New member

I am a breast cancer survivor looking to lose weight after treatment. Finding it hard to lose weight since treatment. Looking for motivation.


  • Ambermarigold
    Ambermarigold Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Quppy,

    Welcome to the forum. Thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. I joined only yesterday too. Like you, I've also had the majority of my BC treatment. Be nice to find a few people to encourage each other to meet our goals. Feel free to keep in touch.:wink:
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I wish I had all the answers!! - I have started working out 30-45 minutes daily using Leslie Sasone Walk Away the Pounds DVD's - I actually gained 8 pounds since starting to workout faithfully, but in 3 weeks I'm starting to see a difference in my waistline...I'm also tracking my food faithfully and drinking water like there is no tomorrow - I'm really hoping in the next week or two I see another pound lost, but the exercising makes my whole day go better overall so I guess if nothing else that is something - I don't know if the Tamoxifen is holding me back from losing weight or just because I have so much to lose, but I'm hoping when I go back for my Oncology followup in December to see a difference in either the scale or my pants size!!! - Any advice would be greatly appreciated and/or tips that are helping you!!!!

    p.s. - I had a gallbladder ultrasound and when I go the results they said my gallbladder was good, but they found spots on my liver - I had to have a CT scan the next day to rule out cancer...and thank God that was negative....but.....the thought of having cancer that has spread scared me to the point that it is now or never!! - They did say I have a fatty liver so hopefully if I keep exercising they will see less fat on my next scan!!

    BE GOOD TO YOU!!!!

    hugs - Danette :)
  • SurvivorMay2010
    SurvivorMay2010 Posts: 9 Member
    good morning. well, so far this is working. i lost 1.2 pounds. i wish there was something to help me get the numbness out of my feet though. have had since chemo and it is so uncomfortable at times. but, i guess cant have everything work. at least i am on my way to better health.

    have a great day.
  • Gorger
    Gorger Posts: 100 Member
    Hello Quppy!
    That's great that you lost your first couple of pounds... after those first initial few pounds it gets easier. The numbness sounds horrible. I've had some strange numbness in my feet too. It has all gone away since I started to exercise. I joined a gym called Curves and most of my numbness, tingling and balance issues have resolved themselves. Are you taking Vitamin D? I also found that to be beneficial.
    I only have a few pounds left to lose. Slowly, I've lost 20 so far. I eat as much as I want but I chose low calorie foods. Last night I ate a bowl of cherry tomatoes with soft mozzerella cheeze, drizzled with fresh basil and balsamic vinegar. Not many calories in that. It's not how much you eat, it's what you eat. You just have to learn how to make vegetables taste good. They are so good for you and have very little calories. Eat nothing 'beige' and you don't have to work very hard to lose weight.
    I wish you much success and if you need motivation, please feel free to come back here, we are all here to help each other achieve our goals.