Check in 10/3/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Good morning ladies,
What's going on with you guys today? I'm on week 3 of TF. I believe JamirahMUA and ShallaLovee are on week 3 too. Today's a rest day. What alternate workout will you be doing today? I may try a Jillian Michaels workout DVD that I have. If it's too complicated, I'll go back to my tried and true kettlebell workout.


  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning! Rest day for me too. So excited to have it because my knee and my back isn't feeling to good hopefully they feel better because I don't wanna slack on my workouts tomorrow. I will probably play Zumba today and dance around when I hear one of my favorite songs come on LOL. Hope you ladies have a great day!
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Good afternoon i played some Wii games and did a Jillian Michaels kickboxing workout. i hope everyone has a great day!!