say hello

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  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    hello.. im Summa.. fellow high prolactin disorder which caused my period to not come for well over a year. started going to an Endo and learned I had a microadenoma (small cyst on my brain impacting my pituitary gland - increasing my prolactin levels). The peroid is back but no sign of pregnancy. Ive been married two years (as of last Wed) and my hubby and I would like to start a family. On ly thing is IM well overweight and would like to lose 30-50# before conceving. giving my lack of being able to get pregnant guess its buying me time, cept IM struggling to lose weight. I was prescribed bromocriptin quite some time ago but it makes me feel so dreadful dont think Ive taken it for a full week in the year Ive been allegedly on it. Simultaneously Ive been diagnosed with Rheumathoid Arthritis and taking prednisone for that - fortunately the prednisone helps my flare ups so I take only .5 the dose and managed to take it at night to avoid the increased appetite side effect (which Ive proven to be absolutely accurate). After checking out this post it totally makes sense why it may be harder for me to lose weight this go around than ever before - these conditions are hormonal and very likely making it harder for my body to lose the fat. Also in the past 5 months Ive begun exercising regularly and appalled that IM not losing half as much as I would once upon a time ... but it borpy's comment about having to work out 3x as much as 'normal' people absolutely makes sense. Im averaging 1500 calories and started Jenny Craig about 2 months ago and IM still struggling to lose 10 pounds.

    Ill continue to check in with this forum for updates. I met with my Endo today and he took blood again to check my levels and may recommend dostinex tho there isnt as much data to support dostinex results as Bromocriptin.. but at this point id prefer to take my chances and be on someting that makes me feel like crap 1-2 x a week rather than something than daily. to be out of sorts for 12 hours per day stinks especially since I work long hours, have tons of meetings, a long commute and try to put in at least a hour in the gym 5-6 days a week.
  • borpy
    borpy Posts: 38
    Hi summaryzn, i forgot to say welcome to the group :)
  • Nurturegirl
    Nurturegirl Posts: 82 Member

    I have elevated prolactin but not high enough to indicate the presence of a tumour. I discovered that my prolactin was higher than it should be because I was still producing breast milk two years after ceasing to breastfeed my youngest child. My periods have stopped as well. I am reluctant to take medication because of the risk of heart scarring from the drug that my G.P could prescribe. Sorry I don't remember the name. I am finding weight loss very slow since I started on MFP in August but generally speaking, even though I have a long way to go, I am already feeling the benefits of a change in eating habits and regular exercise. I will stop by from time to time to see how everyone is doing.
  • borpy
    borpy Posts: 38
  • syl160
    syl160 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for starting this group! I am at the start of this journey, waiting for more blood work to be completed. This will be so helpful, once I know more!
