Saturday 9/22 Weigh-in/Check-in



  • tryn2getright
    tryn2getright Posts: 10 Member
    sorry everyone I logging in my weight to bc my phone nor my computer was working rt over the weekend.

    9/22 271
  • hunniebunn
    hunniebunn Posts: 91 Member
    I started a day behind (whoops)
    SW: 167
    CW- 164

    Wk 1
    Hips 40.5in
    Chest 36.5in
    Waist 32.5in
    Arms 12.75in
    Thighs 23.25in
    Inches Lost 0

    Wk 2
    Hips 41
    Chest 36
    Waist 30.5
    Arms: 12
    Thighs: 23
    Inches Lost: 4.5

    Pretty excited for the inches lost :)
    Less than 20 pounds to go to be at my Ultimate Goal Weight ;)
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    9-22 Weigh-in: 206

    I'm still the same weight I was when I started this challenge! :( But I can do this!!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    SW: 139.8
    BF%: 30%
    CW: 139.2
    BF%: 30% :(
  • Amianne
    Amianne Posts: 76 Member
    SW 274
    9/22 269
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member
    Ok I have fallen hard. No energy. Weather has been very wet so I have been stuck in the house. I'm afraid to weigh myself cause I don't want to dispair. Guess only way back is to drag myself out of bed and stumble into the gym. I'm sick of seeing the 220s. Oi. Losing weight is so hard. Especially when you love to eat!
  • olliethecat
    olliethecat Posts: 22 Member
    No weight loss this week. I'm happy with that as I've been away in sunny Mallorca for 2 weeks and have not gained any weight. Started the challenge properly yesterdzy, hopefully a good weight loss next week
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    no weight loss yet since the beginning of the challenge, but I've been doing some extra strength work outs so I'm definitely feeling body composition type changes. will check my measurements in a week or two as well, they've got to be changing. In the meantime trying to drink enough water, and stick to a good routine until the scale shifts! hopefully next week I'll have some numbers to report!

  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
    A little late

    SW 182
    Weight in 1: 179
    Xmas GW 172

    Yeay 3lb off after being stuck for a few weeks, got my motivation back:wink:
  • Wthompson1215
    Wthompson1215 Posts: 48 Member
    Im late too

    SW 9/15/12 220 lbs
    CW 217.6
    2.4 lbs down first week!!!!
    I usually weigh on mondays.....
  • been2boston
    been2boston Posts: 100 Member
    Sorry this is late; as I might have said before, I don't have a scale at home, so I use the one at work- I had a training on Monday, so couldn't weigh in til Tuesday.

    Here it is-
    Starting weight: 223
    Goal Weight: 208
    Height: 5'10"

    Week 1 (9/25)- 222.
    Right on target!
  • brpainter
    brpainter Posts: 13 Member
    Wednesdays are my personal weigh in days, so I am just going to update here on Wednesdays not Saturday.

    SW: 170
    CW: 166.4
    Challenge GW: 155

    So I am down 3.6 in my first week and a half. I have also been able to keep with my goal of working out at least three times a week, and my body is feeling it! I love/hate the feeling of sore muscles :)
  • I don't believe I posted my weight last Saturday soooo here it is.
    SW 9/15/12: 164
    9/22/12: 162

    Down 2 lbs. Only about 25 more to go!
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Seems I forgot I'd joined this group :) In a flurry of challenges for September I forgot to check in. Here it is.

    Starting weight on 9/15/12 - 261.6lbs
    Current weight on 9/22/12 - 257.6lbs (4lbs lost so far)
  • I was up this morning 2 pounds. Weighed in at 186.......I was not motivated at all last week! This has got to change, I need to get my routine back this week......
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Starting weight: 171.8
    Today: 168.2
    Loss: 3.6 pounds

    Illness takes the credit......
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Great job so far everyone!!

    9/15 = 180.4
    9/22= 179.2
    9/29= 177.2

    two pounds even this week! Funny how the scale seems to move so slow and then you realize boom another week has past and you have lost!! I cant wait to see 175, I think i will bounce of the ceiling when i do :)
  • 9/15-228lbs
    9/29-222 lbs

    GW: 200lbs
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    SW: 184
    GW: 164
    9/22 183.8 loss of 0.2
    9/29 CW: 181.1 loss of 2.7

    Total loss for challenge: 2.9
    Weight to go: 17.1
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    9/22 weigh in: 161.4
    9/15 weigh in: 163.0
    9/29 weigh in: 161.2

    1.6lb loss for week 1.
    0.2lb loss for week 2.

    11.2 to goal.