One month into IP program

Hi! I've been following this program for one month now and I'm just not seeing the results that they promise. I've only lost 8 lbs this month, and I'm really getting discouraged. I have followed this plan more faithfully than some of my marriage vows!
Is there anyone else out there who is having the same problem?
Anybody with any solutions?


  • smseufert
    smseufert Posts: 3 Member
    I was on the diet for awhile and I was having some difficulty losing weight as well. These tricks helped me and maybe they will work for you too!

    MAJOR HELP! I started eating MORE calories. On the IP restricted diet I was only consuming about 800 calories a day which was NOT enough for my body to properly burn fat. I added a second true meal (like chicken, steak, etc) with vegetables which added nice healthy calories. Following the IP diet to a t doesn't work with all bodies. It sent my body into starvation mode and the weight was not coming off. Adding 200-300 calories a day made a HUGE difference and the weight started falling off. I was also able to add in exercise (since I had the energy back) and that helped lower my body fat percentage and lean muscle mass. Just make sure you are adding health calories, and not empty calories (like chips or cookies lol).

    And then of course there is not only weight but other ways to gauge whether the diet is working. Try not just looking at the number on the scale but also your BMI, body fat %, as well as lean muscle mass. Changes in these give you a much better "health" outlook than just weight.

    Also 8 pounds in one month is AWESOME!! That is an average of 2lbs per week which is above the average (non IP) weight loss which is .5-1lbs per week. Don't snub the progress you have made. You are doing GREAT!! Two more pounds and you should be down a pant size- go buy something pretty and new it will help keep you motivated!! :)
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    I agree that you may need to add more protein. I felt like I was starving in the beginning and added more protein for lunch and that has helped. It also gave me more energy so I could workout. You may need to add some light weights to help build muscle. Don't get discouraged. Mine has been slow as well, but it is because I have gone off plan a little on the weekends, but get right back on. I have been on for 3 months and lost 25 pounds. If I could get more serious, it would come off faster, but I am happy with the results. Good luck.
  • Thanks for the encouragement and the tips! I'll be sure to take a closer look at what I should be doing! I want to take these posts and show them to my coach...what do think the reaction will be?
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    I told my coach about IP and bring my food diary logs instead of the one provided by IP. I keep track of my supplements on MFP also. My coach thought it was great! I think she probably created an account :)
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Went to my IP coach at lunch and told her I was having dental surgery tomorrow. She gave me an Alternative Plan so I get to eat some carbs, fruit, cheese, or yogurt. Yeah! I stopped by My Fit Foods and picked up some grapes, apple, cheese, and yogurt for snacks. For lunch today, I had chicken, green beans, and yams for lunch. Yummy! 3 months on IP and really enjoying my lunch today. She said I should have started yesterday in getting out of ketosis. She probably knows I will lose weight by not being about to eat more than liquids the next couple of days. I also picked up some turkey spaghetti for tonight. Should be better than the Miracle Noodles. Lost 2 pounds this week even going off program. Yeah! How is everyone's week going?
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    Your surgery is getting you a little break, but it'll be easy to get back into it once you feel better. Last week, I was quite busy and did not do much of my regular pilates. And I was in and out of ketosis, so I I only lost half a pound! I think burning a couple of hundred calories a day with pilates really helps me stay in ketosis. But I'm determined to get back into a routine.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I did put on 2 pounds over the weekend. You would think with not being able to eat I would have lost, but eating soft foods such as pasta added it right back on. I am doing better today and will get back on program. Pilates is a great exercise. Keep up the good work.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    Are you getting the coaching videos with Denver? I am just finishing my third week and my video this morning talked about the toxins that are released when you are burning fat. These can slow down your fat burn because the liver and kidneys have to work to clean them out. They reccomended a detox supplement. If you arent getting the videos, ask your coach about them. They are really helpful to keep me motivated every morning.
  • ChamLis88
    ChamLis88 Posts: 20 Member
    Where do you receive the coaching videos from? My coach has never offered anything like that
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    Mine either
  • I am in the same spot you are! I had a great first week and then just a tiny bit for the next 3. I have been cheating on Diet Coke, no more though. That has to be the difference as I didnt drink it the first week. I also bought Ketosis strips to help keep myself honest. If they dont turn the lovely color they are supposed to it will be another eye opener each morning. At weigh in today they suggested the detox, and I bought it, however it was quite expensive and my friend that lost over 60#s says she did not do it and had success without it. We'll see!