


  • jessica81993
    jessica81993 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Jess, I'm 19 and I started the plan on Monday.
    I've been training since the start of the year, but never focused on diet so much as I didn't really have a goal, I just liked the way exercise made me feel. Now I've decided I need to tune my diet to help complement my training. It wasn't terrible in the first place, but I thought, with the help from everyone in this group, it may help steer it into the right direction.

    I currently weigh 66kg (145.5 lbs) hoping to get down to 60kg (132 lbs), but it's not absolutely necessary. I weight train 4 days a week, so I'm worried that during phase 1 I may be losing muscle and not fat. I need to start doing more cardio, but its not my ideal type of training, so If anyone is able to help make it fun, it would be great :)

    Thanks for reading, and have a great day :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, Jess !

    Welcome to the wonderful world of SB ........Phase 1 just gives our bodies a chance to start over, sort of a "sugar detox" ...... and usually laying off junk food & sugary stuff, plus eating a few extra veggies, can jumpstart a round of weight loss ......later when you start SLOWLY adding in foods, you learn how those foods affect you ...... I found it to be a wonderful learning experience :drinker:

    BTW, good job with the training !

    Mary Ann
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    When I found this group a couple of weeks ago I joined. I just have been looking in now and then.
    My name is Debbie and I am 57 years old and still struggle with my weight. I am trying to reach onederland by 1/13.
    I have 2 days left on my first week in phase 1. I am amazed that the cravings have stopped!
    I am down 4lbs since starting SB.
    I wont be doing the 30ds. But I will be doing Leslie Samone walk a way the pounds.
    Looking forward to being active in this group and getting on to phase2
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Debbie, sounds like you've got a great plan in action ..... and walking is a terrific exercise ..... I lost 40# just with walking !

    How lucky you are that the cravings have stopped already ...... mine haven't even after almost 2 weeks ..... and I know this because my boss said he's putting out Halloween candy next week ........ and I started drooling :laugh:

    Have a great day !

    Mary Ann
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Thank you for the welcome.

    I had a slow day I only logged 8798 steps on my Fitbit. I usually have 11-13000 steps a day. That is for my job. I just finished my food log and i was a little under on all my counts. I had 28 carbs?? This is still fairly new to me I have always counted calories.
    I am still reading the book.

    Have a great is on GO RANGERS:bigsmile:
  • Welcome, Jess and Debbie, our newest members,:flowerforyou: and of course Claire, our matey from down under. :flowerforyou:

    So happy to have you all join us...I do believe the SBD is the best program out there. It is meant for making the diet a lifestyle and not just a quick weight loss program and then go back to old eating habits and regain all your hard work.

    Mary Ann and I met on the SBD website...Mary Ann is a model student...not gaining back any of her weight.

    I had lost 40 (went from 175 to 135) but gained back 11 do to sloppy choices ... I am here to clean up my act.

    Today is day 14 for me on P1 and all the cravings are gone...just not sure how much I lost...sure do not feel like it is much. But I am ok with that since my main objective was to reset my body...and not be in search of sweets all the time.

    Anyway, ladies, great to have you along for the ride. Do post your questions and concerns. And someone will be by to help you out.

    Btw, my diary is open only to friends of this group, so if you wish to see it, just friend me.

    Wishing you all the success in the world living on the beach! :drinker: :heart: -nanc
  • chancegardner
    chancegardner Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks to all who post here- it's good to work together on our fitness goals!

    I am finally taking time to introduce myself after about one week.
    I'm 57 years old, married, with 2 grown children, and work a full-time desk job (no exercise there)
    I like gardening and cooking (lots of fresh veggies - hurray!)
    My background - I've always been overweight.
    My last attempt to lose was with the a very low carb (like Atkins) eating plan - it helped me lose 15 pounds and that was good, but the carb allowance was too restrictive for me.
    As I understood it, I didn't need to worry about the amount of fats. So, guess what -- I didn't! So, I was too liberal with both carbs and fats - I wasn't sticking to it. I didn't gain back the 15, but wasn't losing either.
    My highest weight was 275. Stayed at 260 for a very long time.
    I had a wakeup call a month ago when I found out I was hypothyroid and pre-diabetic (don't know why I thought that couldn't happen to me)
    I saw a nutritionist who said the South Beach plan was an option for me.
    And I we discussed 3 goals:
    Track my food intake
    and exercise 3 times a week (building up to 5x/week)
    watch my portion size (she said I WAS making healthy choices, but overdoing the amounts)

    It's been one week, I've lost 8 pounds (hurray)
    I'm tracking (not hard with the food diary here)
    and I love the fall weather here, so I've really been enjoying bike rides and kayaking.
    I've had a few headaches this last week - don't know if its from SBD or the change of the season?
    But NO cravings.

    I may need an alternative exercise plan when it gets cooler (don't have funds for a treadmill or health club, maybe I'll walk the mall on lousy days?) Other suggestions?

    BTW, my husband lost about 50 pounds on Atkins (guys are so lucky!)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, Kathy ..... glad you are making changes !

    Four years ago I started eating SB-style & began walking each day ...... each week I'd up the mileage a bit ...... yes, I was lucky to have access to a TM on bad days ...... but would also walk around the mall once or twice BEFORE shopping ...... same thing at the supermarket ...... and I still do that to this day ....... (maybe I should get a life :laugh: )

    Finally, after my doctors urged me, I joined a gym ...... most days I go after work, or early on the weekends ....... I do cardio, lift weights, yoga, Zumba ....... whatever keeps me moving ......

    Happy losing :drinker:

    Mary Ann