I raised my calories..but i was wrong 2 part question :)

Hello all!

I was at about 1500 cals when I came to this group, then bumped to 1700. Well, finally visited the Scooby Calculator and it says for weight loss I need to be eating 2,000 cal. Wow, still hard to imagine weight loss with that many. But I do P90X and Insanity together, so maybe I should be eating that much. I need some encouraging words please! lol

Here are my questions,

1) most of you who eat 2,000 or round abouts, are you lifting heavy and seeing good results?
2)Has anyone tried carb cycling to maximize weight loss?



  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I am not lifting heavy but have found continuous weight loss when I've been averaging about 2000-2100 calories/day. That's net 1500-1600 as my average daily burn is somewhere around 500 calories from running, Insanity, cycling, boot camp classes etc. But eating that much definitely makes me better able to fuel my running (my sport of choice).

    I've been doing a little lifting as of late and have seen new improvements when I'm making sure to get at least 100g protein daily.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I eat anywhere from 2200-2300 calories a day. I was doing the ChaLEAN Extreme program but finished that so I'm back to Body Revolution, which is not heavy lifting but more a circuit training type of program. But even so, I'm still burning the same amount of calories that I did when doing the CLX program so my numbers haven't really changed.

    I haven't tried carb cycling but I did just adjust my macros to 30% carbs, 35% protein and 35% fat (from the typical 40/30/30). So far, it's working well for me.

    If you're doing both P90X and Insanity together, I totally believe that the 2000 calories that Scooby is giving you is pretty accurate. You're probably burning a TON of calories on the days you do your workout. You need to feed the muscle you're building!!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Eating 1900 per day. Weight-lifting 3X per week. Great results that i'm more then happy with. I walk at speeds of 3.0 - 3.5 outside or on the treadmill on days that I feel like doing something besides the weights. I have lowered my carbs a little on days that i'm not lifting.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I lift heavy three days a week and eat 2500-3000 calories a day depending on my activity level for the day. So I guess I calorie cycle a little bit. I just started eating at a slight cut two weeks ago, so I'll know those results in a few weeks. So far, I have lost a dress size, put on some muscle, and lost 2% body fat during an 8 week reset. I would say EM2WL is definitely working even though the scale hasn't moved! :happy:
  • lauraniwa
    lauraniwa Posts: 131 Member
    I eat around 1700 net, which typically is 2200+ daily. I'm a triathlete so it's pretty heavy on the carbs (50%+). I lift heavy 3-4 days a week plus running and cycling and like the poster above, have noticed my training quality has improved A TON since adding more calories, the carbs have improved my sleep and I find that my weight fluctuates less. I had plateaued for ~5 weeks at slightly lower calories, but things are moving again now that I've upped and am more consistant with my macros.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I eat 2300 calories most days but up to around 2800 on heavy work out days to make sure I net BMR. I lift about 3 times per week, usually doing full body workouts during these sessions. My weight loss has stalled now and is steady, but I am in a healthy weight range. I'm still shedding fat so my measurements are getting smaller.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you guys for the feed back! I have been at a stall for over a month now at 1700 cal. No matter how many success stories I read, it is still hard to get my brain to switch to the concept. I started on 2000 cal today, did my P90X and going for a jog this afternoon. Again, thank you!