Week 2, Tuesday 9/25-Monday 10/1

Week 2 Challenge: Curb Your Sweet Tooth

*This week's challenge is to limit sweets (pies, cookies, candy, ice cream, donuts, cakes, etc) to 2 times or less this week. This can be two times in one day...or two times over the week. Use your "times" wisely!!!
*Let us know how you're doing...successes and challenges and any helpful tips!
*Don't forget to continue drinking your water (week 1 challenge).

Next week will be "Choose your own challenge", so be thinking about what challenge you would like to set for yourself. In the meantime, let's curb our sweet tooth! Much success!


  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    Cool! I'm glad we are starting tomorrow. I just had an ice cream sandwich and some candy today ;)
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Oh myyyy...this is gonna be a tough one, but I need to do this!!
    Good luck, everybody!
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    So today is day 1 and someone brings carrot cake to work...:ohwell:
    but I'm choosing to save my sweets day to later in the week.

    Have a great day Ladies!!!
  • REDR61
    REDR61 Posts: 14 Member
    So I'm just reading this after eating 2 candy bars PLUS a raisin cinnamon bun! I don't know what happened to me today! I'm glad it's the challenge this week; when I eat sweets it's not easy to stop. This should help. Good luck all!
  • I think that I've rebounded from the "plague" (as my grandson called it). I definitely did good on the water and am planning to keep it up. I"m off to Nashville for a birthday celebration (William #5). So that will count as 1. This is going to be tough. Have a great day everyone!
  • REDR61
    REDR61 Posts: 14 Member
    Thankfully no sweet attack today LOL! I tried to repair some of yesterday's damage by a bit more exercise than what I've done lately. Of course, I need to do that anyway:) Hope everyone's having a sweet free day!
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I definitely didn't do good so far. Tomorrow is a new day. Today wasn't the bad day, but yesterday definitely was. I got a cookie and a brownie and some ice cream...I'm seriously, just wasn't good. But today went well and I'm hoping the rest of the week will as well. :D
    Can't wait 'til my challenge next week. If anybody would like to do it, I'm planning to make a challenge for myself where I say something good about myself each day....remind myself of what I've done right and something that I like about myself.
    Instead of talking about "Oh, I hate this about me and wish it would go away..." and "If only I wasn't so overweight...", we can say things to ourselves like "I'm doing the right thing and it's going to pay off!" and "I can't wait to fit in those jeans..."
    It's all about perspective....
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    Had a temptation free day, thankfully. I'm "planning" which sweets will be worth my eating this week! Last week was almost a sweet treat every day.

    Have a great week Ladies! Thx for joining me in this challenge.
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Had a temptation free day, thankfully. I'm "planning" which sweets will be worth my eating this week! Last week was almost a sweet treat every day.

    Have a great week Ladies! Thx for joining me in this challenge.

    I wouldn't say I've joined you yet. It's a challenge, but not one that I'm beating :(
  • Tough, tough, tough!!! Do I count the Fiber One chocolate bar as a sweet?
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    Annette, good question! totally up to you! I love Fiber One Bars too...ran out and haven't been to the store to pick up more but i thought about the same question.
  • Today is William's birthday so I am super excited and can't wait to have some Batman cake...(I"m staying away from the blue parts). Im doing so good keeping up with my points and calories. I have the oatmeal each morning which gets in my whole grain and milk for the day. I have the Fiber One bar for the afternoon munchie time. Not doing so good on excercise but its not a total wash because chasing around after a toddler and a 5 year old has to count for something. Have a great day/weekend.
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    Enjoy the party Annette. I had my sweets today and enjoyed every bite!
  • Ok, the blue part WAS the cake. Had a small piece.I was all set to just go for it, savor it, enjoy it. I found myself thinking how crazy sweet it tasted...ended up leaving a couple of bites. The killer was the pizza at almost 300 calories a slice and I had two. A great day though, especially watching William go crazy over his toys. Flying home tommorrow.In time for the start of the new challenge. I like the idea of a positive comment every day. I agree that we have to acknowledge our accomplishments first to ourselves and not depend on it from others. Have a great day!
  • REDR61
    REDR61 Posts: 14 Member
    I had a miniature Hershey's sugar free candy bar. Good thing only one day left thiz week. Great success this week ladies!
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    Ok. My sweets status :

    Saturday, I had vanilla shake and choc chip cookie
    Today: vanilla ice cream cone
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