Week 2 Sept 24-30



  • SW 222 May 6 2011
    CW 175
    GW 165ish

    Lol just saw I was the only guy in here. This open to guys?
    Of course it is silly! =))
  • loggfl
    SW: 207.8
    CW: 203.4
    GW: 140

    I plan to get there by setting my weekly goals, obtaining my weekly goals and exercise and eating right! Together we can do this!! :)

    Weekly goals: daily log food intake, daily log exercise. One small step at a time.
  • Pollyanna75
    SW = 195
    CW = 195
    GW = 140

    I'm a new member....

    I am hoping to start eating better. I am working on eating between 1200 to 1500 calories a day. I started seing a nutritionist yesterday, looking for healthy alternatives to what I've been eating.
    I love myfitnesspal, recording and keeping track of everything I eat, and all physical activity I do.

    I have tendinitus in my leg, and have been limited on physical activity. I did make to the gym last Saturday, did the bike for 25 minutes, since it's low impact. I'm trying to make it to the gym 4 to 5 days a week if I can.
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I would love to join if that's ok?
    I returned from my honeymoon a week a go but have been fighting a really bad chest infection. I will be starting a new next weekend with the hope to start exercising again next week.

    SW: 172
    CW: 172
    GW: 150

    Roughly 1.5lbs per week. I am also hoping to start the insanity workout shortly.
  • bettcher2004
    bettcher2004 Posts: 6 Member
    I am excited to join this group. This time last year I had lost 46 pounds, reached my prepregnancy weight and was satisfied. Then the holidays hit and I stopped worrying about my weight. I quickly gained 15 pounds back. Now I am determined to get them back off and would love to lose a bit more.
    SW: 205
    CW: 170.4
    GW: 155
    My weapon in the weight battle has always been exercise but I have an injury right now that limits that. I am cycling and eating less processed food. I am also wanting to start Shakeology to see if it helps with cravings.
  • KetchikanLadyDi
    KetchikanLadyDi Posts: 23 Member
    New year, new hopes, new dreams, new goals and challenges!

    SW: 189
    CW: 154.4
    GW: 140

    I have no idea if it is even possible for me to get to 140, but what the hell - I'll give it a go! Screw setting a resolution on New Years Eve. Making one now to have the best New Years possible makes a whole heck of a lot more sense! What a great idea.
    Thank you!
  • New year, new hopes, new dreams, new goals and challenges!

    SW: 189
    CW: 154.4
    GW: 140

    I have no idea if it is even possible for me to get to 140, but what the hell - I'll give it a go! Screw setting a resolution on New Years Eve. Making one now to have the best New Years possible makes a whole heck of a lot more sense! What a great idea.
    Thank you!
    Yes i agree. I just realized last week how close new years was and how I didn't stick to my last years resolution at all. It's never too late to get back on track. There is no point in dwelling on what I missed out on the past year. Time to step up for the upcoming year!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    SW: 196
    CW: 174
    GW: 150

    I'd like to finish 30 Day Shred, & then finish Ripped in 30, and then start P90x all before the New Year. I'm also doing Couch to 5k alongside those programs and mini challenges whenever I find them. Sometimes I do extra cardio - elliptical and bike mostly, or extra strength training at the gym a few days a week, but I don't beat myself up if I don't. My eating hasn't been very clean lately, though I have stayed underneath my calorie goal, so I would like to change that and start eating clean with one cheat day (for special coffee-like drinks because I adore them) a week. I'm planning on hopefully starting that tomorrow.
    Anyway, this is my goal for up until New Years. :)
  • gingbean
    gingbean Posts: 18 Member

    Starting weight 9/19/12 - 171
    Weight 9/25/12 - 168.6
    Pounds dropped - 2.4 lbs (I say "dropped" rather than "lost" because I have no intention of finding these pounds again!)
    Pounds to go by 12/31/12 - 12.6 lbs in 14 weeks to reach 15 week goal weight of 156

    I am using the PINK Method while also tracking my food and exercise via MFP. It's going very well!!
    The diet portion I have under control - it's mostly CLEAN eating!!
    The exercise DVDs are HARD WORK!! I am so sore after two days of doing the workouts, but I feel fantastic!
    I have family pictures coming up on 10/06 (as in, the grandparents and all 8 kids plus their families!!) so I'm really hoping to be down to at least 165 or less by then.
  • Juliet321
    Juliet321 Posts: 6 Member
    Please count me in :)

    SW: 175
    CW: 157
    GW: 135 (130 would be great!)

    We can do it!!
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    SW 152 9/1/12
    CW 148
    New Year's Goal 138

    The scale didn't move this week, hopefully that means a nice loss next week.
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join.

    SW 153 (9/21/12)
    CW 153
    New Years Goal 140

    Starting this week (which the timing works out pretty well for this group) I am running M/W/F mornings before work then doing crossfit class after work. T/Th whatever my unit has scheduled for our physical training sessions. I'm active duty Air Force so those 2 days are mandatory workout days. I absolutely hate running and I have my PT test at the end of October which includes running 1.5 miles so I figure the only way to get better at running is.... running. Hopefully this new routine helps me to get a score of 90 on my test. That is my goal- the test is October 25 so counting down!!

    BTW: what is the PINK method of tracking on MFP? I'm sorta new- yes I registered in 2010, but I'm serious now.
  • millie1871
    Oh this group is just what i need! Are we having weekly weigh ins? If so what day?

    SW (23rd August 2012) : 149.6 lbs

    CW: (26th September 2012): 137.0 lbs (12.6 lbs lost!)

    GW: (New years eve 2012): 112 lbs
  • ashleereign
    ashleereign Posts: 1,904 Member
    Im a week late in joining but here goes.

    New Years GW: 150

    For motivation I got a part time job at a gym so I am forced to go to the gym, and while Im there I might as well work out before or after my shift. Been logging my food for 20 days now and just trying to crate a routine for myself between school, work and homework.

    Looking forward to being that much closer to my actual goal weight (120) by New Years!