

  • ambertilton
    ambertilton Posts: 4 Member
    I am right there with wanting to die during the workout. Just finished day 3 today. Taking lots of breaks, sweating tons, but feeling like I am accomplishing something. I am hoping to lose a total of about 30 lbs.
  • I've gained weight! But, I'm trying not to let that discourage me. I already notice a difference in my tummy area. Which is where I want to lose the most weight. After 3 kids, it's not the prettiest. I just finished Week 2 Day 2. I don't stop as much, and I still hate it, but feel amazing afterwards. Love all the sweat that rolls off my face during the whole work out. I've never sweat so much in my life!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    I did the fit test yesterday and I thought that kicked my butt! I was pretty sore today, but after the warm up I felt good. I'm NOT looking forward to waking up in the morning!! hahaha!! I'm gonna be in pain, I know it!! Does the fit test count as day 1? Today was my first full workout. The sweating was amazing! Arms and legs and all! I wore my heart rate monitor, which I'm pretty addicted to. That's how I judge my workouts. Today was 400 cals in 42 mins! I'm excited to see that you're just starting too!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I did the fit test yesterday and I thought that kicked my butt! I was pretty sore today, but after the warm up I felt good. I'm NOT looking forward to waking up in the morning!! hahaha!! I'm gonna be in pain, I know it!! Does the fit test count as day 1? Today was my first full workout. The sweating was amazing! Arms and legs and all! I wore my heart rate monitor, which I'm pretty addicted to. That's how I judge my workouts. Today was 400 cals in 42 mins! I'm excited to see that you're just starting too!

    Yes, the Fit Test counts as Day 1. You've officially finished day 1 of Insanity. Congrats! Yep, you'll be hurting tomorrow and probably all week. But you know that already if you read this entire post. But then you also know that next week it gets SO much better. Stretch and take some Motrin!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    yep...soreness is part of you now lol...
    Take bath, take recovery drinks,lots of protein or your workout will eat your muscles instead of your fat and rest when you can.
    Don't skip....ever ever the first and last stretch.....VERY IMPORTANT! soon they will prevent most of your soreness.

    I'm in my 4th week and i'm not sore anymore...

    Keep it up :)
  • christylynn622
    christylynn622 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there!

    I am on day 5 of week 8. I've lost 38 lbs since I started at the beginning of August. Yeah, it sucks right now. But you know what? This stuff works. I am below 300 lbs for the first time in 12 years (my husband has never known me under 300). I´m actually scared of stopping this workout because I've had so much success! :o)

    Please don't stop. It DOES get better, and it is SO WORTH IT!

    La Maestra

    You are an inspiration!!!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    day 5, check! Today I started feeling less sore, but yesterday was cardio recovery which was well needed!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    day 5, check! Today I started feeling less sore, but yesterday was cardio recovery which was well needed!

    Cardio Recovery helps on cardio but seriously kills on legs lol