Weight accountability log

I pledged to weigh myself every Tuesday after exercise and to report the results to my fellow Challengers. Here's the data since the start of the Ultra Challenge:

Tuesday 9/11/2012: weight = 177.0 lb, need to lose 20.0 lb to reach goal
Tuesday 9/18/2012: weight = 174.2 lb, 2.8 lb lost since beginning of Ultra Challenge, need to lose 17.2 lb to reach goal

Note that the last time that my weight was this low, Jimmy Carter was in the White House, people were standing in line to see Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and "Call Me" by Blondie was at the top of the charts.

I'm keeping my eyes on he prize --- and am grateful beyond measure for your support!


  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Heather (a.k.a. "Slim," a nickname she richly deserves and has earned though hard work) has generously given me the nickname "Thin Man." Since it feels like I'm actually beginning to live up to that title, I've changed my avatar to a photo of the actor William Powell, who starred as detective Nick Charles in MGM's series of six "Thin Man" films from 1936 to 1947. I'd love to have his hat, and I'd love to be able to pull off that mustache...

    Note for cinephiles: The "thin man" was actually the nickname of a character that Nick was hired to track in the first film, "The Thin Man."
  • palheather
    Hehe, I knew you loved his hat and would favor the reference!! And completely appreciate that you know Nick Charles wasn't The Thin Man.

    I'm planning to weigh in tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers; so far my "scale peeking" hasn't proved positive this week....

  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    I'll be thinking good (and lightweight) thoughts, Slim!
  • kstar137
    This is a great idea, Roger.
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, Kim!
  • palheather
    Ok, here we go... I weighed in this morning and, thankfully, had a loss.

    9/19/12 145.6 pounds (a loss of 1.4 pounds from my previous weigh-in of 147 pounds)

    My end goal is a 20 pound loss in the 90 days for a final weight of 127 pounds (which should put me in the upper portion of the "healthy weight" range on the BMI chart). 18.6 pounds to go!!


    As an aside... I don't think I've EVER written my actual weight down for the world to see. What a strange, vulnerable yet liberating act. Yuck and yippee at the same time.
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    This is SO COOL, Slim! You *are* on track, and you *will* get to your goal.

    And you get 500 bonus points for having the courage and strength of purpose to share all your numbers with us.

    You deserve to give yourself a HUGE pat on the back today. Congratulations!
  • kbchmacdonald
    Congratulations on your liberation, Heather, and to honor your courage I will do the same: yesterday weighed 147.5 pounds, end goal 140 will put me just inside healthy BMI. 140 is still high, but I am aiming for a weight I can maintain, having weighed everywhere from 130 to 220 in my adult life. How's that for scary to put in print?!

    I've decided that, realistically, I WILL burn minimum of 3,000/week, with goal of burning more...but 3,600 isn't realistic with my foot restriction and travel necessities. Better to recognize it now than to set myself up for failure, I figure.
  • browninsb
    Hello All,

    Thanks for the opportunity to work with y'all as we work to be healthy. I'm in a bit of a tough spot as I'm having some interesting health issues with a possible allergic reaction. I'm going to set up another appoint with my primary and watch and wait these next few weeks. I'm working to maintain my weight around 155 lbs. At 5'8" that is inside the healthy zone on BMI. I'm currently at 153.5 and I feel best when I'm not below 150.

    I am enjoying the workouts at Killer B - I just tried the Boot Camp and it was a good class. I'm trying to run once a week ( I have a 4 mile route I enjoy) and I'm doing some biking.

    Thanks for your encouragement and hard work! Y'all are an inspiration!

    Mary Ellen
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Clare and M.E. --- thank you so much for your posts and for sharing your goals. Let us know how we can help --- and M.E., please keep us posted on your allergy issues!
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    That sounds like a great plan, Kim! Rest assured that you have our complete support. Feel free to call on the rest of us for motivation and guidance whenever you think we can be helpful!
  • kbchmacdonald
    Happy birthday and congratulations! Doesn't it feel fantastic to have put that 3 behind you and reporting a weight that beings with 2? That's a major physical and psychological accomplishment. And I notice you use your bike for transportation--also a very smart way to keep yourself healthy while you lose weight.

    My experience in bouncing up and down and up and up the scale my whole life has taught me that outright prohibition doesn't work for me. Chocolate birthday cake? Why not! For me, it's all about stopping before I eat the ENTIRE chocolate birthday cake...an exercise that is still a work in progress for me.

    21 pounds lost is already approximately two clothing sizes!
  • kstar137
    Thanks Clare! You are so right in so many ways. I appreciate your perspective!