Day One!

Hello everyone! Today is my first day of the 90-day challenge. I have a feeling I'm going to need all of the support I can get.

Right now I have a terribad schedule that is going to last until December and I can do nothing about. I work nights, and I also go to school full time. I'm trying to figure the best way to break down my meals for the first part of the week. Specifically Monday-Wednesday. Today, I had my breakfast shake at 5pm (before work). I will have my lunch one around midnight. Dinner for me is usually around 5am. Now, tomorrow I have class until 1pm. I will be leaving straight from work at 8am to go there. I will get home around 2pm. Then I get about an hour and a half nap, and have to take my daughter to dance class, then I have to feed her and get her in bed before I can finally pass out. Basically I am up from 4pm Monday afternoon until at least 9pm Tuesday night. Then I only take a nap for a couple of hours because I have to work Wednesday night, so I have to be able to get some sleep during that day before work. Right now I figure I will have a "breakfast" shake Tuesday around noon. Then have a lunch shake around 4pm, and have dinner around 8pm. Then I have a gap between when I usually get up around 1am Tuesday night (when I get up and am up until around 10am Wednesday), until I get up at 4pm Wednesday and re-start the breakfast at 5pm cycle. I know I can't go that long without a meal of some sort. Any suggestions on how to fill that void would be greatly appreciated. :smile:


  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    You must eat, plain and simple. Eat every 2-3 hrs to keep your metabolism going. Also drink lots of water. Find healthy snacks that you can put in your purse so you will never be without. Good luck.
  • Educ8rChic
    Educ8rChic Posts: 26 Member
    I was just going to say, you need to have your snacks to get you through or you won't succeed. Every 2-3 hours and get in at least 8 cups of water. Slim Jims, celery/carrots, pistachios, those 100 cal snacks are okay...

    You can add me as a friend, if you like. I tend to do better when I have someone rooting for me and helping to hold me accountable... Here's to the Challenge and I hope to see less of you in the future! LOL