Something still isn't working - please help?

Okay, I've run my numbers through a few (hundred) times, and I've been doing everything I'm supposed to do. Something is still wonky, so would you all mind chiming in?

Stats: Female, 39, 63 inches, 158.8 pounds,
37.8% bf, neck 13.5, waist 33.5, hips 41.5
I'm lifting "heavy" three days per week- Starting Strength/TNROLFW-style
some walking thrown in here or there, (diminished lately since I've sprained my ankle badly)

The F2F chart for my TDEE (putting current weight as goal weight) says:
Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1751
Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2006
Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2261
Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2517
Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2772

I started MFP on June 1st at 160. Lost five pounds doing the recommended 1200 calories, read more and got smart, and raised the calories. I gained back around 2 of the 5 I'd lost. Now the weight has been the same through the changes of eating 1300, 1350, 1450, 1500, 1550, and now 1650. I've neither gained nor lost. I haven't lost any inches, my clothes still fit the same.

I measure/weigh my food, don't eyeball (very often), and try to overestimate the calories when I am in doubt. My thryoid is under control.

Today's weigh in put me another two pounds up to almost 159, but through a weird coincidence, I had some sushi/Japanese three days in a row, so I suspect it's just sodium, but even before that, it had crept up a bit. I've been doing the 1650 calorie level for five weeks, and I haven't been eating any exercise calories back, per helloitsdan's recommendation in his IPOARM idea.


Thank you for any input. I really do appreciate it. As you can tell, I'm a bit frustrated, but still optimistic! I'd hate to throw in the towel right before spotting the finish line, you know? :)



    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi Elizabeth:flowerforyou:

    Sorry you're having such a time of this. I ran through your numbers through the Scooby site and got this:
    BMR: 1453
    TDEE at Lightly active (since you're not moving around as much, 1-3 hours of exercise): 1998-15%=1699

    when you start walking again bump it up to Moderate: 2253-15%=1915

    so you've got that right.

    I checked your diary and I'd say to rearrange your macros to P40, C30, F30

    I've seen people lose inches/fat just by tweaking the macros, less carbs more protein and fat. Try if for a couple of weeks, otherwise PM Lucia or Kiki.

    Hope the ankle gets better soon!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    It might does not sound like much, but I think it is great per se that you did not really gain (beside the 2 pounds that could be from sodium) during the time you were increasing your calories.

    Sometimes it really needs some tweaking with the numbers and the macros. The calculators are great, but they do only give you an estimate. Sometimes you have to change here and there a bit in order to find your sweet spot.

    I know, that can be really frustrating, but don't give up. Try to hang in there and keep doing what you do.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Stats: Female, 39, 63 inches, 158.8 pounds,
    37.8% bf, neck 13.5, waist 33.5, hips 41.5
    I'm lifting "heavy" three days per week- Starting Strength/TNROLFW-style
    some walking thrown in here or there, (diminished lately since I've sprained my ankle badly)

    I started MFP on June 1st at 160. Lost five pounds doing the recommended 1200 calories, read more and got smart, and raised the calories. I gained back around 2 of the 5 I'd lost. Now the weight has been the same through the changes of eating 1300, 1350, 1450, 1500, 1550, and now 1650. I've neither gained nor lost. I haven't lost any inches, my clothes still fit the same.


    Thank you for any input. I really do appreciate it. As you can tell, I'm a bit frustrated, but still optimistic! I'd hate to throw in the towel right before spotting the finish line, you know? :)

    So I don't like the F2F BMR calc anymore, because while you can input BF%, and they show you the BMR based on that, they used the least accurate Harris BMR calc in the table of TDEE actually.

    This spreadsheet will let you log your measurements too incase you are losing inches instead of pure weight at this time.

    And it has a newer TDEE calc based on newer studies than 1919.

    I show BMR based on BF% of - 1338
    TDEE based on 3 hrs lifting - 1768
    Deficit 15% based on goal - 1503

    When you start walking again, there is a line for walking activity depending on how fast you do it.

    And a bodyfat calc that may be more accurate, but at least lets you log more stats which is always good to see drop.

    There is also a Macros tab there to help confirm you got the protein down right, though the 40/30/30 is usually good enough to hit the recommended amounts.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks, guys! I've set up an appointment to have my RMR tested next week. I figured it's worth the money to take some of the guesswork out of the equation.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks, guys! I've set up an appointment to have my RMR tested next week. I figured it's worth the money to take some of the guesswork out of the equation.

    This may post again, or the one I did is being moderated and delayed.

    If you use the RMR results as confirmation of where the level is compared to where it likely should be, then good.

    If you use the results as basis for taking deficit, then not so good.

    Because you can lower your RMR if undereating for your level of activity. Not too hard to do if you've been about 300 below estimated levels. So just use it to determine if it is indeed where it is expected to be.
    And based on bodyfat % is better way to estimate where it should be.

    That spreadsheet has table at top for putting in your tested RMR. But first get your bodyfat % estimate, and see what it should be close to.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    The other has explain the other aspect of them all so I just come in to says sushi is actually high in carb because of the short grain rice. They may looks small but you have to be careful with them. One package of sushi can goes up to 600+ kcal a meal.

  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    The other has explain the other aspect of them all so I just come in to says sushi is actually high in carb because of the short grain rice. They may looks small but you have to be careful with them. One package of sushi can goes up to 600+ kcal a meal.


    Yikes! Fortunately, it seems that a lot of the calories are coming from the rice in a Nigiri-style sushi, which has some big chunks of rice under them, but I tend to eat vegetarian maki rolls, which are a bit lower in the rice content. Either way, sushi is pretty yummy!
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    This is just something I think most people forget is that we are meant to recalculate our goals after every 5lbs or so. (why you still kind of need the scale) Just a thought :)
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    That's amazing that all your numbers you posted above are almost exactly my numbers as well!! I am just learning about EM2LW and am stumbling around the site like a crazy woman looking for answers. All I know is what I'm currently doing is not working, so time to try something new! I will follow your progress and good luck!
  • inspirationalmom32
    inspirationalmom32 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I saw your post and thought that I would try to lend a helping hand.I know that the morev active you are the more calories you need to put in your body so don't set limits for your self.If you are lifting weights alot your not gonna notice alot of weight loss what your gonna notice is muscle tone.Muscle weighs more than fat.If you want to lift weights you need to eat more protien and less carbs.If you want to boost your fat loss eat more fiber and you will see a change.When losing weight you need to know about the risks and benifits of doing this.Your age,body type,motabolizum, and health is what you need to think about first.Never do anything drastic unless you talk to your Dr first.I have learned alot of things on my journey and I would love to help you and be be a friend if you would like.I have tried alot of things and nothing worked for me till now.I have lost a tottal of 55 pounds in the last 6 months and I have 81 more pounds to go but I'm gettin closer everyday.I lose about 10 to 12 pounds a month.So I say keep up the good work and don't give up...
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Hello! Some of you wanted to know how the test turned out. My Resting Metabolic Rate test this morning turned out to be below normal at 1207. Her calculations put me at 1666 for my TDEE. She wants me to drop to 1200 calories per day. She thinks I have not been gaining or losing because 1650 would be my maintenance. She couldn't really explain why I wasn't losing at the lower levels of 1300, 1350, 1400, etc, other than the fact that I wasn't weight lifting then. So now what??? :) I really appreciate your help!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hello! Some of you wanted to know how the test turned out. My Resting Metabolic Rate test this morning turned out to be below normal at 1207. Her calculations put me at 1666 for my TDEE. She wants me to drop to 1200 calories per day. She thinks I have not been gaining or losing because 1650 would be my maintenance. She couldn't really explain why I wasn't losing at the lower levels of 1300, 1350, 1400, etc, other than the fact that I wasn't weight lifting then. So now what??? :) I really appreciate your help!

    Comment in other thread.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    I don't see anything from you there.... ?
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Another thing - if you are only lifting, you likely won't see much change if any on the scale. That's a really poor measuring device to track progress when lifting. Make sure you track BF%, resting heart rate, strength improvements, and the way your clothes fit. Focus on what your goals are - a number on the scale may be the wrong goal.

    And you should be eating more than your RMR for sure. Take a small deficit from you total calorie burn (like 10% deficit) and stick with it for 6 weeks.