Challenge: I (heart) you all! Smooches! 10/1

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
How was everybody's weekend? Good I hope if not we will turn it around today!!

Today's challenge is about your heart! How will you make it stronger and healthier today???
Are you willing to forgo french fries today? Trans-fat? Eat more fruit and veggies today?

Exercise harder with interval 30 seconds of 100% effort? Your heart is a muscle you know! It can get stronger just like your bicep can!

Stress will you help your heart? What relaxation techniques?

These are a lot of questions but pick on and concentrate on it not just today but for the next week. How will I make my heart better? We take for granted because it beats on its own...but what you DO and DON'T DO can make it better or harm it!

Here's to heart health!!!!!!!

PS sorry it is late today


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Ooooops! I did not read this till too late. I already scarfed some homemade fries. I hope it was at least better for me that I made (more like my husband) them, left the skins on, and used canola oil. Or is canola oil not so good?

    Oh well. But I will work the heart muscle. I will be watching a favorite movie or program while I walk, run, jump, and kick. I wonder how many calories it will burn and how long I will last.

    As for relaxation techniques, today I spent much of my day socializing with other home school moms and laughing. Wednesday I am going to go see a movie and have lunch with more friends, oh and Tuesday night a devotion with another friend. For me I relax when I socialize, whether with friends, family, or God. How about you?
  • Madaol12
    No fries.
    Walked on the treadmill for my heart and had a smoothie full of fruits and veggies (spinach, dragon fruit, pineapple, banana)
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    No fries
    Worked out on the ellipitical trainer for 55 minutes
    Had grapes, pineapple and green beans today!
  • arlene1554
    arlene1554 Posts: 10 Member
    Didn't exercise today, but I ate healthy. Actually only ate 2 oz. of meat today and ate lots of veggies. Kept the fat grams low. Drank 10 glasses of water today too. So, all in all, I didn't do too poorly even though I didn't exercise.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ms Arlene even if didn't exercise did great! Eating is a major part of battle! Think of how all the vitamins and minerals and antioxidants in the produce help make the blood and vessels stronger!

    Now Ms Lisa I make my own baked fries from potatoes I cut and I don't think them bad at all! I feel no guilt! So crunch on!

    Guys think of this because most don't have issues with the heart or feel anything is wrong until work on it now especially if you have a family history!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I did not bake my fries but I will nest time for sure. I did refuse a candy bar that my husband literally tried stuffing in my face. Yay me! Can you imagine how hard that was for me. I am a chocoHolic and I was stressed.

    Oh and I exercised for 56 minutes before bed.

    Thank you for the encouragement,

    I think you all did FANTASTIC!