
I am getting so frustrated, I wish I could just give up. I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes almost a month ago. We tried just diet but my fasting numbers were still too high so they added Glyburide at night...well within 2 weeks I was maxed out and still not low enough for fasting. My fasting has to be under 100. So then about 2 weeks ago I started on a nightly dose of Levemir started at 25 now at 35. Now despite sticking to the meal plan I am starting to have issues during the day so yesturday I went off glyburide and on Novolog 10 3 times a day. This is my first full day, but my 2 hr after breakfast was 147, and 2 hr after lunch was 145. I don't see how it can be what I am eating I am seeing a nutritionist and she has been very happy with what I eat.

So as I munch on my healthy snacks and wait for dinner time I am in a room with 6 others ( *kitten* for right now) because they are eating chinese and dunkin donuts.

Any advice....I mean besides strangling my coworkers and stealing their chocolate donuts and sweet and sour chicken


  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    I can't see your food diary, but I'm guessing a nutritionist put you on too many carbs. See if this is any help:

    Look at eggs for breakfast, maybe with some cheese, or if you don't like eggs you still need a protein, so think about greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Now isn't the time to be concerned about cholesterol. Lunch: how about chicken salad, tuna salad, leftover chicken from last night, leftover steak over a salad. dinner, more lean protein with veggies. Ok, so in between, you want maybe some peanut butter on apple slices, carrots and hummus, cottage cheese with berries, greek yogurt. If the nutritionist gave you lots of small doses of carbs throughout the day look at cutting them waaaaaaay down.

    This doesn't need to be agony. I was craving pizza the other night, so I made sort of a zucchini quiche base (pretty thin) and topped the baked quiche with chunky tomato sauce, lots of cheese, and some turkey sausage. You really can find a way to get the same flavors without all the carbs.

    See if this helps your bg numbers, and good luck!
  • LilysMommy2012
    LilysMommy2012 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks nutritionist said: Breakfast 30, Snack approx 2 hrs later 30, Lunch 60, Snack 2 hrs later 30, Dinner 45, Bedtime snack 30....This is based on 2300 calorie diet, besides being 7.5 months pregnant Im a big girl.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I had gestational diabetes as well. Not fun. My son is now five, perfectly healthy, and was born at 6lbs 10 ounces. With a healthy sized baby, I had 2 hour readings as high as yours. I say that to say, before anything else, breathe.

    When I was diagnosed I became so anxious, wanting this healthy baby, and also wanting to eat everything in sight. The high readings would freak me the hell out, and my Dr. added extra anxiety by freaking out over fasting readings between 100 and 110. I felt there was zero room for error/humanity, and stopped enjoying being pregnant. After one particularly bad day, I switched doctors. My new Dr. didn't freak out about a fasting reading of 110. She didn't freak out about a 2 hour reading of 147. It allowed me to calm down considerably, and that was, I believe, what allowed my sugars to drop. I still followed the meal plan (and did have fewer carbs than your nutritionist recommends, no more than 45 at one time, ever... and usually 15-30, though 6 times/day was fine), and... I walked so many miles with that child I thought he'd pop out walking.

    It helped me to know it was temporary. You're nearly there... hang in, breathe, love yourself and your little one to be as much as you can through this. I'll send lots of cool vibes your way!!
  • LilysMommy2012
    LilysMommy2012 Posts: 24 Member
    @jessiekanga Thanks! This helps a ton. I think I worry more than my doctor.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Do not beat yourself up. I was gestational with both. One they thought I was decently controlled but I was not. Baby #2 the technology improved and they put me on insulin. Do whatever you need to do to take care of your baby. Do your best to eat the way they tell you, try taking a walk or some other appropriate exercise. Take whatever dose of insulin is necessary to keep your BG in line.
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    I am getting so frustrated, I wish I could just give up. I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes almost a month ago. We tried just diet but my fasting numbers were still too high so they added Glyburide at night...well within 2 weeks I was maxed out and still not low enough for fasting. My fasting has to be under 100. So then about 2 weeks ago I started on a nightly dose of Levemir started at 25 now at 35. Now despite sticking to the meal plan I am starting to have issues during the day so yesturday I went off glyburide and on Novolog 10 3 times a day. This is my first full day, but my 2 hr after breakfast was 147, and 2 hr after lunch was 145. I don't see how it can be what I am eating I am seeing a nutritionist and she has been very happy with what I eat.

    So as I munch on my healthy snacks and wait for dinner time I am in a room with 6 others ( *kitten* for right now) because they are eating chinese and dunkin donuts.

    Any advice....I mean besides strangling my coworkers and stealing their chocolate donuts and sweet and sour chicken
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I'm glad it feels helpful. BTW... is this your first?
  • sableq52
    Don't give up - Obviously you are consious of what you're eating and trying very hard. Are you able to get exercise in the evening at all? I've been diabetic since '06 and my second baby meant I had to walk around the house or neighborhood for 15 mins every night so that my fasting blood sugars would go down. I still have issues with it now if I don't get some sort of activity about an hour before I go to bed.

    Also, be sure to drink ample amounts of water.

    Hang in there!
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Stop eating carbs.. no bread, no donuts, no rice, no crackers, no cereal... you get enough carbs from vegetables. Minimize fruits. It doesn't matter how big you are. You Can do this, and your little one will be the healthier for it.

    Congratulations, by the way. My little ones are not so little anymore. They grow up so fast. Cherish these days. :)
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    Walk briskly for at least 10 minutes after you eat carbs. It should help. Don't exercise before eating, it can make your liver produce sugar since its job is to give you energy.