Introduce Yourself!

In my experience, it's hard to be relaxed, outgoing, and get to know people, if you shell yourself up and sit back.

So everyone! Please post here your name and something about yourself. What your current and goal weights are, as well as your motivations for losing weight, and a possible "deadline."

I'm Vicki. :) I weigh 179, I would like to be down to roughly 160, anything to help me lose my muffin top and belly fat inches.
I am getting married in the spring, so I am using New Years as my deadline, so I can get my dress altered in time.


  • idoitforkristal
    My name is Kristal.
    Current weight: 255
    Goal Weight: 180

    I am currently setting a goal to loose 30 lbs by new years. I have been overweight my whole life. I don't always see myself as overweight and it sometimes gets me into uncomfortable situations. My personality demands doing things, social things. Well, I sometimes have a hard time on roller coasters. I go to dance classes, but can't do everything the rest of the class can. I audition for live theatrical productions and know that sometimes I don't get certain roles because I don't look the part (I mean, really, have you ever seen a fat Cinderella!) I recently got married and my husband, a ballet dancer and Marine, wants to take ballroom classes with me, but I know the cool lifts we both want to do are impossible right now. We want to have kids and I know I won't be able to be the kind of mom I want to be because I don't have the energy. I know I can fix these issues. I want the life I see in myself.

    I started 30DS yesterday. I made it a whole 9 minutes into the workout before pretty much collapsing on the floor. I am quite sore today but that will not stop me from moving forward. I plan on making it at least 10 minutes today!

    I am going to do this!
  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    Im planning on starting Oct 1 after my first 5 km. run. i weigh myself on Fri but try not to focus too much on the scale. muscle weighs more than fat and success is defined by how i feel. inches are going to be my motivation!!! Will post before i start. lets do this:)
  • stayathomezookeepa
    thanks for inviting me! I need all the support i can get. My name is Jen and I am a 28 yr old wife and mother of 3. I gave birth to my second daughter Maryam on June 30th :) I am currently 239 lbs and I would like to be 180. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by may 15 when we go see my in laws.
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for the invite my name is Brandy im 31 have 3 kids. i gained alot of weight in a short period of time and am trying to loose it all and tone up. my current weight is 146.8 my goal weight is 135. My goal is to loose at least 10 before oct 31. my motivation is my husband coming home after being gone for an extended period of time! I am on day three of 30 ds it is a bit hard but i plan on keeping it up i hear you see results within the first week. Only problem is after wards im starving and have trouble staying under my cal goal.
  • danceVICKIdance
    danceVICKIdance Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the invite my name is Brandy im 31 have 3 kids. i gained alot of weight in a short period of time and am trying to loose it all and tone up. my current weight is 146.8 my goal weight is 135. My goal is to loose at least 10 before oct 31. my motivation is my husband coming home after being gone for an extended period of time! I am on day three of 30 ds it is a bit hard but i plan on keeping it up i hear you see results within the first week. Only problem is after wards im starving and have trouble staying under my cal goal.

    Hey Brandy! I'm glad you joined. No better motivation than the idea of seeing your man surprised in the best way possible. He won't be able to keep his hands off you. ;) Always work out before you eat, and make sure you eat something with high protein. Red meat is good, it takes more calories to break it down due to the protein. Also, the protein helps to repair any torn muscle fibers, keeping you less fatigued and not as sore.
  • Kouch_ka
    Kouch_ka Posts: 15 Member
    Hey I'm Alex...

    Started 30DS 2 weeks ago. Taking it slow, getting my endurance going. There was just no way I could do this workout every single day when I first started, my body wasn't used to it and I was sore! But, it's getting much easier on level 1 now. Looking forward to level 2. Lost 3 pounds so far.

    Starting Weight: 259
    Current Weight: 256
    Short Term Goal Weight: 236 (by Christmas)
    Long Term Goal Weight: 180
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm Pam, and I was soooo happy to find this group! I just started the 30DS yesterday (I'm doing it on YouTube.) I am so sore!
    As of this morning, I weigh 133.2; my goal is somewhere around 110 - I'm only 5'1". I am also doing some walking in order to build up to running...I did that last fall/winter for the first time in my life and really enjoyed it! I hurt my leg then and had to stop for a while, and then just fell off the wagon. So now, I'm back! (All of this is an on-going challenge because I have never been the athletic type!)
    I have also joined groups on here for losing 20 pounds and for doing 300 miles before Christmas.
    I have a wonderful husband...married for 24 years. My 23-year-old daughter just got married on September 1. And I have three sons ages 20, 13, and 11.

    I wanted to make sure I understand the 30DS do Level 1 every day for 10 days? Then Level 2 for 10 days, and Level 3 for 10 days? No rest days? If that's what the plan calls for, I'm going to try it, but I just thought it was a little strange not to have any scheduled rest days! Somebody please tell me if I've got it right!

  • FrauSarah
    Thanks for the invite! I really can use support :).

    My name is Sarah, I am 32 and I have a 18 months old boy. I have never lost the baby weight I gained, rather gained more weight during the last months (I am a stress eater). Two weeks ago I saw a picture of me and thought that this has to end now.

    My starting weight: 154 lbs (70kg)
    Current: 144 lbs (65.4 kg)
    Goal: something around 130 lbs / 60 kg, but more important -> getting rid of the disguisting mom belly. My trouble zone is really my belly, and my grandma arms.

    I started 30DS 7 days ago, had to take a break for the last two days though. My knees hurt too bad. I bought some braces and will be back on track today. I also do a low(er) carb diet, try to drasticially reduce my sugar and fat intake, and stay under 1200 calories. (I had one cheat day so far - Oktoberfest ;) )

    I love 30DS, since I really saw results after 5 days - esp. in my arms from all the push ups.
  • FrauSarah
    @pamcuster: Yes, you got that right. No resting days are scheduled.
  • robynabney
    robynabney Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Robyn.
    I'm 44 years old and currently weigh 136. I've gained the majority of my weight right in my belly over that last couple of years.
    I'm getting older and have been under a huge amount of stress with job changes, moving, and divorce. I wan't eating right and getting zero exercise. So, that changes now.
    I started 30 DS on Monday, 9/17/12, and made it through 10 minutes before collapsing into a quivering blob in the living room floor. Made it through the entire 30 minutes the next night and thought I was going to die. My muscles were so freaking sore on Wednesday that I only made it through 15 minutes.
    I must confess that on Thursday night - after my son's football practice and running my daughter here and yonder and working a 9 hour day, I just gave Jillian 'the finger" and ate some carrots. BIG MISTAKE! I fell of the wagon for the entire weekend...
    So, I apologized to Jillian this past Monday and hopefully I'm forgiven. Made it through 20 minutes. My sons football practice on Tuesday and Thursday run until sometimes 8:30pm. So, I've decided that since it's difiicult to fit Jillian into those nights, I will make use of the walking track at the football field and get my cardio in on those nights and do Jillian every other night of the week AND WEEKEND, so as not to fall off the wagon again.
    I use RunKeeper to track my walking and I burned 100 carloris last night just walking at a very brisk pace.
    I will see Jillian again tonight. I hate her.
  • MrsRachaelM
    MrsRachaelM Posts: 6 Member
    My name: Rachael
    My age: 31
    Current weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 150 - 145

    I am a stay at home mom and have been in a rut for years. I have an 8 and 3 year old. I gained 60 pounds with my 8 year old and I'm still holding on to most of it. I've started the shred several times and I've been so sore after day 2 or 3 that I just stop. I am on day 3 today and I'm all in this time. Since I have found myfitnesspal I have been really tracking my calories and I have a good friend from HS that is also holding me accountable. In 1 month we are going to start Insanity and so I have to be ready for that...She is amazing and really helping.

    As far as why? Well I want to get my sexy back. When me and my husband were first together I was 20 years old and a size 5, he couldn't keep his hands off of me. 10 years and 2 kids later I just don't feel sexy anymore. I want him to not be able to keep his hands off of me again. Sure most people say they want to be healthier, but Im really not that bad, I just want to feel sexy again.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    My name is Tara :)

    I had a wake up call and noticed that I was only a pound from being "overweight" for my height at 168lbs in November 2011. I tried going it alone by working out but I had no idea how to "diet" or make a life style change eating wise. I tried though and lost 5lbs on my own, but lost hope until I found MFP! YAY! I joined in January 2012 at 162lbs. My 1st goal weight was 148lbs, but I continued on and set a second goal of 140lbs, which is what I am at today! My ultimate goal is 135lbs but I want to be toned and fit! 30DS is going to help me do that :) I feel that I am the healthiest I have ever been in my life and feel great!

    I started 30DS on 9/20 with hopes of getting great results and maybe even meeting my goal by 10/20! (I have to say Halloween is a big motivator at this point) but really I just want to be fit and healthy instead of being at my goal weight with fat still lingering around.

    Today, I am on Level 1, Day 7 and have a mini weekly goal of getting to 138lbs by Sunday :) Good Luck all, add me!
  • jennyrae75
    jennyrae75 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Jenny and I am 37. Over the bast couple of months I have noticed my slef gaining weight. I have no idea what changed other than getting older and I refuse to accept that. I hear people all the time say that as you get older yu gain 5 pounds a year. Yikes! So I get out and do 30DS 9most days with my 2 year old) and have tired to track my food and eat healthier. It is definately not easy but I plan to keep working at it. Finding friends and support seems to be key. My goal is to drop 15 lbs by the new year.
  • LiveLaffLoseLove
    I'm Jen
    I live in Florida and since moving here I have not been able to wear a real bikini!!!! What gives....

    I currently weigh 199 woooohoooo
    Goal weight is 140ish (I'll take 145)

    I want to do this by April 2013... is it possible???

    I started 30DS on Tuesday (yesterday morning) did about 13 maybe a few more mins. No pushups for me! Debating if I should do it tonight or wait til tomorrow morning.... I have read you are supposed to do it everyday!

    Good Luck all!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    @pamcuster: Yes, you got that right. No resting days are scheduled.

    Thanks! But, wow, I still can't believe there are no rest days! Am I just a big wimp or what?!!!

    Today was the second day for me, and I thought it was harder than day one! I am soooo sore!
  • danceVICKIdance
    danceVICKIdance Posts: 34 Member
    @pamcuster: Yes, you got that right. No resting days are scheduled.

    Thanks! But, wow, I still can't believe there are no rest days! Am I just a big wimp or what?!!!

    Today was the second day for me, and I thought it was harder than day one! I am soooo sore!

    It's okay, I actually couldn't work out yesterday. My shins hurt SO bad from the first three days that I seriously wanted to collapse and cry. :(
  • marciat100
    marciat100 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, my name is Marcia, I am 48 and I've been tracking MFP for about 40 days now.
    Reading some posts, I learned about this 30day shred and I decided to start it.
    Here I am, just did L1 D1.
    My goal is to keep tracking the next 29 days and share the experience here.
    I am a Fitbit user, and I tracked exercise here in MFP and Fitbit as Circuit training - general, 20min (217 cal). Does anyone here recommend a different type of tracking?
    My diet is a 1200/day cal goal. I've been doing this for about 10 days (some days with cravings, but in general, doing well).
    Any recommendation is appreciated.
  • marciat100
    marciat100 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Scharmaine,
    I felt the same way on my day 2, and I just did day 6 this morning. Feeling very well, happy and energized!!