How is everyones challange going so far?

My bf tried to tempt me with a mcd's has brown and I turned it down!

Finally some willpower. Six pack abs here I come!


  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    So far so good. Kids and hubby had burgers and fries and I packed along a tomato salad and grilled shrimp. I did have a 1/2 french fry as the "tax" for driving with the car full of delicious smells.
  • akmorrison0906
    akmorrison0906 Posts: 8 Member
    Day one went OK! Every meal was home made: oatmeal, a sandwich, and chicken fajitas :)
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Blew it today :(. Chic-fil-a chicken sandwich. I'll start again tomorrow!
  • lizboquist
    lizboquist Posts: 4 Member
    does Wawa count as fast food, or can it not count since I got a sub (something you could get at Subway)? Because if not, so far so good! :)
  • Niceandeasyday
    Niceandeasyday Posts: 2 Member
    So far so good! I did go to the juice company for a real pumpkin smoothie with protein powder, but that sure beats dairy queen or a McDonalds ice cream cone!
  • Im ok so far no cravings or anything I think I got this lol
  • Day one down! (I got a diet coke at McDonalds - but no food!)....I was going to go home and have a sandwich....but my husband wanted to go to IHOP......I was glad for the "Fit n Healthy" choices on the menu.....I got a spinach, mushroom, tomato omlet and fruit. It was delicious....and nice to know I hadn't blown all my calories at lunch!
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    Good so far. It was a challenge when our stove broke on Monday but I made it through without fast food.
  • So far so great! Three more days to go. I am not so sure how good I will do this weekend though because I am visiting family who LOVES to eat out. Boooo.
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    None so far.
  • renamarie77
    renamarie77 Posts: 98 Member
    Went to help my friend unpack her storage unit and ended up going out for Mexican. Argh. But, in my defense, it was a horrible emotionally-numb day... but next time I'm gonna go walking instead...

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  • So far I have made it!!! Much harder than I anticipated because of my work/activity schedule. I think I will continue for another week.
  • Congrats! That must have been difficult for you.
  • anntyson
    anntyson Posts: 23 Member
    doing good....but its very tempting!!!
  • PeachPlumPear00
    PeachPlumPear00 Posts: 8 Member
    I finished the challenge Monday! I still have not ate any fast food even though I finished! :happy:
  • As of today I have not had fast food in 24 days! (: