End of Week 3 Weigh-in

pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
SW: 169.5
CW: 164.0
GW: 161.5

Down 5.5 lbs. 2.5 to go.

Feeling good. Started Insanity, so I expect to be able to drop a few more lbs by the end of the month. New workout programs tend to kick the metabolism into gear.


  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    SW 193.3
    End of Week 1: 191.8
    End of Week 2: 189.8
    CW: 188.5

    Down 4.8, 3.2 to go.
    Quite happy with it, as I was between 190 and 191 for the most days last week.
    Also was travelling for 3 days and didn't get any workout in during those days.
    Next week again travelling without workouts and with lots of eating out and drinking, so I don't think I will reach the 8 pounds, but anyway happy with the progress.
    Oh, and not to forget, quit smoking a week ago, so any loss is an unexpected bonus =)
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    SW: 204.2
    CW: 198.0
    GW: 196.2

    I have 1.8 pounds to go. It's going to need to be a good week! However, I'm really happy with the progress so for this month.
  • penith113
    penith113 Posts: 113 Member
    sw 184.2
    cw 181.8
    gw 176.2

    Well, I'm up .4 pounds for the week. I'm not sure why. It doesn't look like i'm going to win the challenge. I'd have to lose 5.6 pounds in a week and that is just not possible. I am dissapointed because I feel like I have done everything right and i'm just not losing weight.

    I'll post next week with my total for the challenge but I have to admit i'm kinda bummed.
  • itzchachi87
    itzchachi87 Posts: 6 Member
    SW = 148
    CW = 146.2
    GW = 140

    Still have 6.2 pounds to go... I haven't been doing so well with the exercising these past 2 weeks because I just started a new job so it has me a little messed up but I think I have the hang of things now and I will make sure to exercise this week.
  • edlybrook
    edlybrook Posts: 9 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 188, 2 more pounds gone; 1 to go for the challenge. I've been traveling every week so eating out and working out gets tough. I found Applebees and Ruby Tuesday's have excellent low calorie meals.
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    SW: 269.8
    CW: 261.2
    GW (Sept): 261

    Yowza! Made up for last week and then some. I was kind of shocked when I got on the scale. I was sick some this week, so I didn't eat much...that probably has something to do with it. Just need to stay strong for one more week to meet the goal!
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    Good Job Everyone!

    SW = 192
    CW = 184.5
    GW = 184

    Almost there! Just .5 a pound to go to meet my September goal!
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    SW 132
    CW 129.6
    GW 127

    Not spectacular, but I have lost a combined total of 3.5 inches off of my waist, hips, and thighs! I can live with that!
  • HealthyDeb
    HealthyDeb Posts: 60 Member
    SW: 189
    CW: 189.5
    GW: 181
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    MFP start weight: 200 lbs
    Sept start weight: 176.4 lbs
    Sept goal weight: 168.4 lbs

    9/1 wt: 176.4 lbs
    9/8 wt: 174.6 lbs (6.2 lbs to go)
    9/15 wt: 173.2 lbs (4.8 lbs to go)
    9/22 wt: 171.8 lbs (3.4 lbs to go)

    Not sure if I'll be able to lose 3.4 lbs in 8 days. However, I am very happy with the 4.6 lb loss thus far in September. Comes out to an average of approximately 1-1/2 lbs a week! I will give it my all though. Good luck everyone on this last week of the week!
  • SRH88
    SRH88 Posts: 15 Member
    Weight last weekend: 162.5 pounds
    Weight this weekend: 163 pounds

    Not a very good result for me this week, although this is possibly because I weighed in in the afternoon instead of when I wake up, which is what I usually do.

    Great job to those who are on track for the big 8!
  • SW: 148.2
    9/8: 145.2
    9/15: 144.2
    CW 143.6

    GW: 140
  • LW: 69.1
    This Week: 71.

    That happened :frown:
    It must have been the snacking --frequent and unhealthy this week! I'm mostly sad I had to slip down a slope and go back instead of forward!
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Sept lose 8 lbs

    Hello everyone!

    SW 219.6
    GW 211.6

    9/3 218.2
    9/10 217.2
    9/17 213.8
    9/24 211

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY I really wasn't sure I was going to make it this month. Now that the first half ton is gone it's going slower LOLLLL. I am thrilled though. Now to keep it up through 9/30 :)
    I normally weigh in with a group at work on Mondays so that's when I normally post. Have a great strong week everyone!
  • pahsar2
    pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
    WOW. Congrats!!!!!!!
    SW 219.6
    GW 211.6

    9/24 211
  • SW: 155.8
    CW: 153.8
    Loss: 2 lbs

    Not quite 8 lbs, but I'll take it. With my starting weight, I knew it was unlikely that I'd hit 8 lbs total for September, but I still wanted to try. :smile: Now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight (~130ish), the weight is coming off more slowly than it did during the beginning of my lifestyle change. I'm okay with this.

    I would have liked to lose ~5 lbs. However, my parents came to visit for a week during which I allowed their visit to derail my good eating/exercising habits. I had a bit of trouble getting back into routine, but I think I'm there now. Hopefully I can drop another 1 lb or so by the end of the month.
  • Good job everyone
    cw 249
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    :) Thanks!!
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 94 Member
    lw 146.8 this week 146.8 no loss but no gain. hoping the next week will be better!
  • b215d
    b215d Posts: 22 Member
    Feel great this morning. I worked out five days last week and concentrated on my logging. I was rewarded for my hard work this morning when I got on the scale!

    September starting weight 312.8
    1st week weight 304.4
    2nd week weight 304.2
    3rd week weight 298.4

    Oct 1st goal 299
    Overall gaol 250

    I hope everyone has a lower number this week!