Can only blame myself

Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
Everytime I get to within 5 to 10 pounds of my goal, I seem to mess everything up. Then, I re-gain about 5 pounds. I think that as I get closer I feel what the heck. This attitude HAS to stop. Any advice? I do realize that this is caused by me alone.


  • ABrideToBE
    ABrideToBE Posts: 94 Member
    I'm the same way. The results make me want to reward myself with one cupcake. One becomes two, then I start giving myself a rest day, which becomes rest week... then month :(

    I'm with you.
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173
    I feel your pain, I am in the habit of seeing the scales go down & thinking yaaay I am losing so I deserve a treat..
    Ah I seem to be stuck in a vicious circle also..
    My plan is to splash out on some low carb deserts from lowcarbmegastore and celebrate if and when I have lost by eating on what I hope to be a delish low carb chocolaty snack which I hope will stop me reaching for the donuts!
  • 0cinderella8
    my problem is that i will start a diet and feel great about it for like a week or two and then something inside me says i want a cookie or i just want chocolate and give in, but i try to hide it from everyone else, in the end im only hurting myself but now i just cant seem to find the motivation to want to. although i need and want to.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have similar issues as the other ladies. I lose 5 pounds, start feeling really good about my body, them i'm like "oh what the hell, I'll eat some reese'e pieces" and then I eat the whole bag, go to Mexican food, hit the bar my 1-2 months of hard work gone. There is no easy solution. Just try and remind yourself why you want to lose that last 5 pounds and why it's so important to you. I do liquor promotions and usually the threat of having to wear a belly-baring outfit every Saturday is enough to keep me away from the cookie jar. You have to give yourself something to work towards, a reason to keep your motivation going.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    reward yourself with non-food items.
    ie new clothes, or something else you are saving for
    a trip to movies
    spa or nice bath
    nice fruit - blueberries/peaches/raspberries - stuff you might not usually afford to splash out on
  • feepug
    Me too! In fact i did this last night, i "rewarded myself" with a chinese banquet, i dare not step near the scales, im just trying to limit the damage and make sure i don't revert back to type by thinking sod it damage done might as well have a 3 day binge! Trying to drink loads of water todayand workout tonight, fingers crossed !
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I DO THIS AS WELL. I am getting a lot better at it though. I'm fairly good at motivating MFP friends (I think!? :S) if you're posting regular statuses etc so feel free to add me and let me know your goals and daily plan of attack :)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Don't give in to the idea that one bad meal means that your hard work is shot.

    I like to look at the weekly net calorie chart on the MFP phone app - if I do go over my calorie goal one day, it shows me whether or not I'm still on track to meet my goal for the week.

    And if you can, make sure that you've got your house stocked with some treats that give you a lot of "bang for your buck," by which I mean a lot of flavor and satisfaction for the calories. I too love chocolate, so one of the things I'll buy are high-quality dark chocolate chips (like Ghiradelli, yum). 70 calories worth of dark chocolate chips is a nice little handful, which I can savor one at a time. 70 calories of cookie is... one cookie, which is gone in the blink of an eye.
  • jenneal89
    reward yourself with non-food items.
    ie new clothes, or something else you are saving for
    a trip to movies
    spa or nice bath
    nice fruit - blueberries/peaches/raspberries - stuff you might not usually afford to splash out on

    ^^ yes! This is what I've had to learn. Rewarding yourself with food furthers an unhealthy relationship with it. Let yourself have things sometimes but don't go overboard. summe8it has the right idea :)
  • spangey13
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this!! I was good three weeks ago - and then I had a short bread at work, and then scorched almonds, and a bag of lollies and then my whole next week was just a disaster!!

    Anyway, this week I have been really really good so I want to keep it going!

    I just get pissed off at myself for all the hard work wasted! I think if I can get down to the goal weight I have set myself, and maintain it for a while, I'm going to reward myself with a new phone :-)
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member
    Me too! I just gained two pounds back that I recently lost. So upset. I just stocked the fridge with fruits and veggies and MorninStar items. Hopefully I have the willpower to say no to the yummy food items my boyfriends eats.