My Day One

Hi Guys!

I see this group isn't super active, but I figured I'd post anyway.

Today is day one for me on IP.

Not gonna lie, I'm really excited, and super scared.

The food is the big thing that worries me. I'm a chef. Food is my thing, it's also the reason I'm in this boat. My worry is that I will be tempted to make the food better by cheating a little bit here or there. Like with my IP "eggs" this morning. Yick. Would be better if I added a real egg to kinda get that taste under control.

I won't, but man, I went to school and made a living making food taste phenomenal.

Anyway, wish me luck!


  • ShelbyShaun01
    Hi.....I've been on IP for one month now. Try the herb omelette it's pretty good. Some mornings I add spinach, mushrooms and enjoy. Good luck, it's kind of tough the first week, but results make you want to stick with it. My BF is an awesome cook, and is getting pretty good at creating dinners that make me feel like I am not on a diet at all.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome to IP. I use egg whites and fresh vegetables in my herb omlette and it is good. The best advice I can give is to stick to the plan exactly and you will see results. The minute you start adding things you shouldn't, that's when it is easy to go off plan. I did very well in the first three months and this last month have been going off on the weekends and just maintaining my weight rather than seeing a loss. I lost 25 pounds on IP in the first 3 months. Use those great chef skills with your fresh vegetables. Best of luck on program.
  • jtakingcareofherself
    I'm not a chef! But I am a foodie. And I love great food. Also one of the reasons I'm now trying to slim down.

    What I find is that for me, it's best if I stay away from the IP foods that attempt to taste like the "real" stuff - chili, omelets, cereal, etc.

    I like the IP drinks (pina colada, chocolate, blueberry-cran, etc.) and keep my energy and creativity high for the real, real food, like the evening meal and salads. Experiment with spice blends for your salad dressing and your meat rubs. That's where I put my energy.

    Add me if you'd like. Also, it would be great to make this forum more active and get some pictures of recipes going. Paleo/primal ways of cooking also give a lot of ideas that are IP compliant, as they say...

    All the best. It's a great program. You WILL see results, but you need to get into and stay in ketosis. Not always easy, but worth it.
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks guys! Today was a bit of a disaster. I had a late start and left my IP breakfast and lunch foods, as well as my fresh additions, at home. I did have a shake and a packet of soy nuts in my desk, so at least that wasn't too terrible. Still though, not being able to leave to get some salad and working in a dead zone for food delivery is making this afternoon really hard.

    I've only got an hour or so left, so I'm trying to quell the hunger pangs with water....

    Guess I learned a valuable lesson today. Toss some packets and extra shakes in my desk.....
  • jtakingcareofherself
    Yes, the days I forget my shaker are not fun. It's happened only a couple of times, and luckily I had a IP bar in my purse and could leave the office to get some dressing-free salad.
  • TBirdReets
    Hello everyone,
    I'm new here and just finished my first week on IP. I have to say I felt horrible most of the week but now 12lbs lighter the nausea and headaches are finally gone and I'm motivated to continue.
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    I am on my first day of the diet. It looks like there is a small collection of people active on this group who are doing the diet, so that's good news! Also, I purchased the Ideal Protein Cookbook so I'll see if I can scrounge up some recipes :-)
  • ChamLis88
    ChamLis88 Posts: 20 Member
    Today is day 1 for me too.. I did it one year ago and lost 35 lbs after having my son.. I gained back 10 lbs, tried re-starting about 3 months ago and didnt do well.. but this time Im ready!!! Im trying to loose another 25 lbs.
    I think you have to be in the right mind frame to stick with IP.