tawnierose's Sept - Dec 2012 Round 1 - Classic

(I'd like the beginning of the week to start on a Monday so for the end of this first week there will be no rest day so that I can get that adjusted. Yesterday this cold was too much havoc on my body for me to even think about anything other than sleeping.)

Day 1 Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X. (No shoes for ARX with pausing to get each 25count done)

Foods fully logged for the day. (Will not be eating back cals tho I may go over my 1550 I've alloted to myself from time to time)

Energy level is maybe 4/10 (Just starting to feel a tad bit better from this horrific cold.. been a long time since I've been this sick!)

1 down 89 to go!


  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Way to recommit!! Glad you are getting back on that horse
  • tawnierose
    I am too scared to do plyo today!! lol I'm still pretty congested and coughing and even sneezing still.. I'm going to throw in a shorter less intense - or "intense" in a different way you could say - Cardio X and count that as today's workout.

    As I mentioned in another thread I'm going to just have a 13.5week program.. I think part of my problem with all these damn restarts that happen with me is I'm too much of a perfectionist! And yet I NEVER do anything perfectly lol

    I need to lighten up!!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Cardio X is a good idea if you are still sick. Nothing wrong with easing into week 1 either. Just push play everyday :)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Ok so how did the new week 1 go?
  • tawnierose
    Ok so how did the new week 1 go?

    This IS the new week 1! :) Today is official day 1. From scratch. I'm even starting with a new BB coach! Old one is fabulous.. love his site.. but 1 on 1 was very lacking... so I started working with someone new! He plans on creating a menu for me in few days thatll be for a week.. I'll have to see how it fits in with my real life. I'm only cooking for one.. which is a huge factor for me. I don't mind leftovers at all.. but in general don't enjoy cooking for just myself.

    I'm still only about 8/10 on energy level.. sneezing still happening from time to time.. coughing def there.. but that awful burning sensation is gone! So I'm ready to bring it!
  • tawnierose
    Day 2 plyo done! Was HARD due to lack of conditioning mixed with tail end of coughing/congestion.. but it was good!

    Also got in a good 50mins of biking too! Not continuous... during errands.. but it got done too!

    2 down, 88 to go!

    And proper food and water intake resulted in huge 3.8 drop.. hoping to see more until it "levels" out in day or two! Feeling SO motivated!!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    great job.

    Stick with it and do what you can during each workout.

    Can't imagine doing Plyo while congested.
  • tawnierose
    Day 3 Sharms and Arx one! (thanks for the reminder Dude!)

    I did Arx earlier... held my arms up for the beginning few.. paused as needed.. didn't time myself but it was definitely over the 20min mark! lol I don't care tho. I want to maximise progress as much as I can! :) I'm not looking forward to tomorrow when the pain comes! haha

    Did Sharms later in the day.. when I was more consistent earlier this summer redoing the same week over and over lol I was using my 10s for most of Sharms and wanting to get something bigger for the first set of each exercise.. sadly I had to use my 8s for some of it as I most have lost that much conditioning! But again I gave it my all and I can't ask for more than that!

    Yoga tmrw.. REALLY not looking forward to it.. not a fan. Way back when I got P90X the very first time I tried yoga x I was SO DISCOURAGED that I couldn't at least get thru the DVD... That 45 min mark or so - when everyone seems to have trouble in the beginning - I just COULDN'T do it no matter how many times I tried.. now I just skip that few min block.. and get to the second half. I figure doing MOST of the DVD is better than getting so pissed at myself and not even trying it at all! I will be doing that for the first few weeks.. maybe during the recovery week I'll try to go the whole 92 mins thru.. But I know for the time being for my sanity I need to just fast forward it and get on with the rest!

    3 down, 87 to go!
  • tawnierose
    great job.

    Stick with it and do what you can during each workout.

    Can't imagine doing Plyo while congested.

    Thanks! Today was definitely a trial in just pushing thru even tho I 'lost some ground'...

    There is NO way I would have been able to do plyo last week at all! I just can't imagine! I'm still tiny bit congested - this damn cold is lingering like crazy!! - and coughing sometimes just happens out of the blue.. even sneezes. lol
  • tawnierose
    Yoga X done. Hate it! But got (most of) it done.

    The parts I'm currently fast forwarding thru are the right angle pose stuff.. I just get bored of all that after everything leading up to it.. plus I can't quite hold them yet.. plus crane and plough/shoulder stand.. They kinda scare me cuz my husband is out of town all the time right now and if I happened to hurt myself there is no one here!

    By December hopefully I don't skip all that.. at least the right angle stuff.. but I'm happy I'm getting in as much as it that I do cuz it's definitely not that enjoyable for me!

    Happy to report that I "lost" another 1.1lbs.. sad that it is slowing down.. guess I'm hitting my "real" weight after the water weight and such... I log my weight every AM on Calorie Count - the site I initially started using in Jan 2010 when this journey started - because they have a trend line - it takes the last ten weigh ins and gives you an average which I like. I can't wait to see that start dropping again!

    4 down, 86 to go!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Looks like week 1 is going great!!! Very happy for you.
    Yoga X done. Hate it! But got (most of) it done.

    The parts I'm currently fast forwarding thru are the right angle pose stuff.. I just get bored of all that after everything leading up to it.. plus I can't quite hold them yet.. plus crane and plough/shoulder stand.. They kinda scare me cuz my husband is out of town all the time right now and if I happened to hurt myself there is no one here!

    By December hopefully I don't skip all that.. at least the right angle stuff.. but I'm happy I'm getting in as much as it that I do cuz it's definitely not that enjoyable for me!

    You are not alone. My first week I skipped the poses in that 45 min range starting with Warrior III as well. I did that based on the memory from my first P90X effort of how bad it was on my glutes and hamstrings. At one point my glutes got so tight that it took 2+ weeks for them to calm down.

    I also skipped crane and plough/shoulder the first two weeks.

    Today during my Yoga X I decided no skipping anything. So I did my best through the warrior III and after section. Tried crane (wasn't terrible but I did maybe a total of 20-25 seconds). Did shoulder stand. Got severe lower back pain attempting plow so I didn't' do it but I tired. Of course my glutes and hamstrings were crazy tight and my lower back hurts today from the 45 min section. I've decided not to try those again until week 5. I want my recovery week to be that recovery not overworking my glutes/hammy's.

    PS. Yoga belly 7 is a nightmare. I'm amazed that I can do ab ripper x without pausing but yoga belly 7 I still have to pause multiple times on. Holding those poses is murder. I think next time I will be skipping ahead to yoga belly 7 and doing that before the hamstring stretches. I'm not very flexible in my hamstrings so all these moves (warrior iii, fifer scissors, etc) just kill my hamstrings.
  • tawnierose
    Looks like week 1 is going great!!! Very happy for you.

    Today during my Yoga X I decided no skipping anything. So I did my best through the warrior III and after section. Tried crane (wasn't terrible but I did maybe a total of 20-25 seconds).

    PS. Yoga belly 7 is a nightmare. I'm amazed that I can do ab ripper x without pausing but yoga belly 7 I still have to pause multiple times on. Holding those poses is murder. I think next time I will be skipping ahead to yoga belly 7 and doing that before the hamstring stretches. I'm not very flexible in my hamstrings so all these moves (warrior iii, fifer scissors, etc) just kill my hamstrings.

    Thanks! I had a slight struggle last night.. food wise.. but I think in the end it was ok.. higher on carbs but better than what I wanted to do! lol

    Great job on your yoga yesterday! I'd love to do crane.. but would prefer my husband home just in case lol I find yoga 7 very challenging too.. in a different way than Arx! Which is fabulous eh? lol I was thinking next week I might try a different yoga.. won't be as long but maybe it'll be more enjoyable...
  • tawnierose
    Got Arx done. Hands held high paused to get in each set of 25. Was great!

    Ended up going out for a few hours and I'm too tired to get L&B done now. So will push Kenpo X to Sunday WITH X Stretch still getting done and plan on doing L&B tmrw with a bike ride at some point too.

    Will still be on schedule. Today's nutrition was perfect. Need to drink some more water tho.. seems harder now that it isn't so hot with the Humidexes anymore.. but I keep trying!

    5 down, 85 to go! (may think I shouldn't call this but I'm going to because I'm still going to make it work and be on schedule!)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Nice work!!! You are tougher than me holding those hands already in week one!! Crazy woman ha ha :)
  • tawnierose
    Dude.. well it's not really week 1.. I've been doing this on and off and on etc since APRIL! lol I just can't string together enough on days for nutriton to feel comfortable going forward with the program!

    The last few weeks - as I've put on too many lbs cuz of very spotty food choices - it's gotten HARDER! Yesterday I ended up being out the entire day.. so didn't do any official workout. So take that as the rest day. Today I got the L&B done.. and had intentions of doing Kenpo too.. but I just don't have it in me! My legs are a quivering mess!

    Tmrw arx, chest & back then kenpo! Will just need to be SPACED OUT! It's going to be a good sleep tmrw night that's for sure!

    Also being out all day yesterday I lost track of the food.. can't/won't even log it. Only drank 1.5L of water too.. so when I weighed in this AM it turns out to be a few lbs higher.. obviously not real.. lol but it sucks all the same. But my trend line on the other site went down so I'm quite happy with that!

    6 down, 84 to go! (Tho tmrw's double workout will fix it back on track!)
  • tawnierose
    Woke up and legs are STILL sore.. had a great day food/water wise yesterday but was up 0.2.. damn water/muscle crap.. haha Still going strong tho!

    So far short bike ride and Arx out of the way... Still have C&B on board.. and if my legs can handle it Kenpo.. may have to also up my food in order to handle all this work.. we'll see how the day goes on!

    My motivation is super high.. so I'm going to put me down as:

    8 down, 82 to go!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    How did it go? That would be a heck of a day to do C&B w/ ARX, bike ride and kenpo all in one day. Talk about tough!
  • tawnierose
    No Kenpo. Just couldn't even get started. Possibly I'll do one Saturday and Sunday this weekend? Might be good idea to counter Thanksgiving! Only attending one family TG dinner.. hopefully that doesn't change.. need all the help I can get!

    And my legs are STILL sore... lol But plyo on board for today! And short bike ride too. Tho I forgot to log ride and have already "completed" my day.

    I'm hoping tmrw these leg aches are done! I'm over it already!

    9 down, 81 to go!
  • tcemt
    tcemt Posts: 15 Member
    I totally missed September and started yesterday, Oct 1. Yesterday for me was Chest/Back and Ab Ripper X. I struggled through Ab Ripper X since I do not have any core muscles (prior surgery took them out) to complete the workouts. I pushed through as much of it as I could. I was impressed that although I couldn't do exactly what they were doing, I modified it enough to feel the work out today. This morning I got up at O'dark 30 and walked the dogs. Tonight is Day 2 of P90X. Now to work on my daily food intake.
  • tawnierose
    Do you pause during Arx? I am doing that now to get in each and every set of 25. Also I don't wear shoes for the time being to save that bit of weight.

    I look forward to hearing how day 2 went! I'm only a week a head of you.. just enough time to get in a full round before those dreaded "new years resolutions" rear their ugly head! ;)