Any one want to do Whole 30 in October 2012?

LizaArg Posts: 88 Member

I did Whole 30 in August and felt amazing, definitely lost weight and had more energy. Then Auguts ended and we had Labor Day weekend, my hubby & my birthdays mid September and I fell off the wagon so to speak. I searched MFP and saw that there isn't a Whole 30 October 2012 Group yet. October 1st is next Monday. Anyone interested in doing the Whole 30 program, let me know, maybe we can start a group if we have at least 3 people. Otherwise, we can friend each other and just support each other that way.

Take care,


  • Count me in! I have yet to do a 100% pure Whole 30. I have had cheats here and there over the past 3 weeks, but I will try it again!!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I am doing 100% Primal in October. Which means that I add raw organic cheese and butter to the list of the 'allowed' choices. But I exclude fruit from my food choices & I commit to the full-on Primal Fitness, so that compensates, more or less. I hope :) So, I am on board if you have me!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'd love to try this! I hope that I can do it :-/ October = Oktoberfest beers.... yum.
  • MizMelis26
    MizMelis26 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm definitely on board ! I just went 100% Paleo this past friday and have yet to "cheat". Sugar cravings are now really minimal.
  • I am already doing this starting October 1st and would love to have some friends who are as well!! Please add me! :D
  • I'm in!!!
    i've done it before.. and loved the results! this will be great motivation
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I lasted 7 days and then I had my Anniversary, and wanted to start over, but then I thought with Thanksgiving coming up and the Wine will be flowing at my house, I had better wait till November.
  • I lasted 7 days and then I had my Anniversary, and wanted to start over, but then I thought with Thanksgiving coming up and the Wine will be flowing at my house, I had better wait till November.

    Why don't you do October then? It hasn't started yet! And it'll be over before Thanksgiving ;)
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    In Canada Thanksgiving is on October 8th.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I just bought It Starts with Food on my Nook last night. :)
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I lasted 7 days and then I had my Anniversary, and wanted to start over, but then I thought with Thanksgiving coming up and the Wine will be flowing at my house, I had better wait till November.

    Why don't you do October then? It hasn't started yet! And it'll be over before Thanksgiving ;)

    Oh, but I'm in Canada, our Thanksgiving is different then the states it is I believe October 7 and 8th
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I am so close to saying yes, the only thing I worry about is cheese, I will think about it through the day and I think October is the perfect time to do it because of no Thanksgiving, no birthdays, etc

    I will post my decision tonight (anyone have a pep talk for me??) ;)
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Hi again!

    Excuse me for not posting again yesterday - I had to catch up on my work & didn't get to check my own post again - sorry about that!
    Typically I will be able to check in at least once a day even more, so please bear with me.

    Ok, so what I'm going to do is I will create a group and then invite those of you who mentioned you are interested. I'll post some useful links like the last group organizer did for our August Whole 30 group.

    Last time I tried it in August I was pretty on target except for some hidden ingredients I found in my almond milk, etc. I found it became easier to stick with once the cravings disappeared but it has its up and downs, for sure. So, even as I want to start this group, don't think I think I'm any type of expert is all I'm saying!

    Below are some helpful links that Cass listed for us in August. If you can get the book (Amazon has it for $10 off cover price) it does help, and yet these links will give you the essential information to get started.

    The program:

    **NEW** More Downloadable Things here:

    The Shopping List:

    The Grocery List:

    A great book:

    What to expect on a daily basis as your body adjusts:

    Ok, so please give me a day or two to figure out how to properly start a group on MFP and we'll go from there!

    Take care,

  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    PS. By the way, I'm fine if you want to make personal adjustments to the program. I'm definitely not planning to police or make anyone wrong for eating certain items. I think the main thing is that you have to be willing to give up processed food and grains, etc. The program itself is quite strict in that you are asked to let go of grains (including corn), legumes, diary, and sugars/artifical sweetners, preservatives in general and focus on veggies, fruit, grass fed/natural meats and eggs, coconut milk, etc.

    I think you can still get a lot of benefits if you follow it as closely as you can. As long as you're willing to do that (because we'll all need support sticking to it) and not brag about any pizza & beer nights (just kidding LOL!!) then I'm ok with it ;)
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Please add me. I am 99.9999% sure I will start in October officially (but actually start phasing into it now.)
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Is anyone planning to subscribe to the daily check ins on the website? (whole life daily)

    I am thinking I will and will set the date to start on the 1st!! Yayy!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I just figured out how to capture my version of Primal: Savory Primal. So, I am committing to 100% Savory Primal for October. SCARY!
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I am slightly freaked out by committing to this too!
  • I am starting to get really excited for this actually!! Everyone add me!
  • Is anyone planning to subscribe to the daily check ins on the website? (whole life daily)

    I am thinking I will and will set the date to start on the 1st!! Yayy!

    Just signed up for it! :D
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I shall try again!!!
    October whole 30!!
    I made it 26 days in july and have tried a number of times but havent gotten past day 12!! Really need to recommit!!
    Count me in!!
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Is anyone planning to subscribe to the daily check ins on the website? (whole life daily)

    I am thinking I will and will set the date to start on the 1st!! Yayy!

    Just signed up for it! :D

    I signed up for it as well. October 1st!! Here I go :)
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I created the group this morning and invited everyone who seemed interested (hopefully those invites will come through your account, if not feel free to email me or search for us in Groups as Whole 30 for October 2012). I am doing this half awake before my baby wakes up so if I missed anyone it was not intentional!

    Officially, the program is 30 days, so that means we can complete it the day before Halloween. Spoken like the true chocoholic that I am! LOL... If some of you want to start early by all means do so. I probably won't have all my shopping done until the weekend, so I plan to start on Monday, October 1st.

    I'm really looking forward to trying this again and it looks like we have a great group of people - thanks for participating!

  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks for the invite, Liza. I'm starting Monday. I also signed up to receive the emails from them each day!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I would love to join! I've fallen off the paleo/primal bandwagon hard this past month (I'll spare you my excuses). I'll go search for the group :D
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    For anyone on the fence about doing this... I am currently in day 18, and loving it. I feel great, I've dropped all of my August vacation weight and then some, and I'm not even struggling with the loss of my dark chocolate, bacon, occasional dairy, or protein powder. I'll add those things back sparingly when I'm through, but I'm so glad I decided to do the Whole30!

  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I would love to do another Whole30 starting in October. Count me in!

    I'm actually going to be doing a modified version (much more strict) of the Whole30 for people with Autoimmune Disease (Hashimoto's). It includes the regular Whole30 fare, but excludes eggs, nuts, seeds and seed spices (mustard, cocoa, and coffee), nightshade vegetables (tomato, eggplant, potatoes, peppers), fruit, NSAIDS, and guar gum (legume derivative). So it's pretty much meat and veggies for 30 days. I've never known anybody else who would go to such extreme lengths as I am with this in order to heal my gut flora and feel better. If anybody else is in the same boat with an autoimmune disease, I'd love you along for the ride.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I am in! I started whole30 Sept 4 and should be finished Oct 3 but looking back I have had some things that are not legal on plan so I will have a do-over committing 100% Whole 30 compliant for Oct. I have to admit even though I ate some fats and fruits that were off plan I feel amazing!
  • chrissyrn04
    chrissyrn04 Posts: 119 Member
    Can I join late? Im going away to Toronto for a medical conference the first week and there is just no way that I will be on plan to that extent but when I get back I will defiately need a recharge...
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    I think I'm in too!