Significant Other's Food is Driving Me Crazy!

Every time I seem to be making progress I start to get really tempted by my boyfriend's food. I try to eat on the same schedule as he does so I'm not always wanting the fast food or goodies he eats, but it doesn't always work out that way. He will bring home everything I shouldn't be eating. It drives me insane! I know it is 100% my fault and he cannot be blamed, but I have to vent on here.

I just restocked the fridge with only fruits, veggies, and MorningStar products for me to eat so hopefully this time around I can resist temptation. I have very little time to lose the weight I need to now. I feel so discouraged.


  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Do you live with your boyfriend? I took on all the cooking in our house so I can control what we eat. My boyfriend will eat whatever as long as I make it taste good. I'm lucky he likes veggies and isn't picky like some guys so that does help. It puts a little more work on me also, but I get to eat what I want. Also I have asked my boyfriend to hide his candy. He likes to buy it in bulk and has self control, I do not. So he has to hide it where I can't find it. You might want to ask your man to hide the foods you are most tempted by. And if you haven't had a serious talk with him, it's to to that. Sit him down with no distractions, explain why you want to lose, why it's hard, and how his choices have an impact on you. He probably doesn't realize how hard it is for you to sit there and be satisfied by a salad when he's munching down on some curly fries and bacon cheeseburger. Guys can be pretty oblivious to that kind of thing. Hopefully when you bring it to his attention he will make some adjustments to help you on this journey.
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, we live together. He isn't a huge candy person so that's good. He is a really big fast food eater and will just bring it home whenever. I've spoken to him about my goals, but I guess I need to talk to him about maybe not eating it in front of me. I'll start cooking more too! Thanks for the advice!
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Mine just doesn't even notice that he eats all my favourites in front of me. (He's 6'2 and I swear he has hollow legs). To be honest, I think that they are just oblivious to what they are doing. He always offers me chocolate when he is having some - not because he is trying to deliberately sabotage me, but because he just wants to share something yummy. Every night "no thank you" - out loud, but in my head "stop f**king asking me"

    I'm sure your fella wouldn't deliberately try and sabotage your efforts.

    I do all the cooking - and I plan our meals out for the week so there is no chance for takeaways at all. I make all my lunches for work, prepare all my snacks the night before. As much as you can, prepare everything in advance - it is a HUGE help.

    So I think the answer is that as much as you can - prepare everything in advance, and then ask him nicely to just not put that stuff where you can see it. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member
    Spangey13 YES! It takes a lot of effort to say "No thank you!" It sounds silly, but it really does! You're right, they aren't doing it on purpose, but I yell in my head too.
  • I'm with you! My husband eats whatever he wants and still looks great. It's so hard to be diligent with my diet with so many tortilla chips and pizzas around! Especially during football season :p

    Agree with kelsey, try to take over the grocery shopping/cooking and make meals for both of you. it will cut down on the junk in the house and on the bills. Stay strong!!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Spangey13 YES! It takes a lot of effort to say "No thank you!" It sounds silly, but it really does! You're right, they aren't doing it on purpose, but I yell in my head too.

    Yes!! Sometimes mine asks me twice, like "are you sure you don't want some of this chocolate?" and I'm like it was so hard to say no the first time, now you want me to say no again!!! lol. men.
  • This is such a great discussion! I really thought that I was the only one out there with this problem... My fiancee pretty much lives on fast food (pizza, cheeseburgers, pasta, etc.) and because we are both super busy and he travels a lot we typically only cook on the weekends when we have the time. It drives me absolutely crazy because I love all of these yummy foods that he eats, but sometimes, I feel like just looking at them makes me gain weight. The worst part is that when we first started dating (3.5 years ago) I was 128 pounds and in the best shape of my life (14% body fat). Unfortunately, I tried to keep up with him, and I ended up putting on about 15 - 20 pounds the first year we were together and I have been battling to take it off ever since... :-(
  • Marvi120
    Marvi120 Posts: 24 Member
    Just because you are thin doesn't mean you are healthy. Just remind yourself that eating healthy is better than eating unhealthy. You just feel so much better. Think to yourself how bad fast food is, increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It kind of takes the fun out of it. When you are making healthy choices, envision yourself as strong, healthy and capable of making wise adult decisions.
  • lmwfrosty
    lmwfrosty Posts: 16 Member
    I do all the cooking - and I plan our meals out for the week so there is no chance for takeaways at all. I make all my lunches for work, prepare all my snacks the night before. As much as you can, prepare everything in advance - it is a HUGE help.

    Exactly this! My hubby has a totally opposite diet from me, no matter how hard I try to convince him. Planning what you eat and when makes a huge difference. I take my lunches for work and school, and I find recipes to plan dinners. To be fair, we have crazy schedules and don't often eat together which makes meal planning a little easier (i only have to cook maybe twice a week). I always keep plenty of produce and lighter options around for packing meals, so there's really no excuse to eat crap.
    If you absolutely can't avoid temptation when you're with him (his house, or out to eat), do everything on your terms. Make him come over to your place, or you choose what to cook. Good luck!