Anyone else behind? Just started level 2.

JayMri Posts: 241 Member
I am running a bit behind with this due to a few extra breaks to let my knees rest. I started Level 2 this week. Other then my shoulders getting tired I actually think it's easier then level 1. Anyone else behind?


  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I am. Finished day 8 level 2 tonight. I do 30DS on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Weight train on Monday & Thursday. Volleyball on Friday, rest day on Saturday. Taking me forever to get to level 3
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. I do it Monday, Tuesday, Firday and Saturday, rest days are Wednesday and Sundeay and I have a work out class Thursdays. I wish I could get by with just one rest day but I just can't. And now I've caught a head cold so wasn't up to working out this morning.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm finishing no matter how long it takes so you're not alone :)
  • You're not alone. I'm behind, too, although I'm almost there. I finished day 24 this morning (L3D4)... Hoping to finish by Sunday, 10/7. :smile:
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Good job :)