I dont recomend what I did, just wanted to share

In 1999 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I had my baby. Armour was the only one that did somewhat work for me, but I was never happy with the way I felt. I read many books at the time and coppied several pages for my doctor of the things I believed to be true about it. I was always exhosted and couldnt lose weight. He would always tell me I was where I needed to be. That didnt make me happy.

What I read was that hypothyroidism meds actually let your thyroid die so all you have is the meds that take the place of the thyroid. I looked into natural herbs and found that they help restore the gland. So I took both my meds and a natural herb. I felt better and my test results stayed the same. Then when the pharmacy didnt have them in so many different times I decided to just take my natural herb, against my doctors orders. I know it was a dangerous risk.

Im not one that remembers to take my meds everyday so I figured I would take this chance. I beleive it was 3yrs I didnt see my doctor or have any test (because of finances). So I was on my own. Sometimes I went months without taking the natural herb, when I could afford them I would get them. So in 2010 had a miscarage went to the ER, they did my blood work and told me my thyroid was perfect. I told the ER doctor that I havent had any RX for it in years only natural herbs and she said it must be working for me.

I dont recomend what I did unless you are checked regularly by your doctor, its dangeous. My situation aloud for it. I still take natural herbs for it and they give me extra energy for the day. I cant say its totally healed I still have days I am drained, but nothing like before. I just started trying to lose weight so I dont know how dificult its gonna be. Please dont try this with out your blood work getting checked if you think about it at all cause it is very dangerous. I was afraid of posting this because of the dangers of it. Not all natural herbs work the same for each person. Its just what I did and Im happy with the results.


  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Interesting story. I am not an expert but, I think the thyroid problems after pregnancy are not long term??? I do not know this for certain. I have Hashimotos and have tried in the past when I think I am "better" and stop my meds. But, I end up being very sick and get back on them. Im on Armour now and feeling much better. Definitely be careful when dealing with the thryoid