Just done W1D1

Really buzzing, that was great, I want to go again, I'm under no illusions that I'll feel this way in a few weeks but its a great start! Haha just read that back, never ever thought I would say that about running!


  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I feel like I know exactly what you're saying!! I'm like "Wow, I want to run today! But wait.... I hate running.... what's going on here...." I hope it sticks!
  • liittlebrunette
    liittlebrunette Posts: 90 Member
    I just did day 1 week 1 today too... i felt like my lungs were gonna colaspe... this will only get easier!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Congratulations - you've started on an awesome path :) That buzz doesn't have to go away - mine never did! I was always gearing up for my next run as soon as I finished.
  • Jamfrilly
    I hope so, it was easier than I expected, but I think it was because I was ready to commit to it this time, didn't feel like I was being forced to do something I really didn't enjoy!
  • Jamfrilly
    I feel like I know exactly what you're saying!! I'm like "Wow, I want to run today! But wait.... I hate running.... what's going on here...." I hope it sticks!

    Glad to be in it with others.
  • NatashaRuz
    Way to go!! :) You'll be zipping along in no time!
    Congrats on starting! :)
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Congrats! I remeber feeling that and I still do after every run! I'm doing week 5 day 2 today and I cant believe how much i've improved and so quickly!! Keep up the great work and we'll be running marathons in no time!! xxx