what are your weekly calorie targets?

Hi, so I get that IF isn't a magic pill, its a way of controlling calorie intake. However, over the course of the week what calorie goals are people aiming towards? I can't get my head straight on this, eat less to lose, eat more to lose....its starting to grind me down a bit! So much so that I end up not really counting at all, I just skip breakfast or just have a coffee with milk and hope that it is enough. I also find that I still want to eat crap, and by not eating breakfast I am somehow justifying eating a load of chocolate biscuits instead of a proper lunch so I suppose that isn't great either. But skipping breakfast is relatively easy and so does seem a good way to reduce calories.

But how many calories to stick to over the week?! I am 5'3, 172 lbs and lightly active. Was at the beginning of female body breakthrough but pulled my knee last week and so I will be off to a slow and delicate start!


  • Womberbat
    I average out about 600 cals on fast days, as I am doing a 3/4 split.

    I tend not to worry about it too much, I found if I eat breakfast on the day I intend to fast I can get through the day without feeling the need to munch on anything.

    In regards to the callories, again I dont sweat it just aim to have a normal breakfast "for me" which ranges from 400 to 600 cals, and sometime depending on dinner the night before as much as 1,000 cals.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I am 5'1 weigh 110 and burn about 3000 cals a week through exercise. I have my cals set on a TDEE basis to 1340. I actually find I lose so little on that I try to eat to 1200.

    I do 16:8 and eat two meals and a few snacks. I try to make the food I eat as nutritious as possible as my cals are low, but I do allow some treats eg I eat a square of chocolate a day and I have a healthy banana and fig bread slice I have started making. Feel free to check out my diary, I think it is public.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, I am fairly new to this and have certainly made some errors. This week I am trying to do 16:8, properly, having said that went out last night and had icre-cream at 9.00pm. within my normal week I have been having two days @ aprox 600 cals the remainder at aprox 130, which is my Tdee- 20%. This means when I do go over, as in last night, I am still well in my weekly calorie zone. If I exercise I eat back some. Even tho it has been a bit of a yoyo I have still been losing aprox 1lb per week.

    Give it a try, you wont fail, log everything and you can use it as a learning curve to see what works for you.

    Good luck!
  • edwardhson
    Try using www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ . It basically calculates your macros, and caloric intake and you can input your carb/fat split, and your cut/recomp/bulk %. Mine is at a +10%/-30% 1800 on rest days and 2400 on workout days.
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    Try using www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ . It basically calculates your macros, and caloric intake and you can input your carb/fat split, and your cut/recomp/bulk %. Mine is at a +10%/-30% 1800 on rest days and 2400 on workout days.

    Nice link. I'm checking it out right now. Seems pretty detailed!