
julesoa Posts: 68 Member
I am going away for 2 weeks from tomorrow to Spain. We will be self catering so I am much more in control of the food I will be able to get akthough we will eat out as well. I know that holidays can mean being out of touch so I have planned to go to 2 OA meetings whilst I am there and also to keep in touch with my sponsor and OA friends by text/email and sending postcards. I know I have to remember to focus on abstinence and recovery rather than the weight or I start slipping into my disease and diet-head mode. MFP helps me to know what I am eating and when and I want to keep logging as much as possible whilst Im away
Any tips for staying abstinent whilst on holiday?


  • karinamcox
    karinamcox Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Julie, Sounds like you have planned well for the trip and your recovery. That would have been my tip for you, planning ahead - ideally the night before, writing down your meals and preparing for any restaurant meals with a few allowable choices.Take it one day a time and remember that though no matter what, you have already commited to your recovery and renewed health, so don't despair if you have a weak moment. Just reach out and stay calm. It will all be fine. Enjoy yourselves and be safe. :) x