Welcome!! :) Feel free to introduce yourself here!

Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
Welcome to the challenge!! You are one step closer to a stronger, thinner, sexier you!! :wink: Feel free to introduce yourself in a comment below!! And please update us on any questions or concerns you have. We are all here to support and motivate each other! :smile:


  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am Rebecca, 35 years old, married and mom of 2. I started Insanity back in June and did about 3.5 weeks of it. I loved it but got busy with work and started slipping. I want to get back into it though. I did like the workouts and felt results! I'm looking forward to doing this with all of you!
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome so happy for you to join us!! :bigsmile: nice to meet you Rebecca! I have done the same except finished first month got bored during recover week and it went down the drain from there. I love how much stronger I got. I was seeing results and my husband would compliment me almost everyday. I miss being that slim. I seem to be doing the yoyo dance with my workouts. I'll workout for a few days then give up and it goes on and on. So this time I will not give or or cheat and we'll see how great it goes bc I know it will! :wink:
  • 28shannon28
    28shannon28 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope its okay that I joined. I did the first month of Insanity last summer and it totally kicked my butt. My workout partner went out of town for two weeks and of course, I fell off the wagon. I really struggle with holding myself accountable, so I thought by joining a group it might help. Anyway, I'm excited to get started again on Insanity but I know it is going to be a challenge. :tongue:
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello!! I'm Jenny, 37 busy single mom of two girls. This is just the group I was looking for! So glad I found it and can't wait to start. :smile: :smile:
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope its okay that I joined. I did the first month of Insanity last summer and it totally kicked my butt. My workout partner went out of town for two weeks and of course, I fell off the wagon. I really struggle with holding myself accountable, so I thought by joining a group it might help. Anyway, I'm excited to get started again on Insanity but I know it is going to be a challenge. :tongue:

    Hey so happy for you to join us! :bigsmile: and same here! It's hard to be the only one in the house exercising AT HOME by myself which is why I made the group so we can all help support and motivate each other. Can't wait to start! :drinker:
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello!! I'm Jenny, 37 busy single mom of two girls. This is just the group I was looking for! So glad I found it and can't wait to start. :smile: :smile:

    Same here! I needed this! I tried Insanity before and loved it but it was a challenge and it does get tough when you're doing it alone and have no one there to motivate you or help you keep going. I am suuuupeeer excited! :bigsmile:
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hey I'm Liane. I'm 32 and have been married for 10yrs and I'm a mom to 4 little ones. We bought insanity back in Jan 2011 but by the time it arrived we were shocked to learn I was pregnant!! My hubby did the workout. He loved it and saw results. I'm excited there's this group on here and can't wait to start!
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey I'm Liane. I'm 32 and have been married for 10yrs and I'm a mom to 4 little ones. We bought insanity back in Jan 2011 but by the time it arrived we were shocked to learn I was pregnant!! My hubby did the workout. He loved it and saw results. I'm excited there's this group on here and can't wait to start!

    Hey Liane! I love your name by the way! I have also been having Insanity for quite a while and have done it on and off always giving up after a few days lol I made this group bc this is the kind of support and motivation I need to keep pressing play! So welcome and can't wait to start myself this is going to be hard but it's going to be every drop of sweat worth it!! ':)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hello! I'm Josalinn, and I just finished month 1, and attempted month 2...didn't happen. But this challenge group conveniently coincided with my plan to do month 1 again. So here we go!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! I'm Josalinn, and I just finished month 1, and attempted month 2...didn't happen. But this challenge group conveniently coincided with my plan to do month 1 again. So here we go!

    Good luck to everyone!

    Hey Josalinn! Same exact thing happened to me which is why I made this group so you are not alone at all!! lol
    Enjoy your last weekend! :wink: Lookout for my next topic in a bit its important I get everyone on the same page before we start. :bigsmile: Congrats on finishing the first month btw! :)
  • linette247
    linette247 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! Im so glad that i found this group!! Just what i was looking for :).

    My name is Linette, im 29, im from Dominican Republic but i live in Belgium right now. So, my problem is that i accumulate fat in my upper body, and i feel that i need a strong workout like Insanity.
  • HI I'm Shinjite. I have about 80 lbs to get rid of so I know I have several rounds to go. I am hoping I enjoy Insanity although I am sure it will totally kick my butt at least at the beginning.
    Let's cheer each other on!
  • jaimelb94
    jaimelb94 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm Jaime, I am a wife and mother of two daughters. Finished P90X a few weeks ago and ready for my next challenge. Can't wait to get started!!! Nice to meet everyone!!
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Jaime, I am a wife and mother of two daughters. Finished P90X a few weeks ago and ready for my next challenge. Can't wait to get started!!! Nice to meet everyone!!

    Hi Jaime nice to meet you and welcome!! :) I cant wait and have +been so excited!! Look out for my new post for details about tomorrow okay :)
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    HI I'm Shinjite. I have about 80 lbs to get rid of so I know I have several rounds to go. I am hoping I enjoy Insanity although I am sure it will totally kick my butt at least at the beginning.
    Let's cheer each other on!

    It def will kick our butts but together we can help eachother finish this 100% and we are going to be some hotter babes at the end on Nov 2nd ;) Lets do this!!
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! Im so glad that i found this group!! Just what i was looking for :).

    My name is Linette, im 29, im from Dominican Republic but i live in Belgium right now. So, my problem is that i accumulate fat in my upper body, and i feel that i need a strong workout like Insanity.

    This is so cool for you to be able to join us all the way from Belgium!! Must be beautiful over there! Insanity is def a strong workout and strong is exactly what youre going to be at the end of this round! :) Look out for my post in a few with details about tomorrow want to get everyone on the same page
  • himel13
    himel13 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! I'm Himel, from Bangladesh.. I'm 28 years old and have 30 VERY STUBBORN pounds to lose.
    I've been on and off exercise programs all this year, simply can't stick to anything! I think I need a push and accountability, so I'm glad I found this group. I will really work to stick to this program.. Hope we can all help each other rough it out!
    Btw, I'm hoping to start today with the Fit Test! :)
  • Hi! I'm Abby-my husband and I started Insanity this morning! Getting up at 5:30 for the next two months may be a little tough at times, but it's the only way I was going to get my husband to do it with me!

    I'm 25, have been married for 2 years (no kids yet), and am almost back to "high school me" but am trying to get rid of these last ten or so pounds!
  • Hi

    I'm Kirsty, mother of 1 daughter - starting insanity for the first time today - look forward to getting to know you all over the next month
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, my name is Brianna and I am a 35 yr old working wife and mother. I have a very busy schedule between a full time job, full time school online, and ministry work that I do. I have been doing P90X and running for the last 6 months. I am up between 5:30 and 6am in order to fit in my workouts. I just received Insanity a couple days ago and was planning to start in a couple weeks when I finished this round of P90X. I decided to go ahead and start today when I saw this challenge group. I happen to have today off work and will be doing the fit test with my 12yr old son when he gets home from school. He was my workout partner throughout the summer before football and school started. I am soooo excited and just a little bit nervous. Good luck to all of you and lets get this done right!!