
Hello everyone. My name is Gypsy and I've been overweight most of my life. I've been up and down the scales too many times to remember. Each time it seems to get harder and harder to take it off. My mobility was being compromised with each pound. It was difficult to walk and I spent most of my time sitting in front of the computer or on the couch. I left the apt only when it was absolutely necessary because walking was too painful. I'm a short person, 4' 11 and weigh twice what I should. I have high blood pressure and borderline diabetic. I joined MFP several months ago but didn't really get serious about it until August 2 when I found myself with chest pain and extremely short of breath when I tried to walk to the bathroom. I vowed then and there to make changes and I have. My SW was 250 lbs. I started logging my food and walking around my livingroom for 10min at a time 3 times a day. It wasn't easy but I did it. Today I am walking 3 miles at a brisk pace outside 7 days a week. My goal is to be able to do 5 miles daily. My husband bought me a fitbit and I'm loving it. I shoot for 10-15,000 steps a day. My husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes and he's on this journey with me to get healthy.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and help support each other on this journey.


  • Hello everyone. My name is Gypsy and I've been overweight most of my life. I've been up and down the scales too many times to remember. Each time it seems to get harder and harder to take it off. My mobility was being compromised with each pound. It was difficult to walk and I spent most of my time sitting in front of the computer or on the couch. I left the apt only when it was absolutely necessary because walking was too painful. I'm a short person, 4' 11 and weigh twice what I should. I have high blood pressure and borderline diabetic. I joined MFP several months ago but didn't really get serious about it until August 2 when I found myself with chest pain and extremely short of breath when I tried to walk to the bathroom. I vowed then and there to make changes and I have. My SW was 250 lbs. I started logging my food and walking around my livingroom for 10min at a time 3 times a day. It wasn't easy but I did it. Today I am walking 3 miles at a brisk pace outside 7 days a week. My goal is to be able to do 5 miles daily. My husband bought me a fitbit and I'm loving it. I shoot for 10-15,000 steps a day. My husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes and he's on this journey with me to get healthy.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone and help support each other on this journey.

    Hi Gypsy. I am so glad you are here. This site is so good for great pals and encouragement. I love that you started walking around your living room 10 min x3. That is the way to start. little and go big, which you certainly have. Good job and congrats to you on the 3 miles each day. I have no doubt that you will be up the 5 in no time at all. I hope you will join us in our weekly goals, they have been quite fun. We look forward to hearing more from you. I would love to have you as a pal, if you like. I will send you a request.
  • Thank you :) I'm looking forward to being an active member of this Group.
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck to you Gypsy. Ths is a wonderful site and the people are great. Just take it one day at a time.

  • Thank you Mary :)
  • Welcome Gypsy. I, too, am new to the group. You express your commitment to getting healthy very well in your post. I believe that is half the battle. I love my Fitbit as well. I walk between 10000-15000 steps a day too. I also have made a goal of 10 flights of stairs per day which is a challenge here in Florida in my 1story house. Luckily I work at a three story school.

    Using Fitbit and this site has given me the incentive to keep at it.

    Best to you and your husband as you do this journey together.
  • northo49
    northo49 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome Gypsy,

    I'm new here as well but this seems like a nice group of folks.

    I may have to get a Fitbit, especially if it records calories from climbing stairs. I do them at work but I'm having difficulty getting "burn" information.

    Take good care,

  • Thank you for the welcome Tammi and Bill :)

    Anyone feel free to Friend me if you like.
  • Hi Gypsy, I am fairly new to this site also, and haven't posted before. I am in my 60's, 4'11". I
    started at over 200lbs and have lost about 67lbs, most of it before I started with MFP. I was
    also prediabetic, and had difficulty exercising at first, but am walking and using the stationary
    bike most days now. Both age and height and in my case, arthritis, make it hard to lose
    weight and to maintain. We can all use support. Please feel free to friend me if you like.:smile:
  • Hi joanmarie64
    We are very much alike and almost at the same point in our journey. We can do this.
    Friend request sent :)