tough dropping the lbs

I'm wandering about looking for different idea's to lose some weight. I've been walking for about 3 months ( 3 brisk miles almost daily) and am fitter but the scales are moving very slowly. May I ask what "doing the 60" is?
I'd like to get back to a little skiing this year but at my weight, I'm afraid if I fall, I won't be able to get back up.


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm in the same boat, although I can't walk briskly at all. The scale has stopped moving downward even with the treadmill, stretching and outdoor walking I'm doing. I just look at it as a fitness project now. I'm watching my calories, making sure I move around every day either on the treadmill or on the trail or using a walking CD from the Leslie Sansone collection. I feel better, look better and can do more than ever before.

    You can make me your friend and I'll help you as much as I can. Good luck!
  • northo49
    northo49 Posts: 9 Member
  • Hi,
    I'm wandering about looking for different idea's to lose some weight. I've been walking for about 3 months ( 3 brisk miles almost daily) and am fitter but the scales are moving very slowly. May I ask what "doing the 60" is?
    I'd like to get back to a little skiing this year but at my weight, I'm afraid if I fall, I won't be able to get back up.

    Hi northo49. I an not sure what your question is "doing the 60". We are a group of 60 and over who do weekly challenges here. As for the scale not moving, sometimes it won't move, but you will find your clothes are looser than before, so you are doing it right.The most important thing I think is just be consistent with movement and watching what you eat. Good luck to you and we would love to have you join us in our weekly challenges. If you are up to them, that is! LOL
  • Brisk walking - not that I always practice what I preach! Costs nothing, especially up and down the stairs at home so I am just slightly out of breath. If my neighbours could see me they would think I had lost my mind lol. I could drop lbs easily when I was younger if I just ate more sensibly - now I have to cut right down all the time to maintain my weight. Very frustrating. However, it is coming off which makes me more motivated to continue. I find the nutritional tables on MFP are invaluable as I need to keep my fats intake down (high cholesterol). MFP is so good my occupational health department are recommending it to my colleagues as a really great way of tracking and recording. I tend to record my meals immediately after eating as its something to occupy myself rather than continuing to eat when I shouldn't. Scanning bar code labels on food products via my iPhone is a really helpful bonus. Keep going everyone - we can do it!
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    "I could drop lbs easily when I was younger if I just ate more sensibly - now I have to cut right down all the time to maintain my weight. Very frustrating."

    Sophie, that's the whole deal right there! I once read some doctor saying that women over 60 could NOT lose weight. But alas, alas, I know old people do get thin, 'cause I've seen it happen in the worst way, at the end . . .

    I'm half of a mind to believe that the few extra pounds most people pick up as they age are an evolutionary survival tactic: in case ya get abandoned on the iceberg, y'know, you can last a little longer . . . maybe even reproduce--!

    Spoiled rotten as I am, it's hard for me to kowtow to what's going to be, from here on out, a permanent discipline. But yes: if those clothes are going to fit, it's got to be "cut right down all the time."
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey, I would imagine that skiing would be a super exercise, if you can get on with that. My story is like yours, except I know when I have cheated and eaten too much in a day. Also, my walking is sporadic at best. Recently had a pulmonary doc tell me to walk at least 4 times a week for 20 minutes, that the value is better balance, stronger bones and good lung capacity. The weight drop off is an added benefit - he believes more in health then skinny!! I plan to keep on keeping on, as I know that if I didn't I could easily have 50 pounds to lose and not the 15 that I have now. But boy, are they hard to budge!!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    "I could drop lbs easily when I was younger if I just ate more sensibly - now I have to cut right down all the time to maintain my weight. Very frustrating."

    Sophie, that's the whole deal right there! I once read some doctor saying that women over 60 could NOT lose weight. But alas, alas, I know old people do get thin, 'cause I've seen it happen in the worst way, at the end . . .

    I'm half of a mind to believe that the few extra pounds most people pick up as they age are an evolutionary survival tactic: in case ya get abandoned on the iceberg, y'know, you can last a little longer . . . maybe even reproduce--!

    Spoiled rotten as I am, it's hard for me to kowtow to what's going to be, from here on out, a permanent discipline. But yes: if those clothes are going to fit, it's got to be "cut right down all the time."
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm trying to comment on zanniew, but I screwed it up somehow so forgive me.

    Anyway, I'm trying to look at this as getting fit and being healthy as I get older -- basically, a lifestyle change. It's really difficult. I've always had a hard time losing weight, but usually kept it up for many years before I had to struggle again. Hopefully, this will be the last time.
  • northo49
    northo49 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the input folks! I'll definitely try the stairs more. Switzer, I'm with your Pulmonary Doctor, heathy and fit is more important than skinny. I think that my obese weight has to go though, too tough on the joints and the system. I've got to think about this as long term, the lifestyle change which Gramanana refers to. I tend to get caught up though and want to be 180 pounds next week.
    I'm going to try putting in a break between my last meal of the evening and my first meal the next day. 14 hours is what a friend is doing. She's done a bit of looking into it...... kind of like prayers, can't hurt and might help!
    If anyone has had any bad experiences with this, please let me know.
  • I do like your friend...usually 13-14 hours between my last meal in the evening and the next breakfast. I try not to eat anything after 6 pm or 7 at the latest and it works for me. I've been losing consistently. I also walk 3 miles every morning before breakfast at a 3.5 mph pace with 1 day off, usually Sundays.

    I totally understand about " I tend to get caught up though and want to be 180 pounds next week." Patience is not one of my strong points either. I just remind myself I didn't put the weight on in a week and it's not coming off in a week.

    Much success to you on your journey. :smile: