Detox Supplement

livaneah Posts: 34 Member
Has anyone tried the IP Detox supplement? My coaching video suggested that it might help overcome a weight loss "plateau" and the testimonial they gave was that a woman who had previously been losing a pound a week detoxed and lost closer to five by her next weigh in.


  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    I hear thats how its supposed to work, but I have never tired it. I may do that this time around though.
  • I've had 2 discouraging weeks (been on a total of 4), so they recomended I try the detox.I will start it tomorrow. Let me know how it goes and i will do the same?:happy: I've lost a total of 16#s in 5 weeks and should not be whining but it seems so restrictive for todays -2...i know, quit whining!!!!!
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    I'm only on week one, so it'll be a little bit before I do the detox.
  • I blogged with a girl yesterday that has lost over 100 pounds over a year and did not use it once. They suggested it yesterday when i weighed in and talked me into it. I thought it was expensive for 3 bottles of pills that you take for a month. I dont think i'm going to use it unless I absolutely have to. Also, in the box is one of the bottles I already purchased - the Novi - Lax, so now I have 2 of those. Another blogger just suggested to go to the drugstore and buy Psyillium to clean yourself out if need be...
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    If you're going to use another product, I'd at least talk to your coach. Mine is pretty forgiving when it comes to stuff like that as long as she knows it wont affect the diet.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    ok I took it yesterday and WOW I did lose 1.7 lbs... but I am pretty "cleaned out". I would recommend not starting with the full suggested dosage.
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    LOL, good suggestion
  • One Coach is like yours, the other is strictly by the book. I called my gastroenterologist and asked which he preferred. He said the Psyllium should be fine as it isnt fiber or carbohydrates, in fact you dont digest it at all as it shoots straight through you to clean the pipes. He said the cleanse is fine, however i need to be careful as I am low in D and Iron so I need to watch what i do so that I dont overcleanse...he did say the magnesium capsules we are all taking are great as he said most Americans are low in magnesium as of course calcium. However he did say he didnt know how much of the calcium we would be absorbing as you need some fat to help absorb that and vitamin D. He suggested I take those vitamins close to when i eat the olive oil for more effecient i am just passing that on.
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    You can get a lot of vitamin D from the sun as well.
  • :tongue: Apparently Im not absorbant. HAHAH - no really - I am low and they have been pumping it into me by the megadose. The Doc just didnt want me to do something that would be counter productive to what they are doing. I think the last diet i was on two years ago was the reason my blood work is in the shape its in. 3 day fasting cleanses each month - Didnt work. just cleansed me of minerals and nutrients...