I'm looking forward to COMPLETING this program. I started for the first time in June but only completed the first month. This time I'm looking to FINISH and FINISH STRONG!


  • pahsar2
    pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
    Congrats (in advance) for getting started.

    I just started two days ago. So far, so good. I felt kinda foolish the first day during the fitness test -- I've never done video exercising before and felt strange dancin' around the room to the TV. But I got over the feeling quickly since I was out of breath and trying to keep up. The next two days - yesterday and today - were very good. Day 2 was harder for me than Day 3 - maybe because it was so new to me. But by today, I was in the groove and knew what to expect.

    I'm in decent shape - give me a B- . But I'm not in video exercising shape, so it's hard for me. But I know the results will be great.

    Anyone whose starting and wants to friend me, please do so.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    good luck and don't give up :)
    I'm done with my first two weeks and it's an amazing ride! you will melt :)

    Take care
  • Hopealicious
    Hopealicious Posts: 3 Member
    I just started day one of week two :) It gets easier, but it's still not EASY. I just want the 60 days to be over with already. haha.
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 194 Member
    I started insanity today...I'm looking forward to getting my butt kicked...
  • AimeeZingLife
    AimeeZingLife Posts: 47 Member
    I started the Insanity the week of 9/22 doing the Insanity. If any of you are interested in being in my challenge inbox me.