Dinner day 1?

sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
Hey guys. Was just curious about what everyone was making for dinner tonight. Would love if people posted pics and recipes too so that we can all get ideas for the month. I'm going super simple with baked chicken thighs and spaghetti squash. Will post a pic when I make it,


  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    I'm going to have a boring Day 1. LOL. Made pork loin yesterday while hubby was at work because I could put it in the oven and forget about it. I find that I do tend to rely on baked chicken a lot too - it's easy and hard to mess up. And then I make a few side veggies. I'd love to get more creative this time... we'll see. I don't have a smart phone but if I can manage to get organized enough to take and post pics I will - otherwise, I'll just look at everyone else's creations lol...
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I have a chicken in the slow cooker with yams and garlic and onions. I will probably have a small salad too (with balsamic EVOO dressing)
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I don't have pics, but I dry-roasted a couple of chickens yesterday and we are gonna have the leftovers. I am going to roast a bunch of veggies (mostly from the garden: beets, carrots, turnips, zucchinis) with the drippings for my folks and have a couple of cups of spinach with the leftover guacamole myself. For dessert folks get pears and grapes, I get raw organic Cheddar.
  • MizMelis26
    MizMelis26 Posts: 24 Member
    I'll be taking something i made previously in bulk out of the freezer lol Ratatouille, loaded with veggies, has chicken broth and tomato paste in it. Seriously delicious !
  • rusty1257
    rusty1257 Posts: 30 Member
    I have some roasted brocolli and some roasted carrots leftover in the fridge. I also made some pork "southern-style" ribs (looks like pork shoulder cut up) that I made in the crockpot yesterday. I think they'll all heat up OK for a tasty dinner.
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    looks like my dinner is close to everyone else's. Chicken breast backed in the oven with tomatoes, basil, EVOO and balsalmic. And lots of veggies. Hubby bought a large bunch of green beans from the store this weekend. I've been reading peoples thoughts on if they are paleo or not and I'm torn. lol. Some say no they are a legume and others are ok with it if they are cooked and because the actually more veggie than bean.. thoughts anyone?
  • rusty1257
    rusty1257 Posts: 30 Member
    Green beans are permitted on a Whole 30.

    It Starts with Food (re. green beans, snow peas and sugar-snap peas):

    "are an immature seed wrapped in a big, green plant pod. Since what you're eating is mostly pod (not seed), we don't think these three legumes have the same issues as the others. Besides ... if green beans are the worst thing in your diet, you're doing OK."
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I have class until late tonight, so I'm probably going to have a pretty boring dinner of chicken breast tenderloins and some kind of veggie before I pass out.

    breakfast was eggs and bulletproof coffee
    snack was a hard boiled egg and cashews
    lunch will be chicken tenderloins, apple with cashew butter,and avocado
    snack 2 will be an apple and avocado

    Definitely getting my fat in today.
  • healthylife4kb
    I made a smaller version of Paleo Pumpkin Chili with Turkey Breast instead of ground meat. It tasted great and was very hearty. http://www.thefoodee.com/recipe/5376/
  • MizMelis26
    MizMelis26 Posts: 24 Member
    Healthylife4k, that looks so freaking good !! I love pumpkin ! ( lol I have 16 medium freezer bags full in the freezer, and 5 more pumpkins in my parents garden that i have to pick in the next couple of weeks lol) That recipe is going to come in super handy after thanksgiving next monday when i'm going to have a boatload of Turkey leftover lol
  • singoldsby
    singoldsby Posts: 11 Member
    Today is going to be -
    salmon patties (trader joes) with a sauce made from homemade mayo, dill, lemon juice, and some garlic.
    roasted asparagus
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    I just cooked the sweet potatoes for this recipe (minus the maple syrup): http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/nikkis-sweet-potatoes-recipe.html
    Haven't got much futher planning wise than that. I may cook up some eggplant, and I also bought some additive/filler-free sausages.
  • sad0608
    sad0608 Posts: 10 Member
    dinner was simple chicken tenderloins avocado sauted broccoli and cauliflour and roasted acorn squash.

    I have to second the pumpkin chili withturkey can't wait to make it
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Shepherd's Pie from my Well Fed cookbook!! SOOO amazing!!! I had a great first day :D