Welcome and Introductions

LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
Welcome everyone!

I created this topic so we can introduce ourselves (if we want of course) and our goals.

I'm Liza and I'm married to a great guy and have a 17mth old daughter. I'm an "older Mom" at 42 and so becoming healthy has become a top priority to me because I want to be around as long as I can ;)

I am a petite person and always have struggled with an extra 10-20 lbs. May not seem like a big deal but I also struggled with fatigue and bloating for so long that it just felt normal to me. Almost every afternoon after lunch I felt exhausted and yet I never thought to question it. Don't hate me but because I work from home, I could nap for 1/2 hour and try to work through the post nap grogginess I felt afterward. I was surviving like this but it was a drag.

Fast forward to this year when inspired by a friend who really took charge of her health and looked fantastic, I decided that I didn't want to settle for being exhausted and low energy anymore. I have insurance (thankfully), so I saw her very progressive DR in NYC in April 2012 who ran a bunch of bloodwork and discovered I had hidden thyroid and hormonal issues, and low vitamin D production. He said I was likely suffering from gluten intolerance (although I am not celiac) and had issues with yeast. I followed a gluten/yeast/diary free protocol he suggested (with a few cheats/falls off the wagon along the way be honest) and even with a few slips I started to feel significantly better. I found MFP in mid July and tried Whole 30 in August. I found that I really liked eating wholesome food and never felt hungry - I just ate what I wanted (that was approved). Of course, a few mistakes/hidden ingredients took me off guard, but overall, it made a significant impact on my health. I did my follow up bloodwork in mid August (about halfway through the whole 30) and my thyroid/hormone/cholestorol levels improved bigtime. And I lost about 12 pounds in total between April to August, which also really felt good. All I had changed was what I ate, and finally felt enough energy to exercise so I did Jillian Michaels' 20-30 minute workouts a few times a week.

Currently, Sept came along and with work deadlines looming with the Fall semester and my husband and my birthday, I started eating random stuff again, and wow, I started to feel like cr*p again. I'd like to say I'm exagerating but it truly felt like a few steps back in how I felt. Sooo... I figured... why not reboot again with another Whole 30 and get back on track. So that's the story behind why I wanted to try this challenge again.

Thanks for listening!!



  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all!! My name is Kelly, you can call me Kelly, or Merci... I answer to both ;)

    I am so excited to embark on the Whole 30. I first bought the book over a month ago and wanted to do it but was kinda scared that I would fail. I also didn't start in September because I had things that involved food down for my birthday that month. I am now as ready as I will ever be. Feel free to add me so we can all support each other in any way we can (I know I'll need it)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Hey guys. I'm Catrina, or Trina. In June my bf and I did the Paleo diet for 6 weeks after reading Robb Wolf's book and we felt amazing. Then our vacation came in July and it was all down hill. Its been a struggle to get back to eating healthy. I've gained 15 pounds and feel awful. I just bought It Starts with Food and I'm currently reading it. I can't wait to get back to being healthy and feeling better.

    Good luck to all of us!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm Molly... but you can call me SQUISHY if you'd like :)

    I did a Whole30 in March (I think I only made it 15 days without a slip-up). I've been trying to be Paleo/Primalish since probably March? April? But recently I've been such a crabbypants and overwhelmed with LIFE that I've just been eating garbage. My boyfriend doesn't really watch what he eats so the house often has goodies laying around - not to mention all the treats in the break room at work! My migraines, zits, bloating, & all that goodness has come flooding back so I am certainly not pleased! To kick my butt out of emo-ville and get my diet back on track... here I am :)

    P.S. if you don't go there already, this is one of the few websites other than MFP that I visit every day... http://www.nomnompaleo.com
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Good morning,

    My name is Leida, and I am trying to defeat the endless yo-yo, hunger & binges and the stubborn fat! Most of all I want to transform from the Pathetic Middle-Aged Woman Who Tries to Lose Weight into the Ageless Goddess!!! After years of experimentation, I am sure that what stands between me and the Ageless Goddess is my sugar/fructose sensitivity. That's my second serious attempt to lead savory life with no sugar or sweeteners of nay sort.

    This time I am doing it by sticking to the Savory Primal Way (in other words high fat). I crashed after 40 days trying a Paleo way (at ~ 30%-40% fat and non-controlled carb/protein intakes).

    My October special challenges? Why, my daughter's B-Day party for which I will be baking cupcakes and a cake, and decorating it. And filling with home-made dulse de leche... Once I am past it, without licking fingers, all I have to do is to dodge persistent fruit cravings.

    I have just created a Ticker for my Primal Savory Days:

  • Hi everyone! I found this group through the parent group. I am completely new to this way of life - being a traditional chronic dieter. I started researching primal/paleo earlier this week as a solution to some health issues I've been experiencing related to adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, etc. I have recently discovered it may also help with some of my son's behavioral issues. I am trying to learn as much as I can and would be excited to have the support of this group as I make some changes in our household.

  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Hi!! I've been kinda primal since middle of last year, but went more in the paleo direction this year March. I cannot tolerate dairy and also do hardly ever eat cheese, but do use hemp protein powder or whey protein powder. I also love to have some very dark chocolate from time to time. I think I am pretty fat-adapted already, as I only rarely eat fruit or tubers anyway, but I have never tried a whole 30 and am really curious... I would even let go of my protein powder then. I will only be able to start on the 4th of October (I am in a long-distance relationship and my bf is coming for a few days this weekend) but would love to give it a go then!!
    Looking forward to it! Feel free to add me as well!!
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Hi all!! My name is Kelly, you can call me Kelly, or Merci... I answer to both ;)

    I am so excited to embark on the Whole 30. I first bought the book over a month ago and wanted to do it but was kinda scared that I would fail. I also didn't start in September because I had things that involved food down for my birthday that month. I am now as ready as I will ever be. Feel free to add me so we can all support each other in any way we can (I know I'll need it)

    Hi Kelly/Merci! My birthday month is September too lol... (I'm 9/20 nubby is 9/15) - I understand what you mean. Many times friends and family want to take us to eat, etc., it's totally understandable! That's what happened for me and why I felt like I wanted to try this again. I think I added you as a friend but I'm not 100%clear on how all the intricacies of MFP works. Thanks for joining us!
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all!! My name is Kelly, you can call me Kelly, or Merci... I answer to both ;)

    I am so excited to embark on the Whole 30. I first bought the book over a month ago and wanted to do it but was kinda scared that I would fail. I also didn't start in September because I had things that involved food down for my birthday that month. I am now as ready as I will ever be. Feel free to add me so we can all support each other in any way we can (I know I'll need it)

    Hi Kelly/Merci! My birthday month is September too lol... (I'm 9/20 nubby is 9/15) - I understand what you mean. Many times friends and family want to take us to eat, etc., it's totally understandable! That's what happened for me and why I felt like I wanted to try this again. I think I added you as a friend but I'm not 100%clear on how all the intricacies of MFP works. Thanks for joining us!

    Happy late birthday!!! Mine is the 11th, yes, 9/11 my birthday :-/ Yes, my mom wanted to cook me a special dinner, actually it wasn't that bad, barbeque with coleslaw. I just didn't eat the bun, but my friend wanted to take me out to eat (and I didn'tt do too bad, I had just shrimp, but there was a naughty dipping sauce :o

    I am all ready to go!! I have been reading the book and collecting recipes and planning my grocery list :) First though, I do want to get rid of my feta cheese. I will miss that, I have it all of the time and I am afraid it will be hard giving it up but there are so many yummy recipes that I hope I don't miss it.

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Desmonema - welcome & certainly jump in when you can - totally understandable re: visiting BF. I love my protein powder too - not looking forward to giving it up since it's so easy and doesn't involve cooking lol... so I'm with you there! I use egg white protein powder so I'm hoping maybe I can just eat a lot of egg whites to make up for it!

    Hi Laura - welcome & I relate to what you say about hypothryoidism, etc. I was editing my post when yours and others came in but that is part of my journey too. I did have major improvements in my bloodwork/energy level by eating in a more paleo way and when I fell off the wagon in Sept I felt so much worse that I couldn't help but notice. I do think food impacts our children too. I have to figure out a way to feed my daughter better since I've been letting her eat the food at daycare since I just wanted her to eat and didn't want to be "that parent." However, she's had a persistent yeast rash and I know I have to start taking more resposnsibity for what I'm feeding her. I want to let her be a kid too of course, so it's a balancing act - that's for sure!

    Hi Leida - welcome & I'm with you on the savory! When I did Whole 30 in August I was concerned with how much fat I was eating with all the nuts, coconut milk/oil, meat & eggs, but I never felt better so there's something to be said for that!

    Hi Molly - welcome & yes, I hear you on getting overwhelmed with life. That's part of what threw me off track. It's totally normal. The difference is that when you start to eat better and feel better, you know what to return to. It takes time to set the habits and it's hard to do it sometimes with temptation around. My husband was still eating my beloved pretzels, frozen yogurt and drinking beer when I started changing my diet back in April. I never pressured him about it but he started making changes once he saw how I was benefiting. So you just do the best you can and it always helps to have some approved snacks on hand for yourself so you're not caught hungry when he's snacking - I know how hard that is!

    And Hi again Kelly/Merci - although I already responded to your post below I just wanted to say hello again and thanks for joining us!

    Ok, so gotta run and get some work done but good luck with getting ready for our October 1st start and please feel free to start any topics in the group, etc.

    Take care!
  • n0bail02
    n0bail02 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey MFP peeps, I am Noel :) I heard about Paleo a while ago via a friend of mine. I tried it and felt AMAZING, no bloating, no hunger and a lot of energy. I also lost weight and mainly got firmer for the summer vacation. However, vacation was all a down hill and it has been hard to get back to healthy eating. Every week I start fresh and eating healthy, then comes the weekend and I fall off the wagon. I attempted to do whole30 for the first time this September, but I didn't manage to go through the first week :( It has been hard to do it all by myself since my husband is not into Paleo and I have a "carboholic" toddler at home. I hope with your support, I can do it this time and get back to my healthy lifestyle :)
  • katatonickitten
    katatonickitten Posts: 15 Member
    Hey all,

    I want to do this too! My birthday was sept 19, and on the 4th of oct my son will be 6 months old.
    I put on 100 lbs with the pregnancy/and stresses right after, and I cant go on like this anymore!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy late birthday!!! Mine is the 11th, yes, 9/11 my birthday :-/

    my birthday is 9/11 too!!!!
  • Hi Gang - i'm Sam you can call me Sam, Smonks, Sammie
    i have been eating Paleo since may 2011. and i can totally notice the differenc in my energy levels.. and my JOINTS! i was having constant knee pain. as soon as i cut our grains, dairy, sugar I felt the difference. my weight is about the smae, but i have gone from an 8/6 pants to a 4/2 in pants. I'm doign this whole 30 to see if i can lean out a little bit further before i get preganant (if i can) to say i was in the best shape before and i rebound quicker. I really do love eating Paleo.. and the one thing i miss the most is Pizza, but i have to say on my cheat days, gluten free pizza crust topped with pesto sauce and meat and veggies fills the spot!. can't wait to see eceryone's results. DONT FORGET TO TAKE YOUR PRE WHOLE 30 PICTURES!
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Im Tiffany. I started MFP on 7/20 the day of the shooting here is Aurora, Co. Watching my group of friends lose someone really made me realize that I needed to get back on track and lose this weight. I have lost 16 lbs, but the past few weeks have been a plateau, so I decided to look for different things to try. This seems like it is going to be hard for me, but I am very thankful we can have fruit. That will help me a lot. I am trying to get my best friend on board also. I recently got back into hiking and did my first 14er. I also walked my 4th half marathon; however, I want to get into much better shape so that I can finish many more 14ers and finish a full marathon. I have been struggling with undiagnosed back problems and it has stalled my weight loss and exercise a lot. However, I am bound and determined to be the healthiest I have ever been.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Happy late birthday!!! Mine is the 11th, yes, 9/11 my birthday :-/

    my birthday is 9/11 too!!!!

    Well, hope you had a happy one!!!!!! (birthday twins ;)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Hi I am Dee, you can call me Dee. I have been paleo for several months and I do like it a lot. I started Whole30 Sept. 4 but have realized I have messed some things up. I have eaten nuts and fruits that are not part of plan so I am having a do-over for Oct.
    Although I have done some "off program" things I still feel much better, more energy,no headaches, less joint pain. I am excited to see how much better things will be when I am 100% compliant!!
  • Hi. I am Kerri and I've been readng a lot about the PALEO and Whole 30 and I want to give it a trial to see if my body feels healthier and reduce carb/sugar cravings. I feel like I need a jump start lately in life and I would like more energy. Recently, I moved from the Marshall Islands (tropical) to Germany (so chilly already) and moving has been quite a transition. I want to focus on improving my whole-being and feeling more setled.

    I don't have a September birthday, but one of my best friends does. She just spent the last year focusing on nutrition and fitness and has lost over 50 pounds at least. So inspiring.

    My birthday wa in July and I turned 30. Another reason to strive to get to a more balanced being...
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Right, so I just ordered my copy of 'It starts with food' and am looking forward to start next week!! YEHAAA!
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Awesome, looks like we have a great group of people to work with ;)!!
  • MizMelis26
    MizMelis26 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, I'm Melissa, I started eating Paleo a week ago and had a couple of slip-ups, so i'm really excited to start this Monday!
    I want to not only look better, but i want to feel a lot better as well and have more energy then i do now so can do a lot more things with my 3 and 1/2 year old.