Challenge Chit Chat

178Goal Posts: 9 Member
We need to keep motivating each other with discussion and tips. I am hoping to lose 20 pounds per month, so I should be down 40 pounds by Thanksgiving but I will take 30!! I am on Medifast 5-1 Plan and have lost 5 pounds on the first 2 days. Drinking 8-12 glasses of water, no alcohol, and my blood pressure has already dropped 10 points. I was drinking too much wine and eating too many carbs. I am tracking my calories and carbs, as well as protein and fat. Found a miracle protein food, now don't laugh, but I love tofu... it has no carbs and high in protein!! I am focusing on a healthy diet with vegetables and all plant based diet, doctor says that is the healthiest diet!! No more desserts, meat, and limited dairy. Once I get to my goal weight, I can add fruit, beans, grains, but right now the focus is on lean protein, vegetables, meal replacements, and water ..... AND it is working!!:happy:


  • CaitlinCrosson
    Congrats i know you will be able to do it.
  • Mojamabo
    Mojamabo Posts: 31 Member
    I am not on any special diet. I am trying to follow the 40/30/30 format which has been a little trickier than I expected but I have lost 12 lbs on it so far. I am also doing combinations of cardio and strength training. I feel like 14 lbs by thanksgiving is a reasonable goal!
  • k8little
    k8little Posts: 22 Member
    Not really on any special diet, I am just going to try to stay within my calories with mainly protiens and fresh fruits and vegs and stay clear of processed carbs and foods.for the first 2 weeks I am going to not eat back my exercise calories aswell. I feel 14 pounds is a very attainable goal and if more happens then bonus!! I would like to see 15 pounds gone but turkey day . good luck everyone ! so happy to be part of this group
  • Lilhutch77
    Lilhutch77 Posts: 3 Member
    Can't wait......and ready to drop 14lbs! This is my 1st time joining a group but I've followed some. I thought this one is perfect because I love Thanksgiving and would be at my goal weight if I lost 14! Thanks for starting this.
    I've been working out 5/6 times a week (cardio MWF, strength training TThS and yoga W). I work four days a week in the AM and volunteer in the afternoons. My evenings revolve around the kids' activities which involve some late evenings and Saturdays which makes eating healthy a challenge. Thanks again for starting this and so happy to be a part of this group also!
  • Kattie1
    Kattie1 Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah Challenge starts today 10/1/12.......Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mojamabo
    Mojamabo Posts: 31 Member
    I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today. I survived day 1! I am really excited about all this. I went back home in August and I haven't been back. I didn't tell anyone that I was working on losing weight. People back there are not the most encouraging sometimes and since I have failed the mission before I feel like they expect me to fail. And for the rest, I didn't want to tell them in case I did fail and if I didn't it would be a surprise. Anyway, I am headed back around Thanksgiving and I would love to be down another size and just shock everyone.
  • Mojamabo
    Mojamabo Posts: 31 Member
    @dballski - I am trying tofu for the very first time. Do you have a great recipe you would recommend for a newbie?? :happy:
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Despite blowing my diet on Saturday, I'm still on track... Lost another pound somehow... Considering doing that Shred or something... but I hate exercise!
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm on day 3 of level 1 of that 30 Day Shred. It's kicking my butt. It takes me twice as long to walk places now!
    The best part is that I've stopped thinking about how fat I am and instead am thinking about how it hurts to move... anything. :)