Just introducing myself....

2bPhat Posts: 5 Member
Hello ladies,

Glad to see such a wonderful and inspirational group of african-american women. So empowering. I am 30 years old from Alabama. I currently weigh 279lbs and I am 5'8''. I my goal is to at least weigh 230 by January 2013. I battle with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and one of the side effects is insulin resistance. So this makes it very difficult to lose alot of weight. I recently started watching carbs. So I am interested to try seeing some results. Anyone else in here have PCOS? If so, how do you keep a great diet, or manage your weight? All feedback and ideas are welcome.


  • wanniet
    wanniet Posts: 38 Member
    Hello and welcome...and yes it is wonderful being apart of such a determined group of ladies! I don't have PCOS and I'm sorry that you are in the battle...hopefully you will find some ladies on here that can share what their experiences have been with it. Just keep your head up and stay dertermined and you will reach your goals. :flowerforyou:
  • 2bPhat
    2bPhat Posts: 5 Member
    awwhhh thanks so much
  • Buglove2
    Buglove2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I am new to the group and I am so happy I found this group. Many of the ladies have made huge changes in there health, fitness, and daily lifestyle. I am so proud of everyone. I am 39 years of age married with a house full of children. I need to make time for me to work on me, but its hard to do. I need to change my lifestyle for health reason and overall wellness. I am looking forward to this journey and find others for support in the process.
  • nyvickie
    nyvickie Posts: 9 Member
    Hello I am new to the group. I am going to do the sept challenge going grocery shopping today. I need a lot of support 49 and the menopause is wrecking havoc on me.
  • Good morning! I am so glad to have found this group and My Fitness Pal as well. It has really helped me some necessary changes in my life. The support is great! Feel free to add me on My Fitness Pal and God bless on your fitness/weight loss journeys!
  • Hi, My name is Sara Coleman. I am new MFP, I have been dieting off and on for years. I would like to be more successful this time around. I was hoping maybe by having a little more support I can accomplish this. 5'1 203ils
  • Hi My name is Joi! I am new to MFP but I am a memeber of BWLW FB page. I am ready to lose weight and get healthy for myself and my family.
  • Hi my name is Danielle and I am new to MFP. I will be 44 yrs old on the 28th of September and I am 5'3" and 160 lbs, it is time to get healthy and lose the weight !!!! I am glad to find a group of ladies who will help and support one another. I would apprieciate any words of encouragement.
  • confidentchic
    confidentchic Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've been following this group on FB and decided to join MFP for the October Challenge. I love the concept of black women supporting and uplifting each other to lose weight and feel more confident about ourselves. Peace and Blessings to everyone !
  • mrsccobb
    mrsccobb Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on this site off and and on but just recently got really serious. There is another group called PCOS United or something to that effect. Look for it on under community.

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    I don't have PCOS either, but I want to welcome you and wish you luck as well. Ive been actively using MFP for a week and find the site to be very helpful w a lot of supportive people. I hope u find it to be the same. U can add me if u like. And tht goes for anybody looking for support! =)
  • Knae22
    Knae22 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to get more active with MFP and found this group :)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome, feel free to add me as a friend :smile:

    I don't have PCOS but I hear reducing your carbs to under 200 helps a great deal with helping to lose weight when you have PCOS.
  • I dont have PCOS either but I wanted to tell you welcome and t encourage you on watching your carbs... I am on week two of the no carb challenge... this challenge jump starts your weightloss and really makes you more vigilent of what you put in your mouth...so far I have lost just under 6 lbs... Good Luck... and stay comitted!!
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Crys and I do have PCOS. Like a previous commentor said, there is a group for PCOS, im apart of one.
    As for the carbs issue, I've never heard of watching carbs to help with weightloss. What's most importatnt for us PCOSistahs is eating food that has a low Glycemic Index (GI) number. This helps balance our hormones, thus balancing our weight. I struggled with losing weight briefly, but that was until I stopped using Birth Control pills to treat my PCOS. Now the only thing i use to contorl it is clean eating and exercise


    Good luck to you and the rest of you ladies.
  • Trairbear
    Trairbear Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am also new to the group although I've been using the app MFP for quite sometime. Just looking for other members who are interested in sharing tips and info. Please add me as a friend as I am new and not familiar the the community yet.
  • LovelyladiC
    LovelyladiC Posts: 12 Member
    Hello All,

    I joined this group a little bit ago, but never said anything until now. I workout at least 4 times a week with a trainer and I jump rope every weekday morning. Although I have the workout thing down, It's hard to stay focused on eating healthy because I LOVE to eat. So i'm looking of some type of motivation to help me make better choices more often than not so that I am not killing myself during my workouts for nothing. I look forward to learning something new from each and everyone of you and making some new friends also. :happy:
  • Hello everyone and I just wanted to say.... thank you.........thank you....thank you...for the support when I do good..for the support when I need the push.. and the support when I slip.....And I'm here to do the same for you....Together we can move mountains and apart it will be harder on us....I will be turnng 50 next July and I want to be drop dead sexy in a red slingy dress with an sassiness to match. So with that said I say let's get this party started and get to dropping those lbs....one lb and one day at a time.....
  • Jimisha16
    Jimisha16 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! My name is Jimisha and I'm new to this group and mfp all together. I was looking for my sistas on here and glad I came across this group. I'm a 30 year old wife and mother who has a lot of weight to lose.I currently live in Anaheim, CA. I've given myself a goal of 10lbs a month so I hope that with the help and encouragement of others I can meet this goal. Please feel free to add me as your friend as I am in need of all the help/encouragement I can get for this journey. Really hoping to get this weight of for once and for all and adapt to a more healthy lifestyle not just for me but for my family too. God bless everyone and looking forward to all of us helping each other to meet our goals :happy:
  • My name is Crystal (36) and I live in Atlanta, but was born and raised in Alabama (Home of the Beautiful). I stopped smoking cigarettes on April 22, 2012 (Doctor said High Cholesterol and it was my confirmation to stop). I was scared that I would gain weight, but since I was already overweight my weight did not go up. On September 1st I stopped eating Pork, Beef and Turkey on October 1st, I joined BWLW and started the October Challenge as I weighed in today I lost 9.8 lbs (I will update my tracker tomorrow).