Hello DesMoines!

dellrio Posts: 131 Member
I found this group and it seems like nobody is on here so I figured I would get it started. I am pretty active, but new to the whole "fitness" thing. Just looking for people in the area for good workout suggestions. In the past my only exercise came from being active and doing stuff like snowboarding, hiking and canoeing. But now I want more - I want to be in the best shape of my life, and the whole workout thing is new to me and I am learning a lot. The more I do it the harder I want to work.

Anyways - hello Des Moines people, hopefully this group picks up!


  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    I just joined and saw not a whole lot going on either. Maybe together we can get the Des Moines Group started or at least help each other if you want?
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    Haha - and then there were two! Well at least its a start - I kind of gave up on the Des Moines group and randomly logged in to check on it - to my surprise - I am no longer alone.

    Welcome to the forums!

    What sort of things are you into - exercise, recreation etc?
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    Also - not sure if you found this group or not yet but the Iowa group has more activity than the Des Moines one...

  • teb1975
    teb1975 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I started a few months back, but didn't stick with it. Back to make it work.
  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    Dellrio - Well there are a few of us, Woot! I Play roller derby and since i started have been working hard to get in shape and eat better. I joined Farrells about 6 months ago and am now attempting to start running (I hate running). I am planning on a 5k by the end of June and Warrior Dash in July. I also like biking so thats about it. Big thing I am looking for is healthy LOCAL eating out places, any good suggestions?

    teb - welcome back and maybe we can help each other.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    Teb Welcome back! - It only takes 21 days to form a habit - I don't even think about it anymore - its just second nature to me. So what about you what are your interests, just need a few more people on here to get this group really moving!

    Merd - Roller Derby is awesome! Back in Jan of 2010 a couple of the Des Moines Roller Girls came down and worked registration at the Des Moines Rail Jam on Court Avenue for me - I was the event organizer back then. I also hate to run - but was thinking about getting started with it, although a recent foot injury at SkyZone has probably set me back a few weeks.

    Warrior Dash should be a lot of fun - As I mentioned I do not like to run but I did run the Gladiator Assault Challenge course at Seven Oaks Recreation in Boone a few weeks ago - it was a blast.

    Eating out and healthy.... That may be difficult to find, I am sure there are some places out there but I pretty much only cook at home. The only places I really dine out at are Zombie Burger and Bandit Burrito in Johnston - both of them have vegetarian options that can be on any menu item, but neither one is something i would classify as healthy. If you find anything local and healthy let me know - because I would be interested in them too.
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Hey everyone! I've found that I really enjoy powerlifting. Has anyone been to the Des Moines Strength Institute? Thinking about checking it out.
  • kvanderbeek1
    kvanderbeek1 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! If anyone would like to participate in a tough great workout checkout ICE Performance Training. It's south of Pleasant Hill a few miles. I have just started participating in the warrior strength training. It's really for all levels of training. I've just started and it's working great for me. There are some who have been working out for a long time and say it's a great workout. We do such things as jogging, turning tractor tires, lifting bulgarian bags, bear crawls through rope ladders and much much more. Coach Todd tries to change it up every session. Currently the sessions are Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:30. It's $40/month or $10/session. You can find them on www.ICEPerformanceTraining.com or search them on Facebook. Come join us!
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    Has anyone been to the SkyZone Skyrobics fitness classes in Grimes? I go to SkyZone all the time to jump around and practice some aerobatics for snowboarding season, but have been considering joining the fitness class.

    I am getting super close to where I want to be and I really want to push hard for the next few months to see if I can get there before this summer is over.
  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    Skyzone makes me nervous as I broke my ankle in Derby this year and dont want to injure it again. Dellrio, if you do the fitenss class let me know how it is, maybe ill go check it out and see how everything goes.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    I am enrolling in the next session of the Skyrobics class it starts June 9th. I will let you know how it goes. Since I go there literally once a week or more - I should be prepared for about anything they can dish out, I just hope that its to the intensity levle that I am. It says its good for people of all levels of fitness. I would be nervous doing plyometric type stuff with a broken ankle too - the trampolines take the high impact out of the exercise, but there are still times where it may be at risk. I have jumped on a sprained foot at skyzone - and it was not pleasant.
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    New to the group - I live in Johnston - wanted to say hi! I go to Aspen Athletic Club and run, and work out in the fitness center where I work as well.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    New to the group - I live in Johnston - wanted to say hi! I go to Aspen Athletic Club and run, and work out in the fitness center where I work as well.

    Welcome! Great to have more people in here!
  • Niceandeasyday
    Niceandeasyday Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Des Moinians!

    If anyone is up for bike riding there is an awesome ride to Cummings Tap. Tuesdays are tacopocolypse day! Hit me up if anyone would like to go for a bike ride, day or night. I have lights and love night rides. Started utilizing my Aspen membership and really enjoy weights and the elliptical.
  • Hello Des Moines Peoples!
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    hello!! I cant wait until the weather gets better and I can take my daughter out on walks on the trails by our home in Des Moines. Other than that its just the gym at my work for me!